Hale Devices Kickstarts the Dreamer Alarm Dock


To date, I am aware of only one dock for Android and that was the Sonr Symphony.  I reviewed an early version of the dock here on Gear Diary. Hale Devices is Joe Born’s new name for Sonr Labs, and the Hale Dreamer picks up where the Symphony left off. Today they are kickstarting the Hale Dreamer Alarm Dock on Kickstarter.

The Hale Dreamer combines both a physical dock with software to help control the phone while it’s in the dock. The software enables the hardware features of the dock like a real snooze button and more. It also includes what they call a Smart Silence feature.  This will silence all e-mail notifications and phone calls except those callers that are extremely important like your boss, work, or family members. The Hale Dreamer is also promised to work with 100 percent of the Android devices out there.


The app itself also will include clock faces like the Nixie Tube one shown above.

The Kickstarter is trying to raise a total of $35,000 to make it happen. Pledging at least $59 will get you the Hale Dreamer with shipping to happen in November 2013.

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About the Author

Joel McLaughlin
Joel is a consultant in the IT field and is located in Columbus, OH. While he loves Linux and tends to use it more than anything else, he will stoop to running closed source if it is the best tool for the job. His techno passions are Linux, Android, netbooks, GPS, podcasting and Amateur Radio.

2 Comments on "Hale Devices Kickstarts the Dreamer Alarm Dock"

  1. Sounds good, but I believe that ihome has a bunch of android docks.

  2. Ahh I haven’t seen those yet! Back when Sonr had their original those did not exist. Thanks!

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