Project Title: tablift – The Missing Companion to The iPad
Status: Seeking funding with 9 days to go as of this post (July 2, 2012)
Closing Date for Funding: July 12 at 8:-4 p, est)
URL of the Project: Find it here.
From the Creatives:
tablift is a simple yet elegant solution for using your iPad hands-free in bed, on the couch, or in your favorite cushy chair. Although there are many accessories for propping up the iPad, most are made to be used on tables and desktops. However, over half of tablet use takes place on the couch or while lying in bed. Surprisingly there is very little available for the places we most often use our tablets.
Who at Gear Diary Backed It: No one at this point
At What Level Did We Back: NA
Why We Backed It: NA
How’s Communication From the Creatives Been?: From the emails we have gotten it is clear the creative behind it is concerned they will not reach funding. We’ve seen a few projects we backed not fund to completion so this is a reasonable concern.
What Has the Experience Been: NA
Would You Recommend this Kickstarter Project?: The tab lift looks like something that will certainly accomplish its intended goal. At the same time, It looks to lack the refinement that is so much a part of so many iPad accessories. Add in the fact that I’m not completely sure I would actually use it and, honestly, that’s why I have not backed it.
Have you backed the tablift? If so, let us know why in the comments.