When you think about gaming controllers there is the keyboard & mouse and traditional console controller that immediately spring to mind. Then you might think about the Wii and Kinect motion controllers, or perhaps driving controllers or flight sticks for specialized games. Everything based on hands – but what about your feet? That is exactly what the folks at StinkyBoard were thinking and now their gaming foot controller for PC launches Kickstarter campaign!
Project Title: Stinky Board foot controller for PC
Status: Active
Closing Date for Funding: May 2, 2013
URL of the Project: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/289858283/stinky-the-gaming-footboard-step-up-your-game
From the developer:
The Stinky Footboard features four programmable buttons, adjustable tension boxes (TBOX) and a unique “cross” shape that allows for unparalleled customization. Forwards, backwards, one foot or two, this bad boy demands to be used every which way, and it’s not simply about adding more buttons to click. It’s about evolving the way you play – giving you that crucial split second advantage against players still using just a mouse and keyboard. It’s simply a better gaming experience.
Why I think you should back this effort:
The thought of a foot controller for anything but a driving game seemed odd to me at first, but playing a game like Bioshock Infinite and thinking about the possibility of using the foot controller to handle your vigors and remap your weapons and other things that would allow you to maintain primary focus of your keyboard & mouse on looking and shooting seems like an amazingly efficient way to game. Since the developers built in compatibility from the start, you will not be worried about specific games adding features to utilize the Stinky Board. This definitely deserves a chance to make it in the market!
It’s compatible with any game that supports keyboard inputs. The hardware is USB HID (USB Human Interface Device) compatible, so no proprietary drivers required. Currently our configuration software supports the Windows Platform. Just plug in the USB Cable to the computer, fire up our configuration software and map your keyboard inputs to the Stinky Footboard.
Here is a video highlighting the features:
For more info and to keep up-to-date on Telepath Tactics progress:
‘Stinky Board’ main site
‘Stinky Board’ Facebook Page
‘Stinky Board’ Twitter Page
And of course head to the Kickstarter page to get more information about how you can support the effort!