Kev was splitting wood today, when he stopped to bring me something he’d found. To back up for a moment, if you have a wood-burning stove then you may have noticed how certain woods — in this case, mesquite — can have these weird “tunnels” bored through them. I had never given what caused them a second thought … until today.
This freaky little creature, the larvae of the Metallic Wood Boring Beetle, is the culprit.
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Judie is the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of Gear Diary, which she founded in September 2006. She started in 1999 writing software reviews at the now-defunct; from mid-2000 through 2006, she wrote hardware reviews for and co-edited at The Gadgeteer. A recipient of the Sigma Kappa Colby Award for Technology, Judie is best known for her device-agnostic approach, deep-dive reviews, and enjoyment of exploring the latest tech, gadgets, and gear.
2 Commentson "Wood Boring Worms Look Like Tiny Evil Aliens"
Just make sure not to bring Kev inside if he’s got a facehugger on him that jumped out of a woodpile. 😉 But then, you’ve got snakes that are just as problematic.
Just make sure not to bring Kev inside if he’s got a facehugger on him that jumped out of a woodpile. 😉 But then, you’ve got snakes that are just as problematic.
Too true 😉