A number of (many) years ago I needed to create a new email address. I initially thought about using rabbidanielmcohen@ but that seemed a bit long. At the time one of my “kids” (now well into her college career) had taken to calling me “Rabs”. It was kinda cute, and I ended up using the email address of rabbidmc@. It was some time before the first person told me that, at first, they thought my email address was rundmc but by that time too many people had, and were using, the address. It stuck.
I guess that’s why an email from Run Tee MC caught my eye.
The whimsical t-shirts are amusing and, better still, they make people do a double… or triple take.
Some of the T-Shirts have an attitude.
Some are… uhm… retro.
One references my favorite movie genre (not a joke), and one references the best damn computer OS ever…
The fun thing was that Elana was the one who came home today, saw me in the t-shirt and did a double and triple take. Then she laughed and said, “Great idea!”. Better still… the t-shirt is super comfy.
The color selection is good and the $19.90 price… well, it is what it is. Check out all the options and order yours here.