Puffco Peak Could Disrupt the Dab Rig Market

WARNING: The products discussed may contain or use nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical; in many cities and a few states, you must be 21 to purchase vaping products or products containing nicotine. Please familiarize yourself with and obey the law in your location.

Puffco Peak

Vape technology has come a long way in recent years. But while vapes have gotten smaller, more efficient, and even prettier, finding a good vape for concentrate is still a struggle. Instead users are often relegated to using complicated dabbing rigs.

Puffco is looking to change all of that with their new The Peak. The Peak not only looks incredibly cool, but it also offers the power of a larger more advanced dab rig, albeit in a much smaller body.

It’s not just that size matters, Peak is designed to make it easier for folks to use concentrate without the steep learning curve involved with dab rigs that often discourage many folks away from trying concentrates. It also packs in advanced features that you won’t find in a traditional rig.

Puffco Peak

Some of Peak’s features include a 20-second average heating time which is a heck of a lot faster than most dab rigs, a fast-charging battery that charges up in two hours, four unique heat settings to accommodate different size loads and flavor levels, tech that adjusts heat time when the bowl is already, and even haptic feedback.

Last but not least, Peak has been designed with group sharing in mind. To that effect, its heat lasts longer than traditional rigs to allow for group-sharing sessions.

The Puffco Peak is currently available for pre-order for $379.

Puffco The Peak


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