There are several personality traits that can supposedly be revealed based on the results you glean from this simple 5 second test. Kev and I did it over breakfast, and the results were a bit surprising … or maybe they weren’t. Watch the video, take the test, and then share your results below!
Kev’s and my results? Kev drew the tail of the Q pointing to the right, and I drew the tail of the Q pointing to the left. We had a laugh, and then we both decided that we could live with our results. How did you do?
This Weird 5-Second Test Can Tell You If Your Friends Are Good Liars
I doubt either of us are surprised by those results. Ask Elana to do it; I want to see how hers goes. =)
No surprise… Elana to the right.
There is a reason that we and our spouses get along so well! =)
My wife and both kids were also to the right.
I guess I’m a liar. Or am I…???
That was cute.