I love my two (fixed) female cats, but for a while we had a third — a stray we named Bobby because when he showed up more than 3/4 of his tail was missing. That’s him in the picture above. Cute little guy, right?
Unfortunately, something else wasn’t missing; he was still a fully intact male. We never leave our windows down, so we didn’t discover his disgusting habit of peeing in people’s cars until he had done it to my friend Lisa’s jeep and my cousin Dusty’s work truck.
Bad kitteh.
I don’t know about you, but there are very few odors that I find nearly as foul & repulsive as cat pee. =P
So with that said, I present to you one of the funniest and most epic videos I have ever watched — Craig Turner’s “How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever!” MacGyver needs to be very afraid … this dude has outdone him!
I’m still laughing. =)
via Neotorama
Got one of those pre-built from our local Lee Valley tools. Way easier than taking the car apart (but maybe not as much fun) http://www.leevalley.com/en/garden/page.aspx?p=59764&cat=2,51555
Our version is a bit older but works well. the only problem is that it has got our neighbour a couple of times when he was mowing his lawn.
Okay … I didn’t even know that something like this was available! Thanks for the link. So the question is, does it really work? I’m intrigued that it says that it may not work with white cats, older cats, and some exotic breeds. I wonder why. =)