Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!


SCOTTEVEST recently released, and we reviewed, new travel boxers that have a pocket built-in. Forget the pocket… they are just plain comfortable.

Now there’s a new line of undergarments available. No, they aren’t for the tech-lover or the frequent traveler but rather these bras and underwear are intended to keep prying TSA eyes from checking out your “stuff”.

Yes, lead-free, radiation shielding underwear is now available for this individuals who are outraged by the naked-body scanners the TSA is now using. Here’s the detail directly from the company…

Rocky Flats Gear ™ is the US manufacture of a revolutionary flexible, attractive, lightweight, Lead (Pb) free, radiation shielding garments for individuals. Our emphasis is on protecting the traveling public, airline, medical, and security professionals from radiation generated by security and medical imaging equipment. Our novel products can protect tissues from a broadband of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation generated by imaging equipment and natural sources. For the first time, radiological shields are attractive, durable, affordable, fun, and comfortable to wear.

Background radiation has increased over the decades from atomic weapons testing, coal power plants (thorium-40 emissions), industrial accidents, medical/security imaging, and use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions putting us all at greater cancer risk and generational DNA damage. We are bathed in radiation from a variety of sources both natural and man-made, we are trying to do our small part to improve general health and enhance dignity. Thank you for your interest in our products.

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About the Author

Dan Cohen
Having a father who was heavily involved in early laser and fiber-optical research, Dan grew up surrounded by technology and gadgets. Dan’s father brought home one of the very first video games when he was young and Dan remembers seeing a “pre-release” touchtone phone. (When he asked his father what the “#” and “*” buttons were his dad said, “Some day, far in the future, we’ll have some use for them.”) Technology seemed to be in Dan’s blood but at some point he took a different path and ended up in the clergy. His passion for technology and gadgets never left him. Dan is married to Raina Goldberg who is also an avid user of Apple products. They live in New Jersey with their golden doodle Nava.

31 Comments on "Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!"

  1. I would love to see the look on security’s face when fig leaves appear on the screen!

  2. You really think TSA will let people get away with that? Riiiight. After all, one could have a gun under there. *rolls eyes*

    Dave Barry, humor columnist, recently wrote about going through the xray machines, getting pulled aside because his crotch area was blurred, and having to do the gropedown.

    This underwear will just ensure that you have to do the xray machine AND get felt up after the scanning person sees this in your underwear.

    Better to avoid the radiation to begin with and opt out of the scanner.

    How about instead we stand up and say no to these xray machines, instead of doing goofy stuff like this?

    Anyone who thinks this will work is rather naive, IMO.

  3. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… it is time for “Naked Air”. With the exception of the once-in-a-while cavity search it would solve it all. No where to hide stuff and half empty planes… after all, who wants to sit naked next to old, smelly fat guy? 🙂

  4. I think the only thing that will come out of this is TSA demanding you to strip. After all they also demanded that a cancer survivor flight attendant remove her prosthetic breast.

  5. Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You! (via @gadgetsearch)

  6. RT @MaxarSolutions: Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!

  7. RT @MaxarSolutions: Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!

  8. RT @MaxarSolutions: Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!

  9. RT @MaxarSolutions: Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!

  10. Don?t Want The TSA Checking Out Your ?Stuff?? This Underwear is for You! #gadgets

  11. RT @gadgetfreaks: Don?t Want The TSA Checking Out Your ?Stuff?? This Underwear is for You! #gadgets

  12. @ashwinkgopal
    New Underwear designed to keep you away from TSA groping

  13. these look awesome!! Don't Want The TSA Checking Out Your "Stuff"? This Underwear is for You!

  14. RT @gadgetfreaks: Don?t Want The TSA Checking Out Your ?Stuff?? This Underwear is for You! #gadgets

  15. RT @gadgetfreaks: Don?t Want The TSA Checking Out Your ?Stuff?? This Underwear is for You! #gadgets

  16. Ashwin Krishna Gopal | November 21, 2010 at 6:41 pm |

    RT @tigrs99 New Underwear designed to keep you away from TSA groping lol

  17. Lol! Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You! #fb

  18. Blue Orbit Inc. | November 22, 2010 at 2:42 am |

    RT @gadgetfreaks: Don?t Want The TSA Checking Out Your ?Stuff?? This Underwear is for You! #gadgets

  19. Haha RT @tigrs99 New Underwear designed to keep you away from TSA groping lol

  20. Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You! | Gear Diary

  21. In den USA gibt es jetzt schon hübsche Scanner-blockierende Unterwäsche mit Feigenblättern… #Nacktscanner #TSA

  22. RT @Kirst3nF: In den USA gibt es jetzt schon hübsche Scanner-blockierende Unterwäsche mit Feigenblättern… # …

  23. This is clever: Special underwear to stop naked-body scanners from checking out your "stuff" –

  24. Christian Neubauer | November 22, 2010 at 5:12 pm |

    Meine Genitalien scannt ihr nich!einself HAHAHAHAHARRR! #piraten #ppd #nacktscanner #privat

  25. RT @neu3node: Meine Genitalien scannt ihr nich!einself HAHAHAHAHARRR! #piraten #ppd #nacktscanner #privat

  26. RT @TopsyRT: Don%u2019t Want The TSA Checking Out Your %u201CStuff%u201D? This Underwear is for You! | Gear Diary

  27. Don’t Want The TSA Checking Out Your “Stuff”? This Underwear is for You!

  28. Neu im Angebot: Schutzunterwäsche gegen #Nacktscanner.

  29. RT @Kirst3nF: In den USA gibt es jetzt schon hübsche Scanner-blockierende Unterwäsche mit Feigenblättern… # …

  30. @dgilmour there's more of that here:

  31. I just have to share this blog regarding personal privacy and new airport scanning systems:…

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