Have you noticed almost every time you play Monopoly at a friend’s house, their “rules” are just a little different? Toy maker Hasbro noticed that as well, and they’re running a contest where through April 3, 2014 you can vote on some of the more popular house rules and urge that they become official.
Skip forward to the next page for a peek at the house rules that are up for debate. Then head to the Monopoly Facebook page, and participate in the vote to make your house rule an official one.
The house rules that will be up for debate are:
1. Free Parking, Fast Cash: All taxes and fees will be collected in the middle of the game board, if you land on Free Parking, it’s your lucky day: collect all the money from the middle of the board.
2. Dash for the Cash: Landed on Go! Amazing, you get to double your salary – 400M dollars instead of 200M Dollars.
3. Frozen Assets Rule: When in jail, a player cannot collect any rent money from other players. Sorry about your luck.
4. Lucky Roller: Did you just Roll Snake Eyes (double one’s)… odds are in your favor, collect 500M Dollars.
5. 3’s a Crowd: Are there 3 players in a row on 3 unique properties? Well done, each player gets an extra 500M Dollars.
6. Cash Advance: Don’t have enough Monopoly money to buy Boardwalk? With this House Rule, players can make loans between each other to co-own properties. Who collects rent money? That’s determined amongst the new property owners!
7. Break The Bank: At the start of the game, leave half the money in the bank. Then mix up the other half of the money in the center of a board. On the count of 3 every player grabs what they can! Free For All!
8. Mum’s the Word: Mum always gets out of jail free. Always. No questions asked. She’s just that special.
9. See the Sights: Players must travel around the board one complete time before they can begin buying properties. Hurry up and get to GO before everyone else!
10. Property Boom: Anxious to begin building? We hear you – with this rule, players do not have to own a complete set of properties before they start to build houses.
Are any of these house rules ones that you think should be official? If so, then you had better go vote at the Monopoly Facebook page!
These won’t actually affect the official OFFICIAL rules. What will happen instead is that a set of “House Rules” will be printed and included (along with the official rules) with each Monopoly set.