Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak


A friend recently asked me if I knew anything about the status of the iPad version of Pocket Informant. Granted, his particular verbiage was a bit stronger than what I’ve represented here. He is one of many friends who relies on PI for the iPhone and who is anxiously awaiting the iPad version.

I told him that I expected to see something soon, but that just as PI for the iPhone was slow to arrive but impressive when it did, it was clear to me that Alex and his team at WebIS are not going to release an iPad app until THEY are happy with it. Sure, they could have released a universal version of PI shortly after the iPad launched three months ago, but in the three years I have known Alex it has become clear that is NOT the way he does things. No, PI for the iPad wasn’t going to be some hastily thrown together app but rather would be one that truly makes use of the iPad’s speed and screen real estate.

So how far are we from seeing Pocket Informant for the iPad? Close enough that it has an official name — Pocket Informant HD, and close enough that I am running a version on my iPad without so much as a hiccup. Since it is a Beta version, I have been trying to get the app to crash but without any luck. In other words, although it does not yet show up on the WebIS Home Page, PI HD it closer to release than you might think.

Here’s a quick look…
The week view in landscape is gorgeous.


The daily view is easy to read.


And thanks to the iPad’s large screen the month view is also quite usable.


Of course you can get all the same views with the iPad in portrait.


Adding an event is simple to do on the iPad.


The same goes for adding a task.


I love the fact that PI HD is location aware. Thanks to the iPad WiFi + 3G’s GPS chip…


… locations are pinpointed in seconds.


Speaking of tasks…


PI HD will let you use a number of organizational systems. I have mine synching with Toodledo and it works well.


There are a host of different settings that can be tweaked to your liking. I won’t go through all of them, but I will point out that support for push notifications and Text Expander are among the many settings. There are so many settings that it could be a bit overwhelming at first. The good news is, you can use the app as is and then slowly tweak to your work-style and needs.

In short, for those of us who live in Pocket Informant on our iPhones, it already feels like a long wait for getting PI on our iPads. Having played around with what looks to be close to a release build I can happily tell you that the wait is almost over… and will have been well worth it.

Pricing will be, in my opinion, quite reasonable. According to Alex, for a short time upon release WebIS will be offering PI for iPad and PI for iPhone for $6 each — a steal! After that they will go to $15 and $13 respectively. In other words, if you have an iPad you would be wise to grab PI HD as soon as it is released.

And when will that be? We’ll keep you posted.

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About the Author

Dan Cohen
Having a father who was heavily involved in early laser and fiber-optical research, Dan grew up surrounded by technology and gadgets. Dan’s father brought home one of the very first video games when he was young and Dan remembers seeing a “pre-release” touchtone phone. (When he asked his father what the “#” and “*” buttons were his dad said, “Some day, far in the future, we’ll have some use for them.”) Technology seemed to be in Dan’s blood but at some point he took a different path and ended up in the clergy. His passion for technology and gadgets never left him. Dan is married to Raina Goldberg who is also an avid user of Apple products. They live in New Jersey with their golden doodle Nava.

12 Comments on "Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak"

  1. Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://bit.ly/9ODljR via JCSolutions.eu

  2. Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://bit.ly/b71oUG

  3. Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://bit.ly/b71oUG

  4. RT @GearDiarySite: Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://goo.gl/fb/4po5E

  5. Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak

  6. I can't wait!!!!! where's EQ when you need it? … fr @vicicasas Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://bit.ly/b71oUG

  7. Any word on whether PI will be getting access to the native calendar and tasks? I may have it wrong but I thought this was one of the things apple opened up in ios4

    That would make my day!



  8. Dan Cohen | June 29, 2010 at 9:58 pm |

    This will give you a lot of specifics…

  9. @ridgeley PI HD for iPad: http://bit.ly/aHtnPq

  10. RT @GiantGizmoNews: Pocket Informant HD for iPad- A Gear Diary Sneak Peak http://bit.ly/b71oUG

  11. Been using it for a week. You'll all love it. http://wp.me/peBTd-pOa RT @webis_mobile: PI for iPad has been submitted to Apple!

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