Type of app: Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure (HOPA) game
Platform/where to buy: iPad, (iPhone version here); available in the iTunes App Store
Developer: Specialbit Studio / G5 Entertainment
• 52 Fascinating locations to explore
• 19 Thought-provoking mini games
• 3 Game modes: Casual, Normal, Expert
• 4 Engaging comics
• Out-of-this-world storyline
Major features: I have to admit to not being the hugest fan of Inbetween Land for the Mac. It wasn’t a bad game by any stretch, nor were there any technical issues, it was just a game that didn’t ‘grab me’ unlike so many other G5 games. I was interested to learn if the iPad version would be any different.
The story centers on a city that is suddenly sent into turmoil by a flying island in the sky … which goes from being an object of fear to a tourist destination. Your friend Mary goes missing after a beam of light appears from the floating island, so that is where you start your search.
The gameplay elements are immediately familiar – you have puzzles, objects to locate and hidden object scenes. There are occasional traditional object scenes, but you will spend much more time hunting down critical items for use to complete an object or open a lock and so on.
There are three difficulty levels that impact the challenge, and your ability to seek hints. The hint system recharges quickly enough that you are not likely to get stuck for too long. Speaking of ‘too long’ … the game is actually ‘too short’. Whereas I have found myself requiring up to four hours to finish a game like The Abyss, I made it through Inbetween Land in under two hours on the middle difficulty level on the Mac, and due to familiarity it was quicker on the iPad.
I have to confess that the ‘huh?’ factor of the opening scene and story STILL required a leap of imagination that didn’t carry me all that well into feeling engaged with the game. But I definitely understand that different people respond to different stories, so I recommend checking the demo to see if this game is for you!
Ease of use/Overall performance: If you are familiar with the hidden object genre, you will have no problem tapping around on objects looking for the right one. Everything functionally works well, and the graphics on a high-resolution display look great and show off plenty of detail.
Aside from the graphics being solid, the visual style is stunning. The other-worldly aspects of the floating island are extremely well presented, giving everything a mysterious and surreal feel. The game looked even better to me on the iPad screen, and the touch controls were perfect.
Would use again/recommend?: I think Inbetween Land is fun but will probably never play again … the game is ‘good’, but in the context of everything G5 has been releasing, the story isn’t up to the standards of games such as the recent Dark Arcana or The Abyss. If you are curious enough after watching the trailer, grab the free demo and check it out yourself!
Suggested changes/wish list for updates: Nothing.
Price: $6.99 (iPhone version $4.99) – but until they are on sale for $4.99/$2.99 for iPad/iPhone through February 9th!
Here is the trailer: