LaserPecker 4 Dual-Laser Engraver Review: Spark Your Creative Side on Almost Any Medium

The Lowdown

The LaserPecker 4 is an easy-to-use and set-up portable laser. It is packed with features and can be used to finish some amazing projects. The dual lasers are great since they allow nearly any material to be engraved and automatically set which laser is needed for each project.



  • It is easy to set up
  • It has dual lasers
  • The extensions are easy to assemble and use
  • Precise engraving every time
  • Unlimited materials can be used


As a son of a successful artist, I enjoy designing and creating projects. A perfect outlet for this need is a laser engraver. There are endless projects that can be made. I recently received a LaserPecker 4 Dual-laser Engraver to review and have loved the opportunity to make some great items, even though I have only begun to scratch the surface of all it can do.

The LaserPecker 4 is the world’s first portable dual-laser engraver; its name was inspired by combining the words Laser and woodpecker to get LaserPecker. Its dual lasers allow almost any material to be engraved, making it a useful and wide-ranging device.

The package I received includes the LP4, rotary, and slide extensions. It also includes everything you will need, including tools, measuring tape, and a ruler. Clear instructions are included for assembling the laser and the two accessories.

Contents of the LaserPecker 4 box

The 10W 450nm Blue Laser engraves Wood, Acrylic, Glass, Leather, Ceramic, Paper, Stone, Metals, and more. With the proper settings, the LaserPecker 4 can also cut wood up to 8mm and acrylic up to 5mm.

The 2W 1064nm Infrared Laser artfully engraves Stainless Steel, Aluminum Alloy, Gold, Silver, Plastic, and more. Having dual lasers is a game-changer. The design app automatically chooses the correct laser according to the engraved material.

The LaserPecker 4

Assembly is easy and only takes a few minutes. The instructions are detailed, and all of the hardware is in the small toolbox. I ran the laser in no time, testing it on the supplied wood pieces.

LaserPecker 4

Images are easy to align and upload via the LaserPecker app. Once the image is ready and the material is chosen, a preview will appear on the material with a red laser; you simply raise or lower the head unit until the red dots align into one. This can be done on the app as well as on the laser itself.

Once everything is aligned as you like, you can start the engraving. The exhaust fan cover connects via a magnet and helps dissipate some of the smoke and fumes the laser produces. It is the same orange color as the included safety glasses to help eliminate eye injury. It is a must that when working with the laser, you use eye protection.

LaserPecker 4 engraving on wood

I ran the LaserPecker 4 on a few different materials and was completely blown away by the simple loading and engraving. While it is easy to use, the laser is precise and detailed.

Below are a few items engraved to show different materials and settings. Each of them came out perfect.

Metal business card made with the LaserPecker 4

Once you get the workflow down, it is easy to keep engraving. However, as easy as it is, there is still so much to learn and discover, from materials to techniques.

A cork coaster with a design made with the LaserPecker 4

The LaserPecker 4’s accessories are also easy to assemble using the included instructions. They are connected to the laser via USB-C and then ready to use.

The slide extension greatly enlarges the laser field. To ensure the desired outcome, take extra care in measuring the image and finding the center of the material to be engraved.

LaserPecker 4

The slide extension is turned on in the app, and once it is set, the laser does the rest, and a perfect engraving will appear each time. We did this cutting board to donate as an auction item at a family reunion, and it was well-liked.

Engraving a wood cutting board with the LaserPecker 4

The LaserPecker 4’s rotary attachment also works once the app is turned on. You will need to measure the engraved piece, but it is straightforward.

The rotary extension includes the rotary head with three different chucks to hold materials and a leveler. It is important to keep the piece completely level.

LaserPecker 4's rotary extension

Once all settings are entered, the LaserPecker 4 rotates the extension to complete the engraving. The rotary extension can be used to engrave custom tumblers, water bottles, glassware, and jewelry.

Engraving a mug with the LaserPecker 4

The LaserPecker website has many materials and accessories available to buy that work with the LaserPecker 4. The LaserPecker Craft Zone is a great place to get new ideas on what can be engraved. There are also many tutorials and instructions to help you learn the settings.

Wooden cutting board engraved by the LaserPecker 4

The LaserPecker 4 is an easy-to-use and set-up portable laser. It is packed with features and can be used to finish some amazing projects. The dual lasers are great since they allow nearly any material to be engraved and automatically set which laser is needed for each project.

I look forward to trying even more materials and designing new gift projects. The rotary and slide extensions open up a whole new level of projects. They are easy to assemble and use, and the same precise engravings are always achieved.

Since the LaserPecker 4 is portable, it can be used anywhere and will not take up a large space in your craft area. The laser head does not move, yet the engravings are precise and are completed quickly. This laser will be a device my family uses often!

The LaserPecker 4 with Rotary and Slide Extensions starts at $1999; it is available directly from the manufacturer. You can use code  GD10 for a limited time to get 10% off!

Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample

What I Like: It is easy to set up; It has dual lasers; The extensions are easy to assemble and use; Precise engraving every time; Unlimited materials can be used

What Needs Improvement: Nothing

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About the Author

Travis Ehrlich
Travis is a high school teacher and coach in a small South Texas town. His love for gadgets began at a very early age, and he has been a cross between a jock and a geek for most of his life. He has two boys and a wonderful wife who lets him be a gadget freak. He is a Mac convert and has drank the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid! He is also an avid guitar player and loves the outdoors, especially hunting with both a bow and rifle.

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