When the show ‘Secret Life of the American Teenager’ debuted in the summer of 2008, it presented viewers with an intriguing scenario: a 15-year old incoming high school freshman got pregnant her first time having sex when she was at summer band camp, being seduced by an older boy who had a ‘bad boy’ reputation. The show’s first season addressed how everyone involved, from family and friends to the girl and boy, dealt with the issues of teen sex and pregnancy. For my wife and I, it was a great way to share a ‘question raising’ experience with our tween boys.
That was a long time ago in TV years, and by the second season the show had fallen into the typical teen soap opera cliche of rotating partners. We missed many episodes, and have skipped the entire third season which apparently involves yet another teen pregnancy! The ironic thing was that for a show supposedly about the consequences of teen sex but very quickly fell into being a show ABOUT teen sex!
Anyway, over at they picked up a great video edit someone made showing just how many times in a one hour episode the word ‘sex’ is used. That number is 70, or more than twice per minute once you take commercial time and titles into account! And based on my experience and remembering this episode (from Season Two), they didn’t go cherry picking a specific episode to maximize that number – by the second season they were ALL like that!
Here it is:
Oh … and ‘sex’.
Source: Buzzfeed