From time to time my wife mentions apps she has found or heard about that might be good for the Blue Plate Special. The other night as we watched the news in bed she said, “You should make that word game you always play the Blue Plate.” At this moment I realized, I had a problem with playing Word Scramble Challenge Edition. For some time I have played the game some before bed and just about any other moment I had time to kill. A while back I reviewed the game before it was in its current form which you can read here. It is still basically the same game with some updates, but I decided it was worth it to mention again since it is easily my most played and possibly used application on my iPhone.
Word Scramble is still the same great game I reviewed a while back but with some added features. To play the game, simply slide your finger to link letters that spell words. Work as quickly as possible as the time ticks down. You can set the time to be either two or three minutes. Each game board will be a random draw of numbers. You can set the game to be 5×5 or 4×4. I like to switch back and forth as a change of scenery.
The score is displayed on the upper left hand corner. The bottom left hand corner contains two bars. One is your current level. After a set number of words, you will level up. As you can see, I have reached level 180 and had 71 of 250 words found. The mastery will earn achievements in within each theme. The time is kept at the top right of the screen. My recommendation is to not watch any of these settings and concentrate on creating as many words as possible. Each level mastered will earn credit for the store which are used to purchase new themes which also means new achievements.
Achievements are earned for scores, word lengths and letters. As you continue to earn them, a count will be kept. There are also achievements for each theme. Once I fill them, I always move on to a new theme.
If you get bored playing alone and just working on earning new badges, several methods of multi-player are available. You can pass and play, add friends to play from Facebook or GameCenter and play live online. I have began playing online almost every game. I still get credit for my scores and achievements while playing a group of people live. Unfortunately for me, some of these people are unbelievably good at the game. I work furiously the entire time limit and seem to always fall short. I have been ranked as high as 7th a few times and will keep fighting to get into the top three.
Word Scramble Challenge Edition is by far the most addictive game I have ever played. I literally have to force myself to put it down. It truly is my most played game on my iPhone and I do not see that slowing down anytime soon. The game is free from Zynga with ads. Before you freak out, the ads are always in a bar at the bottom and will not bother you one bit. Game play alone makes this a great addition to your IOS device, but having several options to play friends or online make it a must have. Go get the game here in the app store for free. Do not complain to me when you cannot put it down. I warned you!
What I like: Super addictive. I love playing online live.
What could be improved: Some of the possible words are off the wall. I will never be able to earn the achievements for words discovered since I have neve seen of most of them.