Articles by Gear Diary Staff

Nexus One First Impressions

After having seen the Nexus One in the flesh prior to it being launched, I knew that I would have to order one as soon as it officially launched. As soon as the online store went live during the presentation, I placed an order for the unlocked version, as my T-Mobile family plan doesn’t qualify for the subsidized version. Read on for more thoughts on the ordering and delivery process, some unboxing photos, and some initial thoughts on the Nexus One hardware and Android 2.1. The Ordering Process The Google launch event was not quite a rock star event like…

Gift Box for iPhone and iPod Touch Review

Are you ever out running errands or shopping, see an item in a store, and think, “hey, that would make a great gift for ______ …?”  It definitely happens to me.  The problem is that I pretty quickly forget about that great idea and when the intended recipient’s birthday or Christmas rolls around, I’m in a cold sweat, trying to figure out what to get them. Just before Christmas, Zicron Software released Gift Box, an iPhone application intended to help folks like me stay organized at birthday and holiday times.  Zicron Software is still pretty new to the world of…

PhatNotes for iPhone & iPod Touch Review

When I still regularly used a Windows Mobile device, PhatNotes by PhatWare was typically one of the first programs that I installed on a new device.  I now use an iPhone much of the time rather than Windows Mobile.  I’ve tried several notes programs for the iPhone, and while many of them are quite good, none have quite hit the mark for me.  I like being able to group notes of similar topics, and being able to synchronize easily with desktop software is handy also.  So, when PhatWare offered Gear Diary a chance to examine their newly released version of…

Contour reCharge Universal Review

With all the restrictions on what you can and can not carry on airplane flying around, there’s one thing that seems certain.  The less you pack the better of you’ll be.  As I get my gear bag ready for CES 2010 I’m faced with a mountain of charging cables that I’ll need to stuff into my bag. One thing that will help is the Contour reCharge Universal.  The reCharge Universal is a home charger and car charger in one which allows you to simultaneously charge two devices via a USB  cable.  The reCharge comes with an iPhone/iPod cable, but it…

Throwboy Pillows Review: For the true Fan-Boy

Are you an Apple fan-boy?  Are you all Apple, all the the time?  If you are then you probably think that Apple’s icons are part of what make’s their operating system so nice to look at. Now you can look at your Apple’s icons, dare I even say you can snuggle with them, when you’re away from your computer. How? Throwboy makes handmade pillows usually in the shape of Mac related icons.  The pillows are available in two sets.  There’s the icon collection, chat  collection and they also make an individual RSS pillow. This holiday season I received the full…

How to Save Your Phone After a Short Swim

Photo courtesy of DigitalTrends It happens to everyone at least once in their life, your cellphone becomes a drowning victim. With the price of phones these days it is worth a shot at reviving it rather than declaring your phone DOA. Here is a few steps gathered from various sources on how to dry out your waterlogged cellphone or device. Most are pretty obvious but need to be stated as a reminder in the time of panic and chaos: Get your phone to safety. Don’t just stare in disbelief and feel like all is lost. Get it out of water…

Android Tip – Stopping Apps Using Any Cut

One of the first things that people install on their Android phones is some sort of application to kill background applications. In fact, as Carly noted today, Verizon employees suggested she install “Advanced Task Killer” to help stop applications running in the background. Why not use the functionality that’s already built-in to Android for this?

Do TONS more with your Magic Mouse

There’s no denying the “cool” factor of Apple’s Magic Mouse.  The sleek top, which allows for not only clicking but also swiping and pinching is a tremendous update to its previous version, the Mighty Mouse. But if you need even more out of your Magic Mouse, well then I’ve got the application for you. Magic Prefs is an add on for your Magic Mouse, which allows for a staggering amount of configurable add-ons.  “It features the ability to bind a variable number of finger clicks, taps, swipes, pinch and other gestures to functions like Middle Click , Hold Down Both…

Aerial7 Sound Disk Beanie Review

Aerial7 is a company that specializes in stylish headphones that are meant to compliment your lifestyle.  I just finished up a review on their Chopper2 headphones.  I was also lucky enough to receive one of their Sound Disk Beanies.  Since many of us are fighting off the chill of winter with a few extra layers of clothing, it only makes sense to take advantage of more “tech-enabled” clothing.  The Sound Disk Beanie fits into that mold by integrating headphones right in the beanie, so you can stay warm and listen to your music collection without having to mess with separate…

Aerial7 Chopper2 Headphones Review

Aerial7 recently provided us with the Chopper2 headphones to review.  The headphones provide a nice retro styling, and fit over the ear.  Apparently, Aerial7 Choppers are very popular with athletes and professional DJ’s.  Now, I’m not anywhere near the same league as snow boarder Heikki Sorsa, or DJ Neil Armstrong — who is the DJ for rapper Jay-Z (I actually was pretty excited when I glossed over the press release accompanying the review unit, thinking that it was astronaut Neil Armstrong who used the headphones, but I digress). The Chopper2 combines a vintage look with what Aerial7 states are “sneaker-inspired aesthetics.” I…

Cignias NAO Symphony Wireless Music Station Review

If you enjoy “cutting the cords” and being able to play your music wirelessly, then we’ve got a treat for you.  Cignias was kind enough to loan us a review unit of their NAO Symphony Wireless Music Station.  One thing to quickly note is that you can still take advantage of a big pricing discount Cignias is running if you want to snap one of these up for a last minute special Christmas gift ;). I’ve been using the NAO Symphony Noir model for over a week, and I can safely say that I’m sad to send it back.  The…

The Dallas Cowboys Stadium Video Board: Gimme Some High Def

If you are a sports fan, or even a stadium / architectural junkie, there has been much written and discussed about the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium. Besides the cost of 1.15 billion Texas bucks, amazing engineering, the lavish interior, retractable end zone glass doors and roof — the largest enclosed NFL stadium is a visual jaw dropping experience when viewed in person. As a life long Dallas Cowboys (and Tennessee Titans) fan, I recently took advantage of Southwest Airline’s fare sale to catch a game day experience at the new Cowboys Stadium.  I purposed to take my camera and capture…

iPhone EXOVault: Not your daddy’s plastic slider case

It’s no secret.  I’ve got  ton of iPhone cases.  Are many of them the same color?  Yes.  Are many of them the same style (i.e. slider, snap on etc?)  Yes. Are you in the same situation, and tired of looking at the same old style of case for you iPhone?  Hunkering for something totally unique and totally different? The EXOvault, recently reviewed by YouTuber ThatSnazzyiPhoneGuy, might be the case you’ve been looking for. Handcrafted, by NYC artists, from solid metal stock in two pieces, the case provides you with a distinctive and beautiful handcrafted object that sets itself apart from…

With SurePayroll’s iPhone App, You Can Now Process Payroll Anywhere. Uh, Yea?

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur?  When things are tight and sales are slight, have you ever “forgotten” to process payroll before leaving the office for the golf course?  Well, SurePayroll, an online payroll service, has just ruined your day.  SurePayroll has just released a free iPhone app for small business owners who use their service.  No longer do you need to be at your desk or even in front of your laptop.  The iPhone app provides access to SurePayroll accounts and allows the user to: Enter payroll information and preview totals, including calculating wages and deductions.  The…

Richard Solo rs1800 for iPhone Review

There’s no hiding Gear Diary’s love of the Mophie Juice Pack Air.  All the editors own one for their iPhones, and we just gave one away to a lucky Facebook friend. There’s also no hiding the lackluster performance of the iPhone’s battery.  For power users, like us, it’s often times impossible to get through a single day without having to “plug-in” at least once. Anyone who knows me knows I have a love of cases for the iPhone.  If there’s one single thing that bothers me about the Mophie Juice Pack air it’s the fact that it’s a case.  Yeah,…

Quick Review: Festive Tones for iPhone

Mail Tones from Electric Pocket is a nifty iPhone application that allows you to assign different ringtone alerts to each of the contacts in your address book.  This way you’ll know who’s emailing you without ever having to turn the phone on. Dan reviewed the application here, and I’ve been using it faithfully ever since.  Since the iPhone lacks any sort of real repeating notification system, I rely on Mail Tones quite heavily.  I know, from the sound of the alert, if an e-mail that’s arrived is important or not. For the holiday season, Electric Pocket has released a Christmas…

ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box Review

Editor’s Note: This is a joint review between Adrian and Jessica. Adrian’s comments will be in black, and Jessica’s will be in blue italics Multi-tasking seems to be one of my strong points…work 40 plus hours a week, chase around a toddler, coach high school sports, have a small business, and have family priorities that put me in and out of Dr appointments and hospitals at least once a week…so honestly what else can I add? Oh … let’s throw in mowing the lawn, maintaining the house, and helping my wife with the everyday chores (ok so I duck as…

Slide2Unlock2 Gets Updated to v2.20!

Slide2Unlock2, or more commonly known as S2U2, is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking for Windows Mobile. It can be used as a screen-saver when your device is idle. It has a CallerID function (but it may not work on some devices, so try it before using it daily); S2P control plugin; and volume control. S2U2 shows various system information items, even without unlocking and is highly customizable. Changes of v2.20 Removed the option “lock the device after any phone call when Bluetooth is on”. Added option “InCall Lock” (S2U2 Settings -> General) Added option…

Gboard Review: Gmail at lightening fast speeds

I recently made the move to making G-Mail my full time e-mail client.  In conjunction with the move, I also stopped using the Mac OS Mail application and am strictly reading and writing my e-mail via the G-Mail web based client. The transition has take some getting used to.  Reading and writing via the G-Mail site is a different experience than doing so via a regular mail application.  Simply put, it takes a heck of a lot more mouse movements and clicks when using the web based G-Mail method. When I first spotted the Gboard I immediately knew it was…

Proporta Antimicrobial Silicone Case for iPhone 3G/3Gs Review

Ever since the H1N1 virus made national headlines, it seems more and more people are becoming uber-germ conscious.  I can’t seem to turn my head without spotting another bottle of hand sanitizer strategically placed near the front of some store or by the check out lines. Computer keyboards and mobile phones are some of the worst offenders when it comes to spreading germs around.  According to Proporta the average mobile phone has close to 26,00 germs on it per square inch!  Yuck! To help protect you from these germs they’ve released an Antimicrobial Silicone Case for the iPhone 3G and…