Help Define SMB Purchasing Habits and You May Win a ThinkCentre M75e Desktop Plus Two 19’’ Monitors

Help Define SMB Purchasing Habits and You May Win a ThinkCentre M75e Desktop Plus Two 19’’ Monitors

photo credit: spike55151 If you don’t mind filling out a simple online survey form, then you may be rewarded with a ThinkCentre M75e desktop plus two 19’’ monitors for your time! Ivy Worldwide is gathering information on small and medium-sized businesses’ technology purchasing habits. This is the second SMB survey that they have conducted, and this time the goal is to gain a “deeper insight not just into what information sources are important to SMBs, but also what triggers the action of purchasing (or not) once a potential buyer is feels him/herself to be well informed about a product or…

iPad App Review: Biostatistics

Since my day job is as a statistician, when I saw that an app called Biostatistics had been released on the iTunes App Store, I simply had to check it out. Developer Stephen S. Ashley was kind enough to provide me with a review code for the full version. There are two things I wanted to highlight: the statistics, and the interface. The Hype: The Biostatistics app™ provides descriptive statistics and statistical tests and procedures of interest primarily to students and researchers in the life sciences. The provided tests and procedures may also prove useful to those in other fields…

Mr AahH for iPhone/Touch

I remember a day when searching for a game I worried about 3D graphics and realistic gameplay. Of course those things are nice and cool in a game, but IOS has brought me back to the day where simplicity and fun were more important than realistic explosions. I recently tried to explain to some of my students how fun gaming was “back in the day” when graphics were terrible, but the games were just fun and could be replayed over and over. This idea has proven true for me again with IOS games where simplicity, enjoyable game play and the…

Would You Take the Beer or the iPad?

screenshot from of the Eldorado Success 03/31/11 digital edition One of the joys of living in a small town is that the local paper publishes the police blotter every week; it’s always good for an unintentional chuckle, because some of the things people call 911 for are things you would never see in a larger city. Whether it be a black bull loose on the side of the road at the county line, hit and run doorbell ringing, or people who call for help but then refuse to say what they need — there’s always something sure to raise an…

Music Diary Notes: Will Streaming Music Kill an Already Weak Industry?

OK, I know … how many times can I say that ‘music sales are dismal’? Well, with each newly discovered nugget of information, a pattern emerges: one that we implicitly already know, with a clueless music industry trying to somehow get back to the ‘good old days’ of early 70’s record sales with 100% annual growth, or even the late 1990’s when the CD was king. But the graph shows the reality: the entire music industry is shrinking, and the rise in digital (last year just 5%) and ‘performance rights’ such as internet radio and subscription services, are doing nothing…

Music Diary Notes: Buying ‘Indie’ Music? Chances Are You Got It On iTunes!

Last year a big deal was made when eMusic shifted to focus on the major labels by making concessions in pricing and moving from credits to dollar amounts for purchase, and more importantly changing how royalties and other details were handled in a way that resulted in many major indie labels pulling out of the service. Until then, eMusic was looked upon as the greatest place for indie music. Turns out the best place is actually iTunes. According to a report at Digital Music News: Last week, global independent trade group AIM stumbled upon a stunningly lopsided stat. Namely, that…

Adventures in Customer Service- Apple and Spilled Crystal Light Edition

I thought of a number of different titles for this post. One was: “No Use Crying Over Spilled Lemonaide”. Another was “MacBook Airs and Crystal Light Do Not Mix”. Another was “Apple, I’m Sorry for all the Nasty Things I Have Said and Thought” Then there was “I’m an Idiot” Eventually I settled on simply using “Adventures in Customer Service- Apple and Spilled Crystal Light Edition”. Here’s my story. I did not have a good morning. I woke up not feeling particularly great and immediately had a number of phone calls with people who are in the midst of challenging…

Pop Goes the Music Diary: When a Music Video Goes Beyond the Song

Remember the first time MTV aired Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video? It was a huge event that was wrapped around one of the greatest pop songs ever – but the video was even more! There was a story about a girl and a boy … who wasn’t an ordinary boy, which went on for a few minutes before launching into the great song with excellent choreography. Well, a couple of weeks ago there was a big deal made over the new Ke$ha music video for the song ‘Blow’. Featuring James Van Der Beek, there is some pseudo-story about two people…

The New York Times Paywall and the Death of eBook Reader Subscriptions

The New York Times paywall makes a decent effort to bridge app-based subscriptions with physical papers and online access, but there’s one glaring exception: eBookstores (except Amazon’s Kindle) are being cut out of the fun. It’s looking like Amazon was able to cut a special deal, but everyone else (mainly B&N and Kobo) are not included in any such offerings, which is a slap in the face to the users who have been voluntarily paying for an electronic version of the New York Times. It just boggles my mind, since there’s really no downside to allowing these subscribers to have…

iPad Accessory News: Joule Chroma iPad Stand for iPad and iPad 2

Of all the stands for the original iPad, Element Case’s Joule stands out as the simplest but most aesthetically pleasing iPad stand we reviewed. Here’s what I had to say about the original version: So what do I think of the Joule? I love it. It is beautifully made and remarkably useful. It is simple yet functional. When the iPad is not inside its low profile means it won’t take up much space AND it looks good. The three angles provided by the various cuts in the back let you have your iPad at the perfect angle for whatever use you…

Random Creepy Stuff: ‘Cloud Girlfriend’ Provides a Virtual Girlfriend for Social Networks

Oh the shame – you have to set your relationship status on Facebook to ‘Single’. What will your friends think? How can you possibly cope?!? Fear no more – a new company called Cloud Girlfriend promises to help you out with a simple four-step process: Step 1: Define your perfect girlfriend. Step 2: We bring her into existence. Step 3: Connect and interact with her publicly on your favorite social network. Step 4: Enjoy a public long distance relationship with your perfect girl. However, as the AOLNews article notes: Facebook’s Terms of Service agreement strictly prohibits computer controlled accounts, which…

Flashback to Grad School, or “I Wrote My Thesis with That?”

Kayla’s rant about iPads and her description of college tech was striking to me. She ASSUMED (accurately) that anyone going to college these days has a computer. Yup, access to a computer isn’t a luxury for students these days, it is a necessity. (As she then goes on to point out, iPads, on the other hand, are luxuries.) It got me thinking about my own college days. When I was working on my undergraduate degree we had a room in each dorm with four or five computers. For the most part they were used for math and science calculations rather…

iPad Accessory Review: XtremeMac Tuffwrap Shine for iPad 2

I’m loving my iPad 2. Thanks to its thinner design and slightly lighter weight I find even easier to use than its predecessor. And the speed, well the speed is amazing. My biggest frustration with the iPad 2 is that the protective back shells I have for the original iPad don’t work due to the slight change in shape and size. That means my iPad 2 spent its first week with nothing protecting the back. I did finally get DODOcase BOOKback but that doesn’t protect the sides of the iPad. That’s where the new Tuffwrap Shine for iPad 2 from…

Random Cool Flowchart: How to Have a Rational Discussion

If you put on any so-called ‘discussion’ show over the last decade or so you would have heard a level of discourse that sounds like you put two people with opposing views in recording chambers and told them to state their case without supporting data other than the other side are idiots, pretend to listen for 30 seconds occasionally and then talk over the other person saying pretty much that they are an idiot with idiotic ideas but that is what you’d expect from such idiotic people. In other words, whatever avenues for thoughtful discourse existed when I was younger…

Music Diary Songs of Note: Happy Birthday to Sassy Sarah Vaughan

Sunday would have been the 87th birthday of legendary singer Sarah Vaughan, who died in 1990. She is generally considered one of the great vocalists of the 20th century, and you can see that in the two videos I selected. I was fortunate to see Sarah Vaughan at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1984, where she put on an amazing set that showcased not just her great voice but also her love of performing for and interacting with an audience. One of my favorite songs of hers was a great interpretation of Errol Garner’s Misty. You can hear her doing…

iPad Accessory Video Review: Waterfield’s iPad Travel Express

The other day we brought word that Waterfield had just released their latest iPad accessory, the Travel Express. The Travel Express is larger than the company’s iPad sleeves (reviewed here) but smaller than their iPad Wallet (reviewed here). It looked great and the company was kind enough to send one over so we might take a closer look. Once again they have designed a case that looks great and is super function. Here’s a closer look. From Waterfield: Ticket to Ride. The Travel Express is your all-in-one mobile office solution. Store and protect your iPad, iPad 2, or iPad 2…

iOS 5.0 Release Pushed Back to Fall? Just Proves Apple Still “Thinks Different”

The blogosphere was buzzing yesterday when word came that Apple might hold off on releasing iOS 5.0 until the fall. What does this mean? Why would Apple break such a long tradition that goes all the way to… January 9, 2007. Okay so maybe it is not such a long-standing tradition, but you know what they say: “Do it once it is innovative; Do it twice and it is redundant; Do it a third time and it is a tradition.” By now an annual hardware and OS update is a TRADITION. Why would Apple mess with tradition? But it is…

Amazon Appstore: Is Choice Good for Android Users?

Competition is always a good thing, right? I mean, the iPhone was the first true innovation in the smartphone market for years. And along came Android, which accelerated healthy competition and made all smartphones better, and therefore better for users. So why am I not very happy with the Amazon Appstore, at least at the moment? The promise of the Amazon Appstore sounds great, at least on paper. Adding another option for a store for consumers to buy Android apps sounds like a win-win situation, but in practice, I don’t think that it is all that it is thought to…

Whither Goeth the Newspaper?

I grew up in Northern Virginia right in the middle of the Nixon/Watergate madness.  Both my parents were big readers, and growing up then, and there, turned me into a big newspaper reader.  A big newspaper reader.  When I went to college, I made sure my dorm subscribed to a paper; when I moved into my own place, one of the first things I always did after getting the power and phone and such turned on was to order the paper; when we moved from Santa Cruz to San Jose, and then to Austin, I always made sure I had…

Android Device Review: Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock and Media Dock

It was my last day at CES 2011 and we had already had quite a full morning. I was exhausted, but Francis just kept pushing. “I want to go see Motorola. I want to go see Motorola.” And he kept whining, “I want to go see what Motorola is offering and I want to go now.” He wore me down. So I acquiesced. Okay, so perhaps that’s not exactly how it happened. In actuality it went something like this: Francis – “Hey Dan, what do you say we go check out Motorola?” Me – “Sure.” And, thanks to Francis, we…