The Wrong Way to Allow People to Quit You

A while ago I signed up with Tresorit, which is yet another cloud-based back up service. I eventually decided to close the account; in order to do so, I had to act like I was signing up for the service again to delete it! Why? I’m not sure, but that’s what they required.

The issue? If I don’t like something it should be a button click away to delete my account easily.  Period.


This all started because I got a not so frequent e-mail from them on them implementing 2 step security verification which is a noble thing.  However, I decided I didn’t want to use Tresorit any more, and that’s when I tried to delete the account.  I could not figure out how to do it.  So I opened a trouble ticket with them.  The response I got was:

Dear Joel,

Thank you very much for contacting us.


We are really sad that you wish to delete your account, please let me tell you how you can do that:

Due to security reasons we cannot delete your profile for you, you need to re-create your profile by signing up with your existing account and a different password from any device you have. The system will ask you then whether you wish to delete your account. By doing so (after clicking on the verification sent to you by mail) your account will be removed from our system.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and your understanding, we hope we will be able to welcome you at Tresorit in the future again.


We wish you a great day.

Best regards,
The Tresorit Team

Yep. That’s how you do it.  I find this to be a strange and non-intuitive way to close your account, especially since I was able to login.  If I wasn’t, well I would understand why they couldn’t do it.  There should be a completely intuitive way to quit any service.  Doing anything else shows me you just want me to keep sending you data and never delete my account; that’s not cool.

What other services have you had bad experiences with when just trying to close your account?  Share below.

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About the Author

Joel McLaughlin
Joel is a consultant in the IT field and is located in Columbus, OH. While he loves Linux and tends to use it more than anything else, he will stoop to running closed source if it is the best tool for the job. His techno passions are Linux, Android, netbooks, GPS, podcasting and Amateur Radio.

2 Comments on "The Wrong Way to Allow People to Quit You"

  1. For me the worst are subscription services – Netflix used to be bad, eMusic, Rdio, and so on. Basically they hide the ‘cancel account’ option to make it really hard to do. But the worst I had to deal with was AOL – I’d had an account for a bit way back when, and they did a free trial of the ‘AOL for Broadband’ and thought I had cancelled … but apparently not. And they just kept charging and charging and I finally noticed and had to call and jump through hoops … ugh.

  2. Glad I NEVER was an AOL person.

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