I enjoy reviewing gear. I enjoy it even more when the product I’m reviewing just makes sense. Such is the case with the Native Union Moshi Moshi 02.
I still have a land line at home, but I know many people do not. With today’s unlimited long distance mobile plans and even more companies offering unlimited everything, more and more people are choosing to rely on their mobile phone’s at home and well as on the road.
If’ there’s one thing I’ve always struggled with when using my mobile phone at home for extended periods of time, it’s the comfort factor. Mobile phones are small and talking on them for extended periods of time can be uncomfortable. Even more of an issue is the fact that generally, when using a mobile phone, you are forced to hold it during the entire conversation. Mobile phones are usually too small, and too valuable to rest in the crook of one’s shoulder or ear.
Enter the Native Union Moshi Moshi 02. The device, which resembles a ultra-modern handset, works in conjunction with your mobile phone to create a much more user-friendly environment when you’re at home. It’s stylish, comfortable and fully functional.
Sound like something you could use? Read on.
The Moshi Moshi 02 was designed by French designer David Turin.
It is available in two finishes, a soft touch black or a high gloss white, and it comes in a sturdy box.
You lift up the interior flap to reveal a see-thru window; Asian art work adorns the inside of the top flap.
Once you’ve got the back open and the flap back, you’ll reveal the package contents. The Moshi Moshi 02 came packaged extremely well. Each item fits into its place perfectly and in a tight and efficient manner which insures it’ll arrive in one piece.
The Moshi Moshi 02 consists of three main components. The handset, the base and the adapter. The Moshi Moshi 02 ships with a 3.5mm to 3.5mm cord (this works with the iPhone) but other adapters are available for order on the Native Union web site.
Native Union sent me the soft touch black version for review. Every component feels extremely sturdy. I was pleasantly surprised at how heavy the pieces were. They feel very good and seem built to last.
There is also an instruction manual which explains how to set up your device with the Moshi Moshi 02. In typical gadget-freak fashion, I (of course) chose to ignore these and went straight to setting up the device on my own.
Luckily set-up isn’t difficult and simply requires you to plug one end of the cable into the base of the Moshi Moshi and the other end into your phone’s headset port.
Also included in the package is a non-skid pad which you can use as a base to place your phone on. This is meant to stop it from sliding around your desk, or wherever you feel the Moshi Moshi best works.
The underside of the handset features a multi-function button. The button can be used for a variety of functions including answering and ending calls, initiating the iPhone’s Voice Command application and starting the iPod. I’m not sure you’d ever need to do that though.
Just like a hands free headset you can take care of all of your phone actions right from the handset, never needing to touch the iPhone itself.
Once set up the Moshi Moshi 02 offers a sleek and sophisticated look. Its modern design blends well with most set-ups. I used it to make a variety of test calls and was very pleased with the sound quality.
First off, the speaker is plenty loud. I actually found myself turning the ear piece volume down, which I hardly ever do. Secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, callers on the other end said they had no idea I was talking to them on my mobile phone.
What more can I say about the Moshi Moshi 02? It just flat-out makes total sense. And not only that, it works! The handset is comfortable to talk on for longer calls and once you get used to using the multi-function button in conjunction with the iPhone’s Voice Control feature, using the device becomes second nature.
I recommend anyone who’s working out of a home office and relying on their mobile phone as their “work” phone or even those who’ve had made their mobile phone their permanent home phone as well, take a look at the Moshi Moshi line of handsets.
You could use a BT headset but that requires a battery which needs to be charged. And if you’ve ever used a BT headset before you know sometimes interference makes for hard to hear phone conversations for both you and the party on the other end. The Moshi Moshi 02 makes your cell phone as close to a landline phone as you can get.
The Moshi Moshi line is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on April 15th. But you can head to their web site now to view the various models and even pre-order one for yourself.
M.S.R.P. – $59.99
What I like – Excellent sound quality, uses multi-function button, sleek and stylish.
What I don’t like – Black soft touch material seems to attract dust.
I just love how the Japanese approach gear, don’t you?
Check out my review of the Native Union Moshi Moshi 02. http://www.geardiary.com/2010/04/13/review-native-union-moshi-moshi-02/
Review: Native Union Moshi Moshi 02 | Gear Diary: If' there's one thing I've always struggled with when using my m… http://bit.ly/c7lszf
Review: Native Union Moshi Moshi 02 | Gear Diary: The handset is comfortable to talk on for longer calls and once … http://bit.ly/bJbsQm
Oh my thats darn spiffy, this would make a great gift. Adore the name…. moshi moshi! lol*
I *think* “moshi moshi” is how the Japanese answer the phone. I could be mis-remembering, though.
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Review: Native Union Moshi Moshi 02 http://bit.ly/amtBHM via http://topicfire.com/Gadget