I’m back with another episode of Gear Diary’s Deal or Dud?
This month I take a look at the Original Space Bag. Several years ago these bags were all the rage. You loaded them full of your most bulkiest sweaters, blankets and other items that you used seasonally, sucked all the air out to compress and them and then stored them neatly under your bed.
In my continuing quest to create more closet space in my own home I snatched up a new version of the space bag. The Original Space Bag promises to triple your closet space. The one we’ll take a look at today actually comes with a hanger, like a garment bag, allowing you to hang it up in your closest.
The Original Space Bag sells for $14.99 at As Seen On TV stores but it can be found for less online.
Is it a Deal or a Dud? You’ll have to watch the video below to find out.
I have a couple of comments.
1. I noticed it took several tries to to seal the bag–an area that begs for improvement
2. I’m interested to see how long does the vacuum hold. It does not make any sense if the vacuum only holds for a couple of weeks, then you have to vacuum the bag again.
@haivu – it took about 30-seconds – to a minute to seal it. I made sure I had it fully sealed so that no air was getting in. I don’t think it needs improvement at all. I was just being thorough and took my time. I haven’t seen any degradation to the vacuum yet and it’s been a few weeks since I shot the video. I’ll let you know if things change.