We’ve reviewed several products from KeySmart and have always been impressed; their KeySmart and KeySmart Pro are very handy. As KeySmart has expanded their portfolios, they have found additional ways to make carrying your keys smarter and more convenient; a case in point is the $9.99 Keysmart MagConnect, it’s brilliant.
The MagConnect looks like two key rings attached to a short piece of cylindrical metal.
The “catch” is that the metal cylinder is two pieces of metal connected by a strong magnet.
When placed together, they create a single keychain. The two parts hold fast to each other like my dog burying herself into my lap during a thunderstorm. When enough pressure or torque is placed on the two sides of the MagConnect, it separates, leaving you with two individual keychains.
As the company explains, the MagConnect lets you:
Carry what you want, when you want: MagConnect lets you easily connect or disconnect accessories from your keys.
This promo video does an excellent job of explaining what this small, inexpensive product is all about.
- Quickly Attach/Detach Items From Keys
- Works with KeySmart or Keychain
- Strong Magnet
- Powerful Magnet provides a secure attachment and quick removal
- Secure and Reliable
- Great for Car Key Fob And Other Keychain Accessories
So why might you want something like this? It’s pretty easy to understand.
I have a few keys that are held in the KeySmart Pro the company was kind enough to send. Perry reviewed it, and I don’t have much to add to his excellent review.
(I will, however, note that, since the KeySmart Pro has a built-in Tile tracker, I don’t have to attach a separate Tile tracker to my keys anymore.)
MagConnect lets you easily connect or disconnect accessories from your keys.
In addition to my key, however, I also have a large fob for my car (Audi’s new fobs are much smaller than the one I have, but that will have to wait for my next lease). The keys and the fob are fairly bulky; by having the KeySmart Pro and the fob connected via the MagConnect, I can use them as one set of keys. When I don’t need my car, I can simply pull the fob off and leave it at home.
Also, when I am valet parking my car, I can easily hand the fob to the attendant and keep the rest of my keys with me.
It is a simple solution to a first-world problem, but it’s a solution that works.
Finally, it is worth noting that you don’t have to have a KeySmart keychain to make use of the MagConnect. It works with any keychain you have.
I’m a huge fan of this simple accessory. That’s especially the case since it is under $10. Better still, if you buy two MagConnects for $19.98, you get one free, and if you purchase three MagConnects the company will send you five for the $29.97 the three cost. That’s a savings of twenty dollars on a product that was already affordable. You can learn more and get yours here.
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample of the KeySmart MagConnect
What I Like: Simple; Works with KeySmart of any keychain; Magnets keep a firm grip; Easy to separate the two halves when you need to
What Needs Improvement: Nothing