The Samsung Galaxy S5 is a bit larger than its predecessor. That brings it even closer to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. And while one had curved edges and the other a sharper, boxier look and feel, deciding which to get is now more difficult than ever. If you are on the fence, perhaps this video look can help.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has a 5.7″ Super AMOLED display. It is gorgeous. The phablet measures 5.95 x 3.12 x 0.33″ and weighs in at 5.93oz. The Samsung Galaxy S5 has a 5.1″ Super AMOLED display. It too is gorgeous. It measures 5.59 x 2.85 x 0.32″ and weighs 5.11oz. On paper the difference in screen size seems significant but, when placed side by side who do the two stack up? Here’s a video look at the size of the two devices along with a comparison to the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0.