Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7″ with Android Honeycomb – Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

Recently the Acer Iconia A100 Android tablet went on sale, and I have had a couple of weeks to play around with one and formulate some opinions. Dan also grabbed one, and we had been chatting about the Iconia back and forth until he returned his. Even before I got the A100 there were a few things I had read about it that were troubling, and other things that had me quite excited! I wanted to document some of the great things about the tablet and latest version of the Android OS … and some things that make the moniker ‘Amateur Hour’ all too fitting!

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

The Acer Iconia A100 Android tablet is the first 7″ tablet running Android 3.2 Honeycomb OS, and features a laundry list of desirable features. In fact, before I get into the good & bad discussion, let’s take a quick look at the specifications:

  • OS: Android 3.2 Honeycomb
  • CPU: NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core mobile processor (1.0GHz)
  • Display: 7” Multi-Touch Capacitive-Touch Display, 1024 x 600 resolution, 16:10 aspect ratio, NVIDIA GeForce Graphics
  • Memory: 8GB eMMC storage (16GB available), MicroSD up to 32GB
  • Cameras: 5MP rear-facing camera with auto focus with single LED flash; 2MP front-facing camera
  • Connectivity: 802.11b/g/n Wireless (802.11n 2.4GHz only), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
    Ports: Micro USB 2.0 port, Micro-HDMI out (support for 1080p and dual-display), 3.5mm combo jack, DC-in jack for AC adapter, docking station port
  • Battery: 1530 mAh Li-polymer battery with up to five hours of battery life
  • Dimensions: 7.68(w) x 4.6(d) x 0.50(h)-inches
  • Weight: 0.92 pounds
  • MSRP of $329.99 (8GB model at Walmart only)

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

Looking at that list makes the Iconia Tab drool-worthy on many levels, but of course as many Android tablets are learning … specs don’t mean a thing if the tablet doesn’t deliver a solid user experience. And most so far … have not. So I bought a new Class 4 16GB Micro-SD card and loaded up the Iconia with some of my standard apps and put it to the test. Let’s see what I love … and what I hate!

Why It Is Great

  • OS: Android 3.2 Honeycomb: unlike other tablets I have played around with, most running Android OS 2.2 or 2.3 or perhaps the early Honeycomb 3.x releases, the Iconia A100 is running the ‘latest and greatest’ OS release, 3.2. This is designed for the tablet from the ground up, and is tailored to work with the larger screen area and different use cases a tablet presents.
  • Performance : running a dual-core processor with 1GB of RAM gives the Iconia loads of room to operate. Multitasking is smooth, and the graphics performance is there for any app that requires it.
  • Size: this is worth a picture – here is the Iconia on top of my LiveScribe ‘Lined Journal’ and next to my Livescribe Echo pen. It is an absolutely perfect size for me to carry around all the time. It reminds me much of the old Handheld PC Windows CE devices – but thinner.

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

  • Connections and expansion: I would never buy a 8GB iPad or iPod Touch, because once you commit to the device you are done – and that isn’t enough space for me. With the Iconia I could grab the 8GB model and load up a 16GB MicroSD card and have loads of storage for cheap (and since I nabbed the SD card for $16 on it was a trivial add-on!). Add to that the 3.5mm audio output jack, HDMI (micro) output and USB connectivity and you have a great setup for doing just about anything.

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

  • Touchdown: Touchdown is an app that allows Microsoft Exchange users to have an elegant client on their Android device. Not simply get email, which all of the current smartphones can do (provided you have a standard Exchange server configuration with ActiveSync) … but a true mobile client. Better still – it is the ONLY way I have found to deal with our company’s non-standard Exchange implementation until they transition from Blackberry to their ‘beyond Blackberry’ program later this year. I have used this since 2009 … and it just keeps getting better, including tablet support.
  • Indirect app installs: I love that I can have my Iconia plugged in and charging downstairs and see a new app on the market (like a G5 game) and simply choose to download it with the Iconia as the target, then when I go downstairs it will be on the tablet.
  • Navigation: I already love Google Maps and Navigation on my Motorola Droid Pro (even if how it got there was an exercise in draconian anti-competitive tactics), so when I found that the Iconia had a built-in GPS that would allow me to play around in Maps via WiFi then use Navigation when driving … it was excellent!

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

Why It Is Crap

  • OS: Android 3.2 Honeycomb: Honeycomb on the Iconia is the very latest version, and it is definitely more mature than the earlier 3.x devices I have played with. Yet it is far from stable and complete – I have reset the device completely six times in the last two weeks due to instability, weird behavior or total system slowdowns. I haven’t installed too many apps and kept system utilities off until they are released for Honeycomb, yet there are just oddities that mark the OS as not quite there yet. Last winter that might have been acceptable, but after a year it should be at least as good as the iPad in April 2010 … but it isn’t. Also, there are loads of inconsistent UI decisions – many tasks now take more movement around the screen than before, and the notifications menu and how built-in apps deal with removing notifications is erratic. Also, the cool graphics at top and bottom take up way too much space on a 7″ device.
  • Android Market: I wanted to call this out separately, but it is a clear sign of the Android Honeycomb experience and how Google treats users. Android Market runs in landscape mode. If you are reading something in portrait mode that sends you to the market the screen switches to landscape and you are forced to rotate the device. Even if you enable rotation lock – which is your unequivocal way of saying ‘don’t switch to landscape’ … the Android Market switches to landscape. Sorry Google, you failed user interface 101.
  • Screen shape and viewability: when it first arrived I spent over an hour with a brand new Xoom, and found that the screen width to height ratio was just plain wrong. It might have worked for a demo of watching movies, but once you tried to get to usability for portrait mode … it was garbage. The Iconia is acceptable for reading ebooks in portrait mode, but not much else. To make matters worse, the viewing angle is just terrible, particularly in landscape mode – which is how you will typically use the Iconia! So if you decide to set the Iconia flat and read emails or RSS feeds or whatever, you will need to view from a very tight angle. I have taken to using an old Palm Touchstone charger I have – it is the perfect angle for me!
  • Too many apps just don’t work: Until the very latest build (Sept 2nd), the Kindle app didn’t work at all … and still crashes too much. Facebook won’t install. The internal social app Yammer we use won’t install. MOG starts but really doesn’t work at all. Spotify is spotty. Hulu … Crackle … Netflix … and on and on and on. Heck, I can load Facebook on my iPad and look at the crappy 2x screen – but Google decided to ‘protect me’ from Facebook on my Iconia.
  • It’s an App-centric World … and Honeycomb is just too far behind: there have been many folks who have said that ‘it isn’t how many apps you have, but rather if you have the RIGHT apps’. I agree, and would add ‘and if the apps have all features necessary’ and say that no OS is worse about that than Windows Phone 7 in terms of ‘app spam’ in the market, and existing apps (like Slacker) being pruned down crap. But over the last year or so I have built my world around the iPad, and am serious in saying that aside from a couple of programs specific to my work as a statistician I could replace my work PC with the iPad. That is not even close to being true for Android. Aside from the OS polish, Android breadth of apps for music playing and production, office productivity, Mac and PC interoperation, statistics, media consumption and creation, and on and on. Then there are the games … I will say it again: there isn’t a single game that plays better on Android than iOS, leading me to think that the OS is inherently inferior. And trust me … I’ve tried!
  • Build Quality: there are two issues here – fit & finish, and the screen. The image below shows the Iconia next to the iPad. One was cleaned the day before, the other one hasn’t been fully wiped down since April. Both are used for hours each day. Yet the Iconia screen is an absolute mess. I have no idea what sort of oleophobic technology Apple is using, but it makes a huge difference, and makes the Iconia look cheaper. Speaking of which, on my iPads every element is perfectly formed and fit together. On the Iconia there are loads of slightly mis-matched edges and way too much plastic. The difference is massive.

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7" with Android Honeycomb - Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets

  • Connection Confusion: Here is a scenario: My work has a ‘guest network’ with a funky configuration. On my iPad, if I let it go to sleep for a bit and then try to open a web page it will go through the reconnection process and I’ll be all set. Same for OpenFeint games, and pretty much anything looking for a network connection. On the Iconia, it will simply sit there and eventually fail unless I head to the WiFi setup manually and then to the web browser to step through configuration again. Oh – and the web browser can’t already be open or it will fail.
  • More Connection Confusion: I have a nice Apple BlueTooth keyboard, and would love to use it with the Iconia. I have used it with Apple devices, HP and Lenovo laptops, and Palm phones and tablets, all without issue. With the Iconia I was able to get the system to see the keyboard, and then to identify it and ‘pair’, I have yet to find a way to get it to be usable as an input device. I know it works with other Android tablets based on forums, but it sure as heck isn’t a simple user-friendly process!


As I said from the start, the Acer Iconia A100 tablet represents everything good and bad with Android tablets. It is cheap, offers great performance with the dual core Tegra 2, has a solid resolution that allows for viewing videos and playing games, and offers the full experience of the Android 3.2 Honeycomb OS. But that is part of the problem – Honeycomb remains a ‘but you can fix that by root/hack/ROM’ OS, not really a completely satisfying user experience. I find Froyo on my phone a much more logical fit than Honeycomb on the tablet … there is something that simply doesn’t scale as elegantly as iOS does from my iPod Touch to my iPad.

I love the 7″ size – after playing with a variety of tablets and realizing that nothing approaches the iPad, I realized that something on the size scale of the old Handheld PC (like the Jornada 728 I still have) would be perfect. But I feel the aspect ratio is still wrong, the build quality is mediocre, the screen is very much lacking … and on and on. For every great thing I see, there is at least one lousy thing to say.

But I do think that Android tablets are making tremendous strides in terms of the overall experience, and as more and more developers bring apps to the platform it will continue to grow and finally become realistically competitive rather than just being a bunch of me-too clones. Until that day, try to get some significant hands-on time before buying any Android tablet to be sure it fits your needs. For some, the very flexible nature of Android is enough to overlook the warts, but for many expecting a top-notch consumer experience – or even something on the same level as Android phones – they will find that Android tablets have yet to graduate to the big leagues.

Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7″ with Android Honeycomb

Where to Buy:

Price: $328.00

What I Like: Performance; size; Android OS; some Apps; flexibility; connections and expandability

What Needs Improvement: Android still half-baked; too many missing or non-working apps; mediocre build quality; inconsistent performance and implementation of standards

Source: Personal purchase

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About the Author

Michael Anderson
I have loved technology for as long as I can remember - and have been a computer gamer since the PDP-10! Mobile Technology has played a major role in my life - I have used an electronic companion since the HP95LX more than 20 years ago, and have been a 'Laptop First' person since my Compaq LTE Lite 3/20 and Powerbook 170 back in 1991! As an avid gamer and gadget-junkie I was constantly asked for my opinions on new technology, which led to writing small blurbs ... and eventually becoming a reviewer many years ago. My family is my biggest priority in life, and they alternate between loving and tolerating my gaming and gadget hobbies ... but ultimately benefits from the addition of technology to our lives!

13 Comments on "Review: Acer Iconia Tab A100 7″ with Android Honeycomb – Everything Right & Wrong with Android Tablets"

  1. Great writeup Mike and spot on. There were aspects of the device I loved and aspects of it I didn’t and you pretty much hit them all. 

    This time around I didn’t even bother to tell Thomas about it lest I see him start taking bets on when it would go back. Truth be told, for email alone it is pretty handy and I AM increasingly sold on the 7″ form factor. I just couldn’t get past the build-quality and wonkiness of Honeycomb on it.

  2. Michael,
    I was hoping for a better outcome of the device. The review was fantastic and pretty much answered any questions I had. The only disappointing part is that Acer did not come through on this one. Ill be keeping my 7″ Galaxy Tab and waiting for a better 7″ alternative. Great write-up Michael, thanks for saving me some cash. 

  3. Good and fair review.  I think my takeaway is: don’t run and go buy the most current device.  The EeePad has none of the issues with crashing that the Iconia a100 has and any that it does have are app specific and almost too few to even note….will keep note of them for my full review. Asus has been great at patching the critical issues speedly.  Unfortunately the weirdness with the market happens on my EeePad too….that’s probably all Google. 

    No Facebook is a major complaint of mine too.  That’s NOT Google’s fault.  If it was, then the iPad would have an optimized app.  I will say that we should be able to use the phone app, but I’ve found a better app.  Checkout Friendcaster Beta for Honeycomb.  I tried that and after a reboot it was very stable and good.  Allows me to do much of what the phone app does.

    Also, no Yammer stinks too.  Fortunately the web browser works well on the EeePad.  

  4. Good and fair review.  I think my takeaway is: don’t run and go buy the most current device.  The EeePad has none of the issues with crashing that the Iconia a100 has and any that it does have are app specific and almost too few to even note….will keep note of them for my full review. Asus has been great at patching the critical issues speedly.  Unfortunately the weirdness with the market happens on my EeePad too….that’s probably all Google. 

    No Facebook is a major complaint of mine too.  That’s NOT Google’s fault.  If it was, then the iPad would have an optimized app.  I will say that we should be able to use the phone app, but I’ve found a better app.  Checkout Friendcaster Beta for Honeycomb.  I tried that and after a reboot it was very stable and good.  Allows me to do much of what the phone app does.

    Also, no Yammer stinks too.  Fortunately the web browser works well on the EeePad.  

  5. Interesting thoughts Joel.  Here is some points they raise:
    – If the message is ‘don’t buy the most current’, what does that say?  I mean, Android devices are pretty much outdated after 6 months, so if you don’t get the latest and greatest, there is a 75% chance you will never see OS updates, and the hardware compatibility won’t improve and so on.  It is a real conundrum particularly for tablet buyers.
    – As for the Facebook/Yammer/Hulu/Netflix/Crackle/etc issues … while not specifically Google’s fault, I just wonder who IS blocking apps from running in compatibility mode … the world has been trained to expect apps to just work, even if that means 2x mode.

  6. This is very much a side issue, but I’m thinking about the whole cam-in-a-tablet issue. I definitely want one on my iPad facing me, so that I can do some kind of teleconferencing; that would be a real boon. But does anyone really use a rear-facing cam on a big tablet? I could be wrong–God, I’m wrong all the time!–but it seems to me that it would be better to have the high-quality, 5MP cam facing you, and the other one facing away. For me, taking a picture with my tablet would be a last-resort–why not use my cell phone?–whereas I would definitely want good resolution in a conference call or some such.

    Just a random thought.

  7. Thomas R. Hall | September 7, 2011 at 1:19 am |

    I love the idea of the 7″ form factor, but alas, no single Android tablet has matched the iPad for me yet. Just like it took two years for Android on phones to be “usable” by everyday consumers, I think the same is the case with Android tablets. I personally wanted to love the HTC Flyer, but it just doesn’t do it for me. And Honeycomb isn’t quite there yet, as Michael mentions.

  8. Agreed man.  Really would like an official Facebook app but can live with Friendcaster for a while or just use the browser.

    I think some vendors just have a special kind of idiocy with Android….for some reason they just don’t do enough QA so the roms suck for a little and then they issue a fix patch right away that fixes most of the issues.

  9. Um….no because I’d look like a total tool.

  10. As an add on to that….why don’t the teleconferencing programs like Skype allow you to switch cams mid call?  Could be MEGA useful!

  11. If you take a look at the Iconia and realize that it is about the same size as a Kindle, with the camera mounted in the center I actually don’t mind using it for pictures – but the shutter is terribly slow!  I have already taken more pictures with the Iconia in 2 weeks than with *both* of my iPads combined in the last 1.5 years!

  12. Nice review.  Just got done playing with one.  Had promise but is going back.  Honeycomb 3.2, the most current release, but google video rental won’t play or allow local storage because the device is “rooted”, but it’s not.  Google OS, Google player don’t like each other?  Sometimes the launcher just freezes for a few seconds?  Battery life with continuous wifi and downloading apps/books/music/movies simultaniously appears to be 3+ hours?  I tinkered for 2 hours and the battery dropped to 33%?  Gun Bros app force closes?  THD app Galaxy on fire needs to download several hundred meg to be able to play but never completes?  I discovered another paradigm while evaluating.  Any decent content is going to take a long time downloading.  Takes me back to DVD based games or UMD.  Would be more satisfying to have immediate “play”.  Not sure how that sales model would work.  MicroSD’s preloaded with content?  I wanted to like this tablet but the viewing angle issue in landscape, battery life, and apparent OS too advanced for the app marketplace to be fully backward compatible with the 80% of apps written for 2.x is really disappointing.  I’m not an apple fanboy but have to admit that their stuff does just work.  Unfortunately only their way and their price point.  Guess I’ll keep shopping…

  13. Kenneth Muller | November 11, 2011 at 10:11 pm |

    Acer a100 is a very good tablet do not know what you mean

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