Podcasts & Podcasting Gear

Blue Yeti Nano Microphone: Great Sound, Great Price

Regardless of whether you’re a gamer, podcaster, or just dong voice-overs, the one thing you need to have is a really good microphone. While you can probably find a cheap microphone to get by with for a while, we’re sure you’ve also looked at microphones from Blue.

Gear Diary Visits PocketNow’s PNWeekly Podcast

Judie and I first met while we were guests on a podcast. I loved chatting with her and am grateful that I was able to begin writing for Gear Diary. Last week I was a guest on Pocketnow’s podcast PNWeekly. A longtime Pocketnow reader, I was excited. The conversation was lively and covered a lot of ground. Check it out.

Blue Designs Compass Boom Arm Takes Podcasts to New Heights

Judie and I first met when we were doing a podcast. She had already started Gear Diary, and I was a staff writer from Just Another Mobile Monday. A few weeks ago, Judie was on a friend’s podcast. She sounded great but commented that she needed a better podcasting setup. I told her one piece of it should be the Blue Designs Compass.

Is Facebook Spying on You? Probably. Maybe?

Recently, Reply All, a podcast from Gimlet Media about the Internet, published a podcast centered around Facebook and its notoriously shady data collection practices, titled “Is Facebook Spying on You?” Users noticing strange coincidences regarding Facebook’s targeted ads are left wondering whether Facebook has been listening to their conversations through their smartphone’s microphone without their knowledge.

OnePlus Upgraded Mic Arm Stand Review

I have had a Blue Yeti of some sort for years, and while the mic comes with its own stand, it’s one designed to only work on your desk. I’ve often found there doesn’t really seem to be a good place for the mic with its stock stand.  This changed when I received the OnePlus Upgraded Mic Arm Stand.

Quality Recordings on the Go Thanks to the Shure MOTIV MV88 iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

Shure describes the MOTIV MV88 IOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone as “The Documenter.” Having used the MV88 for the past few months, including at CES 2016 and for any YouTube video I’ve shot in 2016, I can say it is that and much more. The MV88 plugs directly into your iOS device and lets you capture the moment with clarity. The microphone is small, comes with its own protective case and a windscreen and works in random with a free iOS app. The result is a microphone that is easy to use while still being incredibly powerful. When I first…

Podcast Spotlight: The Black Guy Who Tips

As I began my flight out West for the popular “Further with Ford 2015” conference, I found myself with one problem: good podcasts. Anyone can go ahead and listen to music, trust me, my Spotify is stacked with everything you can imagine. Minus Taylor Swift (okay, I admit “Bad Blood” is my jam but thats’ besides the point.), I have much variety, but sometimes I just like to hear people talking about the topics going around the world. That’s where my “Pocket Casts” app comes into play.  With following over 80 different podcasts, some that only do a podcast once…

This Blackout Yeti Microphone from Blue Is Gorgeous

The Blue Yeti is an amazing USB microphone that sounds as impressive as it looks. (I use the Yeti Pro with my Mac and love it.) Now Blue has announced the Blackout Yeti. It adds a gorgeous new style to the company’s best-selling USB microphone family. Considering the quality the sub-$150 price is a bargain. The all new blackout finish on the new Yeti microphone “adds style to your music, gaming, or podcasting setup.” At the same time it offers the same recording prowess that have made the Yeti a hugely popular success.   The Blackout Yeti uses the same…

The Blue Microphone Mikey Digital Ups Your iOS Audio Recording

If you use iOS devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPad mini to record audio or video, the Blue Microphone Mikey Digital is a fantastic way to quickly and easily improve the quality of the audio captured. For under $100 the microphone, which plugs directly into the Lightning connector, will let you capture what you actually hear.

Listen Up! Samson Meteorite USB Condenser Microphone

I’ve used the Samson Meteor Microphone since first doing the review three years ago. (Read it!) I love the retro look, the ease-of-use, and quality recordings it produces. Now the company has released the Samson Meteorite. A small, USB condenser microphone, it is inexpensive, easy to use, and great if you want something more than what your computer microphone offers. 

V-MODA BoomPro Microphone Review – You Can Definitely Hear Me Now!

The V-MODA BoomPro microphone cable for the V-MODA Crossfade series of headphones adds a boom microphone to the already-awesome Crossfade M-100 headphones. Sure the M-100s ship with a cable that has a microphone but this microphone makes a world of difference. At just $30 it is a terrific add-on to an already amazing pair of headphones. Get it. It seems a bit odd to be writing a review for what is essentially an accessory for an accessory, but when the first accessory is the V-MODA Crossfade M-11 headphones (read our review), and the second accessory makes them even better, the latter item deserves…

The Jazz Session Returns, Launches Kickstarter to Fund Future Seasons

Funding any sort of internet endeavor is never easy, but a jazz interview podcast? Really difficult – you are playing to a small audience to begin with, yet have to deal with the same real world technology costs of any other web site or podcast. Jason Crane of The Jazz Session made numerous attempts, getting underwriting from AllAboutJazz.com and then setting a ‘member drive’ that sought a monthly subscription … but over time there just wasn’t enough income to sustain operations and so last fall he had to call it quits. And while there have been other things going on,…

Stay Connected to Family in 2013 with Sony’s Camera and Microphone for Skype

I’ve become increasingly enamored of video chatting. It is handy, convenient and it works well; it also saves gas and time. For example, I do most of my High Holy Day sermon writing with my friend Lawrence. We bounce ideas around, rip initial drafts apart, and share illustrations. In prior years we would get together two or three times and have marathon writing sessions together. This year we didn’t get together once; instead we used FaceTime and Skype. We didn’t need to travel, and we were able to “meet” far more times than we could have in the past. Similarly,…

MXL TRIO USB Condenser Microphone Review

The MacBook Pro with retina display really improved on the built-in microphones Apple had been previously using. By including dual-array mics, Apple was able to create a system that allows users to use voice and video chat without a headset. The dual-array setup is also quite useful with the built-in voice recognition that comes with OS X Mountain Lion and, while using a headset does improve the transcription accuracy when using Dragon Dictate for Mac, the dual-array system is rather impressive in its own right. Still, if you want to get high quality audio recordings from your Mac, especially if…

Zoom Microphone and Accessory Pack Review

I purchased the Canon T3i after speaking to a number of friends and reading a great deal on the web by way of reviews. There were a number of excellent options available in my price range but the T3i seemed to best fit the bill. I ordered through Amazon and got a good price on a Canon T3i kit (body and lens) and an additional telephoto lens. I’m happy with the decision. No, I’m very happy with the decision. In fact, I like everything about the camera… except the audio when shooting movies. That, in a word, stinks. The audio…