The Arriba! Adapter Is a Brilliant 2-in-1 iPhone 5 Charging Solution

The Arriba! Adapter - 2 in 1 iPhone 5 Adapter + Keychain

The Arriba! Adapter – 2 in 1 iPhone 5 Adapter + Keychain – first patent drawing

You’re in your buddy’s car, and your iPhone’s battery is low. Typical, right? And of course, you forgot the Lightning cable for your iPhone 5. Your friend has a car charger, but it’s for his 30-pin iPhone, and he’s using it anyway. Buried under an open bag of chips and some diaper wipes, he has an old microUSB cable. That’s not much help, is it? Or maybe it is, if you happen to have the Arriba! Adapter attached to your keyring.

Plug in that microUSB cable, stick the Arriba! Adapter’s Lightning plug into your iPhone 5’s port, and plug the microUSB cable into the Arriba! Adapter, and now you are in business!

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The brilliant Arriba! Adapter is a new Kickstarter project, and they are almost to their funding goal. $20 will get you in on the Early Bird plain white special, $25 will get you your choice of white or black, and $39 will buy the special Kickstarter powdered aluminum version. Can you guess which one I sprang for? I know, I know … but they don’t call me a gadget magpie for nothing! I’m curious about the $69 iBottleopener package, but not enough to pledge for one. I have to draw the line somewhere!

The thought behind the adapter is genius: it will work with either a 30-pin Apple cable or with a microUSB  cable. As long as you have an Arriba! Adapter handy, you will almost always be able to keep your iPhone 5 charged.

The plan is to ship by mid-September, which should be just in time for the latest iDevices. Dan and I have already backed it; what are you waiting for? =)

Link: The Arriba! Adapter – 2 in 1 iPhone 5 Adapter + Keychain

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About the Author

Judie Lipsett Stanford
Judie is the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of Gear Diary, which she founded in September 2006. She started in 1999 writing software reviews at the now-defunct; from mid-2000 through 2006, she wrote hardware reviews for and co-edited at The Gadgeteer. A recipient of the Sigma Kappa Colby Award for Technology, Judie is best known for her device-agnostic approach, deep-dive reviews, and enjoyment of exploring the latest tech, gadgets, and gear.

7 Comments on "The Arriba! Adapter Is a Brilliant 2-in-1 iPhone 5 Charging Solution"

  1. Mitchell Oke | June 13, 2013 at 5:41 pm |

    That is a REALLY cool idea.

  2. Agreed! Did you back it? =)

  3. Mitchell Oke | June 13, 2013 at 5:45 pm |

    If I still had an iPhone 5 I certainly would, but I don’t really have a need for it right now.

  4. I predict that you’ll have another Lightning connected iPhone soon, though. 😉

  5. Mitchell Oke | June 13, 2013 at 5:49 pm |

    But that’s like saying “I predict you’ll pay tax this year”, no points for that 😛

  6. Oh, I get points all right. 😉

    *Judie Lipsett Stanford*

    Editor in Chief

    *Twitter*: @geardiary
    *Instagram*: @geardiary
    *Facebook*: /judie.lipsett
    *LinkedIn*: /judielipsett

  7. Will Collett | October 15, 2013 at 10:37 am |

    mine arrived this week and doesn’t work. zach at arriba says he will kindly send me another one, however i fear that it is a software rather than hardware fault. i am based in the UK. Has anyone had any similar experience?

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