It is time for a health-gadget Faceoff. Let’s meet our contenders.
In this corner… Weighing in at an MSRP of $99.95 we have the veteran. The Fitbit Ultra measures your step, calculates the calories you have burned, the hours you have slept and more. You can track online or on your iPhone. It is proven technology that has seen increasing popularity since its initial release. It is cute. It is simple. It has a splash of purple.
And in this corner… Weighing in at an MSRP of $99 we have the newcomer. The Striiv seeks to motivate you as it monitors your activities. It has games, challenges and interacts with you through its touchscreen. It will even help you make the world a bit better as your activities and achievements translate into corporate donations for good works. It is white. It is light.
CES opens today and as it does we are off and running. (Actually, walking and walking and walking with a bit of running for sure.) For the next four days we will put both health gadgets to the test. Judie will be wearing the Fitbit. Dan will be wearing the Striiv. Who will take more steps? Who will climb more stairs? Who will burn more calories? Which device will take the prize? Stay tuned because Judie and Dan’s Fitbit/Striiv Faceoff begins now.
Cool. I can’t wait to see the report. Have fun.
I’ve got 13344 steps recorded already today (6.09 miles) and 1815 calories burned … and the day isn’t even done! Dan has 14223 (6.7 miles) 1637 calories burned. Our feet hurt. And let me state for the record that I did all of that wearing kitten-heeled dress shoes and a minidress. Dan said to say, he did, too. 😉
I say dan only wins if he posts pics of himself in the dress and heels.
i TOTALLY agree with you. 😉
You stay out of this!!!! 😉
Written with Siri