Everpurse iPhone Charging Purse

Everpurse iPhone Charging Purse

Project Title:
Everpurse: Magically Charges Your iPhone All Day

Status:In progressClosing Date for Funding: October 13, 2012

URL of the Project: Find it here.

Everpurse iPhone Charging Purse
From the Creatives:

Never run out of battery again!

Ever notice that your smartphone dies JUST when you need it most? We set out to build something so powerful and easy to use, it would make charging your phone an afterthought. To charge, all you have to do is slip your phone into the Everpurse pocket! Whether you’re at work or out on the town, your Everpurse will keep your phone charged all day long. You can carry your Everpurse inside a bigger bag, or by itself. When you get home, simply drop your Everpurse on the white charging mat for wireless charging!

Who at Gear Diary Backed It: No one, yet.

At What Level Did We Back: N/A, but backing starts at $99.

Why We Backed It: N/A

How’s Communication From the Creatives Been?: N/A, and no updates yet on the Kickstarter page.

What Has the Experience Been: N/A

Would You Recommend this Kickstarter Project?: This looks like an intriguing concept, and the price point for backers is right in line with a good battery pack case. The difference is that this is more of a fashion statement, and certainly has mainstream appeal. It could make a great accessory!

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About the Author

Zek has been a gadget fiend for a long time, going back to their first PDA (a Palm M100). They quickly went from researching what PDA to buy to following tech news closely and keeping up with the latest and greatest stuff. They love writing about ebooks because they combine their two favorite activities; reading anything and everything, and talking about fun new tech toys. What could be better?

2 Comments on "Everpurse iPhone Charging Purse"

  1. Jessica Fritsche | September 10, 2012 at 11:50 am |

    This is a really cool idea, I have to say…but $99 to back seems pretty steep. I love Kickstarter but I like to have the ability to back something at a lower level, since I just don’t have that kind of cash to plunk down for something that might end up as vaporware.

  2. I wondered that too.

    Especially since they have a really high funding goal.

    If they succeed I could see this being huge.

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