The wait is over, and the Google Pixel 6 series has now been officially launched for pre-order. With a new Tensor Chip designed by Google and custom-made for the Pixel, this smartphone series promises the most advanced Pixel camera and features, live translate (even when you are offline!), powerful performance, and next-gen Titan M2 Security. If you are an AT&T customer, they make it easy to get a Google Pixel 6 series device in your hands!
If you haven’t yet caught all the details, this is the new Google Pixel 6.
And this is the new Google Pixel 6 Pro.
AT&T has the 128GB Google Pixel 6 in Stormy Black for $15 per month without a trade-in; they have the Google Pixel 6 Pro in Stormy Black or Stormy White for $26.12 per month for the 128GB version or $28.89 for the 256GB version without a trade-in.
If you are a new or existing AT&T customer, you can get a Google Pixel 6 Pro for up to $700 off with an eligible trade-in; that works out to just $6.67/month for the 128GB version. As a bonus, when you buy any Google Pixel from AT&T, you can also save 50% off Google-branded accessories.
What are some of the benefits of being an AT&T Customer?
- Security: The Google Pixel 6 smartphones offer remarkable security features that help protect your personal and sensitive information with layers of Google hardware security, including the next-gen Titan M2 security chip. Plus, with AT&T ActiveArmor, customers will get built-in 24/7 essential network security and additional benefits when you download the free AT&T Call Protect and Mobile Security apps.
- 5G Included: With 5G access included at no extra cost on every unlimited plan, it’s easy for customers to stream, game, and browse on the Nation’s Best 5G Network. And HBO Max is included for customers on our Unlimited Elite plan.
- FirstNet Ready: First responders can use the Pixel 6 devices to tap into specialized capabilities designed to meet their needs on FirstNet – America’s public safety communications network.