
Amazon Kindle Plays Rough

Looks like Amazon isn’t taking the iPad/Kindle rivalry lightly. In fact, they are actively playing it up in their latest commercial! Let’s look at where Amazon really came out swinging: •Showcasing how nice the Kindle is in daylight versus the iPad. •Having the kindle user be a hot girl, while the iPad user was a fairly average guy. •Implying the Kindle user was smarter and better with money-she knew her device worked well in the sun and was cheaper, while the iPad guy seemed clueless. This is a far cry from those earlier surreal fantasy style Kindle ads, and I…

Maybe It’s Time to Revisit the DutchTub

Yesterday was a cold, damp day here in the northeast., and tomorrow looks like more of the same. This is the type weather that makes you want to do anything you can to warm up, which prompted my wife Elana to say, “This is when you want… no, you need a hot tub.” Of course, the problem is that the place where we would like to put it is nowhere near an electrical outlet. Luckily there is a solution. photo courtesy of BizIvy photo courtesy of Design Crack The DutchTub, which we first heard about year ago, is a self-contained hot…

Acme Made Unveils New Sleeves and Covers for Kindle, NOOK and iPad

Acme Made makes some gorgeous bags and device accessories and have now rolled out a new line of cases and covers for the Kindle, the NOOK, the iPad and more that all… provide users with highly protective and well-designed solutions for the growing audience of compact eReader and tablet users seeking fashion-forward protection. Here’s a quick rundown and the company’s description of each. The Hardback Folio- The Acme Made Hardback Folio offers a perfect blend of style and protection with a book-like protective cover and a removable, custom-molded silicone skin. The outer cover is crafted with classic book linen, providing…

Friday Funnies… Finally, the Limitations of the iPad Become Clear…

I now officially use my iPad for pretty much everything. I use it for reading. I use it for writing. I use it for gaming. I use it for email. I use if for calls (via Skype or the Ooma app). I use it in place of my MacBook Pro most of the time. I even used it to lead services and preach during Rosh Hashanah services and it worked beautifully. (If I were Conservative or Orthodox using electronics on the holiday would not be an option but I’m not, so it was. Being able to flick the screen instead…

OnStar celebrating 15 years of driver assistance, safety

“You can always trust your car to the man who wears the (On)Star…” OK, I took a little poetic license with the catchy marketing tune from decades ago but full service gas stations where a driver can simply pull into and find directions or get a quick check under the hood have long disappeared from the American motoring landscape. Filling some of that void over the past 15 years has been OnStar, the driver assistance technology included in most (and now all) new GM vehicles driven off the lot.

An Exclusive First Look at the Newest SCOTTEVEST Women’s Items: the Women’s Lightweight Vest and the Go2 Jacket

You know how you can see the most gorgeous ball gown on a hanger, and while you’re able to appreciate the materials used and the workmanship that went into the garment, there’s just no way to know how fabulous it could look until you finally put it on? That’s kind of how I felt when I opened a package containing prototypes of the two new Fall 2010 SCOTTEVEST women’s products — the Lightweight Vest (in a large) and the Go2 Jacket (in medium). I received a box containing both products in early July. I was told up front that the garments…

An Exclusive Look at the SCOTTEVEST Fall 2010 Men’s Line; Much Ado About Something

I know that you all have been chomping at the bit to get more info on the upcoming SCOTTEVEST Men’s Fall coats, and guess what? In July I received a box full of them! I only had a few days to check them out and try them on, but that was long enough to know that this will not only be a very good fall season for women who have been waiting for their new SeV styles, but it will also be a very good SeV season for men as well. The designs that I received were just about finalized, but there…

Why You Should Buy the Apple Bumper Case and Why You Should Leave the Element Vapor 4 Case in its Box.

I’ve spent today with Daniel Lim (SlashGear); Andru Edwards (Gear Live), Jon Westfall (Android Thoughts), Steven Hughes (BHighlyMobile & Boston Pocket PC), Brad Sams (Neowin), at the Cedar Park, Texas location of ETS Lindgren. I’ll have a full article about the things we saw and what I learned about this fascinating company a little bit later, but I couldn’t wait to tell you about an experiment they conducted for me. As you may recall, Larry, Dan & I recently reviewed the Element Case Vapor 4. All of us agreed that it was easily one of the most beautiful cases we…

Vanity Sizing: You’re Not Thinner / Fatter … Your New Pants are Lying!

A couple of weeks ago we were back-to-school shopping for our kids, and when looking at shoes we were concerned because my older son was outgrowing his size 13’s … meaning he was looking at the world of special orders, high prices and terrible selections. But as we discovered, the brand he owned tended to run small so he was able to grab a size 13 in another brand and was all set! Of course, we have all run into this before – one brand fits differently in different areas than another brand, so according to our various body shapes…

For the Swankest Party Pad, Just Add the Spyra Glowing LED Bar Table

Gadgets and Gear’s Spyra Glowing LED Bar Table looks like it would be right at home in an Austin Powers’ movie, and I mean that in the best possible way!  At 42″ tall with a 23″ round top, the Spyra will hold your drinks and give you some pretty groovy mood lighting. The multi-colored LEDs hidden in the table phase between red, blue and green, giving the table its one-of-a-kind glowing edges. The table is made of clear acrylic with visible etching when off or in the daylight. At this price you could get a few to scatter around your basement gameroom…

Happy Days ‘Jump the Shark’ Writer Suprised the Phrase ‘Still Has Bite’

Even for those not alive in the late 70’s, the phrase ‘jump the shark’ has an immediate contextual meaning: the moment you can look upon as when an otherwise enjoyable and/or high quality show started a downward spiral into oblivion. Every writer / actor / director would love the thought of having a great show and going out on top, leaving everyone with high quality episodes that simply have you wanting more. But the networks want to ride their high-rating shows as long as possible, and end up throwing more and more money at the show to keep people on-board….

Can I Get You a Soda … er … Pop … er … ?!?!

Being from suburban Boston, I was surprised when I went to school in upstate NY and befriended some kids from outside of Pittsburgh PA and found that not everyone wanted a ‘soda’ … some wanted a ‘pop’. Later on, when traveling to the deep south for my first job I was asked if I wanted a ‘coke’ (or sweet tea, of course), to which I asked if they had Diet Coke. I was told they had all sorts of coke, including Pepsi, Orange, Root Beer … you get the picture. Fact is, where you are from will determine what generic…

Want to Make a Facetime Call From an iPod touch to an iPhone? Then You Had Better…

Here’s a quick tip to all of you who are going to be getting a new iPod touch… if you want to make a Facetime call to someone using an iPhone they need to be running iOS 4.1. What that means right now is that Facetime from a touch to a jailbroken iPhone is… not going to happen. Let’s hope a solution is found… or Larry decides to relock his iPhone and update it to 4.1!

Random Cool Video: Star Wars Prequels in 6 Minutes to the Tune of Bohemian Rhapsody

For many, the Star Wars prequels are something to be treated like a knight you over-indulged and wish could just be forgotten. For others they are the realization of the awesomeness of Jedi powers and lightsaber battles. But for everyone with a sense of humor and some attachment to the franchise, this video is loads of fun. It walks you through the entire prequel trilogy in just over 6 minutes, showing the highlights in a light narration. Personally, while I have been told that as someone who used my own money to see ‘Star Wars’ a dozen times in theaters…

Google’s Cute BuckyBall Doodle: Bad News for the Earth!

On Saturday Joel reported that the latest Google Doodle was a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Buckyball. It was a great looking interactive element that focused attention on an area of scientific research that is critical to advances that even now impact all of our lives. Since my wife has been teaching a full-day class on Nanotechnology to middle school kids funded by the NISE part of the NSF, this was definitely something I wanted to show her! While for the most part the actual usefulness of the Buckyball is still theoretical, the recent discovery of Buckyballs in space…

Happy Labor Day!

photo credit: chrismar Whether you celebrate it because it signifies the end of the summer or because it also designates the beginning of the NFL and college football seasons, the first Monday of September is Labor Day in the United States. This is a holiday traditionally spent with friends, cooking out in the back yard while enjoying ice-cold adult beverages. But obviously, there is a deeper history and meaning behind it … If you are in the US and celebrating Labor Day today, we hope you have a fun, safe & enjoyable day off!

Save Money On Your Electric Bill With Hamster Power!

This is a pretty brilliant idea. I don’t have a hamster, and if I did I think my dog would treat it much like he does his stuffed hamsters, so this wouldn’t last long in my house. However, imagine the possibilities…if you had several hamsters, could you power a MacBook? Has anyone checked in with PETA? Most importantly, would you try this with your hamster? Hosting Online ‘Clone Wars’ Marathon!

As they are preparing for Season 3 of the ‘Clone Wars’ animated series, is hosting what they are describing as an ‘Online Season 2 Marathon’. Here is their description: As we head into our final long weekend of the summer at, we invite you to spend some time with the Zillo Beast and his friends. is winding down the summer with a marathon of five episodes from the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These cinematic spectacles offer widescreen, epic action worthy of a summer blockbuster: except in small screen, 22-minute format. So while you’re…

LaCie’s MosKeyto Has a Tiny Memory

It’s cute, it’s tiny … it’s the LaCie MosKeyto, one of the most compact USB flash drives I’ve ever seen!  Available in 4, 8 and 16GB (the one capacity which isn’t showing on the site quite yet), the MosKeyto is an inexpensive backup flash drive that you can stick in a laptop’s USB port and forget about. I like that they stuck the keyring on the side with the memory, not the side which serves as a cap. 😉 The stealthy MosKeyto becomes nearly invisible when plugged into your computer, and can even travel with the computer in a protective…

Yearbooks Go High Tech with Jostens Personal Yearbook Pages™

It was only a matter of time before school yearbooks went digital. Well, that time is now. Jostens, a leading provider of world-renowned yearbook products, programs and services is introducing what they are calling Personal Yearbook Pages™. Through a new application students can now create a more inclusive yearbook by “giving every student the ability to create personalized pages that will appear exclusively in the student’s copy of the yearbook. Personal Yearbook Pages’ online user experience lets students design four unique pages with their own photos, artwork and text. What’s more, student’s can invite friends to collaborate on the design…

Random Nonsense: Happy 90210 Day!

Before being recreated into a mediocre retread of every late-teen-angst show since the original, and which barely managed to get a third season based on some very anemic reviews and ratings, 90210 was a powerhouse guilty pleasure show on the FOX Network back in the early 90’s created by Darren Star. Now today is September 2nd, 2010, or 09/02/10 … or simply 90210. All of you from the rest of the world who think of your dates in order of ascending magnitude (i.e. day, month, year) just move along – you had your celebration back in February! Here is the…