I came across an anonymous quote recently that said, “Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.” After spending a few days with Mazda and their new CX-5 and Miata MX-5, I think I can safely say that driving a Mazda managed to break the monotony and bring the adventure without the hurt!
Mazda is on the rise, refining and improving their vehicles to bring them to a new level of style and function. We learned a lot about Mazda, their goals, and their cars, but today I want to focus on what really struck me — their commitment to design.
Most cars today feel a bit … generic. Each maker has their own style, but the cars all seem to blend. In particular, every compact SUV seems to have the same design, where they all look like a soap-bubble on wheels. The worst offender by far is the Honda CR-V, which seems to inflate like a balloon each generation. And while there’s a lot going on inside every car, the layouts can feel cramped, random, or completely unintuitive.
Mazda is aiming to blow all that out of the water. Their designers take style very seriously, and the driver’s experience is paramount. In the case of the Miata MX-5, it’s details like how the body roll feels on turns, giving you the sensation of being in complete control while also allowing you to truly feel the car’s gravity shifting. One designer likened it to the sensation of skiing, and it’s a very apt comparison. You feel the road, but you don’t feel unsafe or out of control.
The Miata MX-5 looks fab! Well, actually they both do. 😉