Bodies are wild and unpredictable ecosystems sometimes. When you feel draggy, foggy, or just a little off, there’s no easy diagnostic panel you can run to figure out why. Or at least there hasn’t been. Abbott Labs uses its experience with continuous glucose monitors for diabetics to bring that level of understanding to everyone with its Lingo device!
Lingo App + Biosensor
Even if you’re not diabetic, your blood sugar matters. Glucose spikes can make you grumpy and foggy, craving more sugar to undo the crash. Long-term repeats of spikes and crashes can put you at risk for pre-diabetes or even diabetes or cause bodily inflammation, which is bad for your heart. Also, keeping your glucose stable makes you less likely to snack randomly. Again, bodies are whole ecosystems, so one thing off balance really can cause a cascading effect.
Lingo is Abbott’s answer to “Why are bodies so weird?” It can’t fix that, but it can help monitor glucose spikes even if you aren’t diabetic. It’s a continuous glucose monitor, meaning you wear it 24/7 and see how your glucose looks throughout the day. Blood tests give you a random snapshot of a period of time, while continuous monitoring tells you that your 2 p.m. “slump” is worse when you eat PB&J instead of salad for lunch.
There are a few ways you can leverage Lingo to improve your health. The device’s app integrates with Apple Health and lets you integrate your workouts, diet, and sleep into the information it’s already pulling from your glucose monitor. Over time, it can give you more detailed and personalized ideas of where you might want to make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle.
You don’t have to commit to a long period of time with Lingo, either. They’re offering multiple plans, ranging from “Learn,” which is checking in for two weeks for $49 (one biosensor lasts two weeks), Build ($89 for two biosensors and a month of monitoring), and Transform (12 weeks of monitoring, $249, six biosensors).
I like that it will monitor sleep patterns and can integrate with Apple Health.
Interesting. I hope they add Android support soon.