I have talked about the high quality musical production tools available on the iPad, and one of the best sounding and most flexible instruments is AniMoog from music pioneers Moog Music. The $30 app is more than a toy – it is an amazingly powerful music processor and sound generator. The new update adds the ‘Animoog Store’, which will allow you to buy new sets of timbres and presets to expand the already broad functionality of Animoog. The first addition to the store is called the ‘BASE Pack’, which stands for ‘Biomimetically Augmented Synthesis Expansion’.
Here is the description from Moog:
The BASE Pack is born from a quest Moog engineers embarked on with help from researchers at The University of North Carolina at Asheville to discover the most primordial sounds known to man. The result is the Biomimetically Augmented Synthesis Expansion Pack (BASE Pack) for the Animoog synthesizer. The BASE Pack is a collection of timbres and presets that radically extends the sonic capabilities of Animoog from the purely electronic realm of its Moog ancestry into a richly organic world of biological sound. The unique timbres of the BASE Pack are drawn from the sounds of the human body itself.
In addition to the over 40 new Timbre files, Moog recruited top sound designers to craft 25 powerful new presets which demonstrate the range of BASE sounds that Animoog can now emit.
The BASE Pack is an in-app purchase for Animoog. Animoog is available for the iPad, iPhone 4, and iPod Touch in the iTunes Store. Animoog version 1.0.2 includes the new “Animoog Store” where users can purchase new Timbres and presets from within the app itself. The BASE Pack is only the first in a series of wide-ranging, boundary-pushing sonic updates to come.
· Biomimetically Augmented Synthesis Expansion – An exciting new expansion for Animoog allows you to extend the sonic range of Animoog using timbres based on the human body.
· 40 New Timbres – Mix and match the BASE Pack’s timbres with Animoog’s already exsisting timbres to create new sonic landscapes. Choose from Airy Squeaks, Bloot, Bubbles, Dribbles, ExcuseMe, Steam, WetSquish, and many more.
· 25 New Presets – Get started making music easily with the BASE pack’s 25 new presets including Bad Beans, Barking Spiders, Cheeky, Industrial Gasses, and Damp Machine
Check out the video of the Animoog BASE pack in action!
Grab Animoog for $2.99 for a limited time, and then pick up the BASE pack for just $0.99!