My wife recently had to replace her car and bought our first real family vehicle. My 5-year-old son said he did not care what kind of car she got as long as it had a DVD player. Well, the vehicle she purchased did not have an installed player, so we bought a portable unit that includes a screen for each seat (one for each boy). We were all really happy! They can now watch movies when we travel, while keeping the chances of fights and “are we there yet” questions to a minimum. So we set out on a trip into San Antonio and grabbed a couple of movies. I plugged my iPod into the AUX port to listen to a tech podcast, and my wife started the boys movie. The first thing I heard was, “Dad! Can you turn that down, I can’t hear my movie!” I tell my wife, “Wife! Turn that dang movie down, I cannot hear my podcast!” My lovely wife said, “Boys!” (me included) “this isn’t going to work!”
I have never tried to find headphones for a 2 and 5-year-old until recently, and I discovered it is not easy. None of the headphones I currently own worked for the little guys. My wife bought a cheap pair for each of them, but they kept saying they did not like them, and they hurt their ears after a while.
Literally days later, I was fortunate to receive a review unit from Kidz Gear of their Wired Headphones for Kids. I was able to slip the new headphones to Peyton (the 5-year-old) without Riley (the 2-year-old) noticing for a while. Peyton immediately took to the headphones and found several uses for them.
Our first use was for movies in the car.
Peyton explained that he liked these headphones better than his old pair for several reasons. First off, they did not make his ears all sweaty. Evidently his old pair was pretty hot, since he had complained about that several times. He also told me they were softer and did not hurt his ears during a movie. The Kidz Gear Headphones are designed similarly to studio style over-the-ear headphones with soft comfortable pads. I was able to slip them on for an audio test and found that they are rather comfortable. Peyton was also impressed with the volume control built-in to the cord. Now, instead of screaming a question to me, he turns the volume down and asks me in a normal tone. He actually gave a nice little review of comfort while we were driving.
On the return trip home of our maiden headphone voyage I was listening to my podcasts when Peyton hollers, “Dad!” He gets very excited and proclaims, “these things work with my DSi!” He had unplugged from the DVD player and into his game. We have never used headphones with it, so I was surprised he silently sat there and figured it out. He now carries the headphones with him everywhere he goes, so he can use them for the movies or when he plays his DS. I’m not sure where he learned to be such a gadget freak!
When I asked Peyton how the headphones sounded he said, “It is like the movie is really loud and booms. Like when we go to the movies.” I will take that as he thinks the sound is much fuller than the cheap headphones he had been using. I was able to fit them on for a few minutes and pulled up a movie on my MacBook. They did sound really good while watching a movie. Peyton said he also really likes how they sound when he is playing the DSi. “It is like there is sound everywhere.” When I asked him if he wanted to trade Riley back his old headphones for these, he said, “No dad, those other headphones don’t boom.” For kids, I think comfort and fit is the most important, but Peyton obviously found these to be both comfortable and sound great.
The Kidz Gear Wired Headphones are wonderful for kids. They look cool, fit nice and according to my five-year-old sound great. Very seldom do you see adult-featured headphones for kids. There will be a purchase of another pair of these for my two-year-old in the near future. When I saw the headphones for the first time then allowed the boys to use them I figured they would be expensive, but I was wrong. With possibility of damage from little boys and limited time of use due to them growing up, an expensive pair of headphones for kids is not really an option. The Kidz Gear headphones include all of these features and can be found right now for $16.99 from their website. I recommend them for any parents!
MSRP: $19.99 (on special for $16.99 from manufacturer)
What I like: Adult-featured headphones for my kids at an affordable price. My sons love the comfort and sound.
What could use improvement: I would like to see a dad version for the same price!
RT @geardiary: Review: Kidz Gear Wired Headphones
Oh what a clever adorable kiddo! lol* I loved the dilemma of too much noise in the car, will be checking these headphones out for my little cousins, it’ll be perfect for them!
Review: Kidz Gear Wired Headphones | Gear Diary
Nice review Travis! My 11 year old likes ear buds instead now that I have indoctrinated him! 😉
Review Review: Kidz Gear Wired Headphones | Gear Diary: He also told me they were softer and did not hurt his ears…
Hi, I wonder how’s the fit for a two-year old?