At CES 2016 we had the amazing chance to see Elton John in action. And while the volume at the stage wasn’t as bad as we have experienced at similar concerts it was still loud and required earplugs in order to protect our hearing. Massdrop has an amazing Drop that will get a pair of custom earplugs for under $100!
Yes, we were this close and yes, it was loud! The earplugs we used worked well but were off-the-shelf. As such they didn’t do as good a job as they could and they weren’t as comfortable as they could have been. That’s where the current Massdrop offering comes in. This drop will let you spend some quality time with an audiologist (you’ll have to cover that yourself) and, in the end, get a pair of earplugs that are custom made for your ears.
The Massdrop page explains just what these are:
Made from super-soft hydrophobic silicone, the EAR Inc. Custom Audiophile Earplugs offer custom-molded protection against water and loud noise levels from music, wind, power tools, shotgun blasts, and more. They offer the same reliable tissue-to-tissue fit as the original Insta-Mold Series produced to great acclaim since 1971, plus improved durability and flexibility for long-term wear. Eliminate the discomfort of expanding foam earplugs and the hassle of bulky earmuffs—and personalize the aesthetics, too.
Normally these earplugs cost north of $100 but, thanks to Massdrop and its group purchasing power you can get them for less than $90.
- US standard NRR (noise-reduction rating): 32.8 dB
- US standard NRR (per EPA-1979 adjustment factor): 29.8 dB
- US standard PAR (personal noise rating): 33-35 average
- European standard SNR: 29 dB
- Australian/New Zealand standard SNR: 28 dB
- Frequency: 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz, 3,000 Hz, 4,000 Hz, 6,000 Hz, 8,000 Hz
- Mean attenuation: 25.1 dB, 30.2 dB, 33.2 dB, 34.2 dB, 36.1 dB, 37.9 dB, 40.8 dB, 42 dB, 40.4 dB
- Standard deviation: 1.7 dB, 3.7 dB, 3.8 dB, 2.3 dB, 3.7 dB, 4.7 dB, 4.3 dB, 5 dB, 3.5 dB
You simply visit an audiologist after joining and send the molds in. A short time later you will have a pair of custom earplugs that not only do their job but are also custom made to your ears. Your hearing is precious and irreplacable. Isn’t it worth $89 to protect it?
Interested? Check out the drop here!