
Simplehuman’s Social Distancing Campaign Tells You Exactly How Much Space You Need

2020 would have been an interesting enough year on its own, but the global pandemic has made it into something most of us have never been alive to experience before. Everywhere you look, there are signs telling you to wear a mask or to keep your distance to help stop the spread of COVID-19; simplehuman is going the extra mile by amplifying the importance of physical distancing with their Making Space collection. 

Simplehuman Lets You Talk to Your Trash Can, and It’s Amazing

It turns out that hands-free garbage cans are kind of life-changing. To that effect, I’ve been using simplehuman’s first-gen sensor can for nearly 7 years. Of everything in my kitchen, my simplehuman garbage can impresses people the most. Let’s just say that once you get used to having an automated garbage can, you can’t go back.

Simplehuman Trash Can Won’t Waste Your Trash Bag Space

If you have a trash can that you may have picked up at a department store for cheap, only to get it home and realize that not only does it not fit your bags — leaving your trash bags wasted thanks to angled corners and being short at the bottom — you should check out the simplehuman rectangular trash can.