I wrote here about the iOS 6 WiFi bug that seemed particularly bad on the iPad Mini. Well, things haven’t improved, and many folks have been struggling with WiFi on their iPad Mini and iPhone 5 since release.
For me, I managed to work around everything, but then last week suddenly I couldn’t connect to my home WiFi network but the rest of my vast sea of devices were fine. A couple of calls and the iPad Mini was in a box headed back to Apple … now I wonder if all I needed was this update. For the sake of others in the same situation as me, I hope so.
According to this Knowledge Base Article, the update:
Fixes a bug that could impact Wi-Fi.
The update is available OTA (over the air) or as a download through iTunes. CultOfMac has links to the manual iTunes downloads, or just check your device. And you’ll need WiFi for the download … how ironic.
Cool! Now if they can fix their Bluetooth software so that it’s more reliable . . .
Thanks for the tip! I’ll be updating tonight.
I’m updating mine now; I haven’t yet had any issues on my mini (64GB 4G), but better to be safe than sorry. I’ll also need to upgrade a 16GB WiFi, and that’s the one I’m a bit nervous about. =P
You need wifi for the update? I’m assuming you can still update using iTunes and connecting it to a computer, right?
I might be getting an iPad Mini for Xmas. (sure enough that I went out and bought a cover, a “just in case” case.).
Yes – either WiFi or by directly connecting to your computer.
With Apple updates I tend to err on the side of caution. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and so forth 😛
My Mini and iPhone 5 have been ok so far.