Whooz? Are a Huge Hit at My House

Whooz iPhone and iPad Character Sets

Whooz? iPhone and iPad Character Sets

On Christmas morning, as packages from under the tree were divided into piles and then opened, I got what would turn out to be one of my biggest Christmas surprises: the best gift was something I had stuck into the girls’ new Jon Hart bags, almost as an afterthought — Whooz iPhone and iPad Character Sets!

Kev’s youngest daughter stopped everything to start installing a set on her iPad charger, and Kev’s oldest daughter was right there with her.

Let me back up for just a moment.

Everyone in my house has an iPhone or an iPad (or both), and it is a common thing for one of the girls to ask Kev or me where their charger is — as if we were keeping track.

It’s also pretty common for cables to mysteriously disappear, and we are used to hearing one of the girls telling the other to “give me back my charger!!”, or “my headphones!!” or … you get the idea.

Evidently this is pretty common in homes with multiple Apple product users, and that is the problem that Sativa Turner, a San Francisco-based designer, set out to solve when she created Whooz? as a Kickstarter project. I backed at the $35 level in order to receive all four sticker sets.

As promised, the Whooz? sets arrived in time for the holidays, and they were a hit!

Whooz iPhone and iPad Character Sets

The girls were cracking up at the drawings and their respective names, and in no time at all we had Whooz? installed on every iPhone and iPad charger in our house.

Now we know exactly which set belongs to whom, and we know whose earphones are whose. $9.95 gets you a set of four iPhone or iPad stickers (cute characters or solid colors), and there are sizes included that will fit the old cable or the new Lightning cables.

Whooz iPhone and iPad Character Sets

I’m hoping that Whooz? will come out with a line of MacBook charger stickers — not because we need them to tell whose charger is whose, but because they are so darn cute!!

Is it a chore to keep up with which chargers, cables, or earphones are whose at your house? Whooz? can help!


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About the Author

Judie Lipsett Stanford
Judie is the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of Gear Diary, which she founded in September 2006. She started in 1999 writing software reviews at the now-defunct smaller.com; from mid-2000 through 2006, she wrote hardware reviews for and co-edited at The Gadgeteer. A recipient of the Sigma Kappa Colby Award for Technology, Judie is best known for her device-agnostic approach, deep-dive reviews, and enjoyment of exploring the latest tech, gadgets, and gear.

9 Comments on "Whooz? Are a Huge Hit at My House"

  1. I LOVE this! We suddenly have 5 sets of Lightning chargers and 4 sets of earpods around our house, and know whose stuff is whose is something …

  2. Nice comment but we know better… you just wanted to be able to write “We suddenly have 5 sets of Lightning chargers and 4 sets of earpods around our house” 🙂

  3. Absolutely – I mean, who really CARES about which charger is which … and the boys tear through their earbuds so quickly in general that won’t need ID either 🙂

  4. LOL you’ll suddenly care whose charger is whose when you can’t find YOURS, and no one else has any idea where it is or what happened to it (and you certainly didn’t move it) — yet they all have THEIRS. 😉

  5. Oh boy, those are really cute. But are they only for iphones/ipads? Because I don’t do itoys, I’m an android girl.

  6. Hi Corrine, unfortunately these are iDevice only right now. I’m guessing that the best way to change that would be to write the people at Whooz? and show some interest. =)

  7. I actually chuckled at the wonderful irony at someone taking a superior Android vs. iOS attitude trying to belittle ‘itoys’ while pining after something that is incredibly toyish … thanks for the laugh! 🙂

  8. Ok…

  9. Thanks!

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