Moshi Muse 12 for the 2015 MacBook
The folks at Moshi recently provided Gear Diary with a number of products for the new MacBook. Among them was a protective sleeve called the Moshi Muse 12.
The folks at Moshi recently provided Gear Diary with a number of products for the new MacBook. Among them was a protective sleeve called the Moshi Muse 12.
Recently, the folks at Moshi were kind enough to provide Gear Diary with a few of their products to evaluate for the new MacBook 12” (2015). I’m going to look at the first of these — the iGlaze for MacBook, a clear shell to protect the outside of your MacBook.
It’s common knowledge that Apple makes products that are extremely polarizing. The original iPhone, for example, was very polarizing. More recently, the original MacBook Air and Apple Watch became polarizing products. Add to that list the new 12-inch MacBook. I recently bought one to use as my primary personal computer. Why would I do that? Well there’s a story here.
Now that you’ve ordered your new 2015 Macbook, you’re probably wondering where you can find an extra USB-C Cable. A lot of people keep one at home, and one for the office or travel, and you all are in luck as Monoprice has announced they have a competitively priced version available.
If you’re a Macbook Air or Pro owner with a love for Legos, then you’ve probably have seen an article floating around about the Brik Case MacBook Case KickStarter by the Jolt Team.
Today Apple released two Yosemite security updates; one for early 2015 Mac, (the latest Macbook released March 9th) and one for us using Yosemite 10.10.2 or older.
Let’s face it, Apple’s accessories are brutally expensive. The premium that they charge for virtually everything, from lightning cords to you know, watches, is ridiculous. With that being said it’s surprising to find out that Apple will start allowing third party MacBook battery packs and third party chargers. After many warnings from Apple warning their consumers to not use third-party power adapters, it’s interesting to know that now they are giving in a little bit with the new MacBook and allowing it. According to 9to5Mac, they have sources close to the Apple team that say most accessories supporting the USB-C…
We’ll be posting the news as it rolls in. While we do we want to know what YOU think! Do you like what you see coming from Cupertino this fall? Are you disappointed? Did Apple nail it or miss an opportunity? Do their prices make sense? We want to know what you think in the comments.
Here on Gear Diary we often review new products and, sometimes directly and at other times indirectly, we offer recommendations. This time out, I’m turning to all of you for guidance and input: which laptop I should use on a series of upcoming trips. Here’s background on where things currently stand and what kind of input I am seeking.
Judie and I were on the phone together while ordering our 15″ MacBook pro with Retina display laptops, so we could discuss the specific specs we wanted. At the end of the day we both went for the fastest processor (Core i7) and most RAM (16GB) we could get. Judie had just about convinced me to go for the largest amount of storage (768GB) despite the huge up-charge to move from 512GB, when we realized that the storage upgrade would delay the laptops for weeks. We both settled for 512GB laptops, and we have been quite happy with the machines….
As 2012 comes to an end I thought I might take a quick look at a couple of specific gadgets that surprised and delighted me over the past year. So here a quick list of my personal “Best Gear Surprises of 2012”. MacBook Pro with Retina Display The biggest change in my gear this past year came in the form of the MacBook Pro with Retina Display. I loved using and carrying my MacBook Air but the pull of a retina display-equipped laptop was too much. I bit. So did Judie. In fact, there was a bit of back and…
If you use a MacBook and either an iMac or a ThunderBolt Display, Just Mobile’s AluRack will help you keep things neat and tidy while letting you be more productive than ever. We recently looked at the company’s AluBase. It holds your MacBook in a vertical position on your desk and lets you connect it to your big, beautiful iMac or display whenever you want your notebook to work as a desktop. If, however, you don’t want to take up the extra desk space with the AluBase and MacBook, then the AluRack is exactly what you have been looking for. Let’s…
Last week I offered a first look and video of the Libratone Zipp. The airplay speaker fuses European aesthetics with Cupertinian technology. The round speaker works fine at home, but it also runs on battery power so you can take it on the go. Libratone, who already offered two different speakers designed for home use has now made a speaker that is ready to, as they put it, “Leave the House”. From Libratone: Share your music anywhere, anytime! Libratone Zipp is an easy-to-use, wireless sound system wrapped in changeable Italian wool. Stream your favourite tunes with PlayDirect™ and AirPlay technology, directly…
Anyone who knows me expects to see me sporting my backpack gear bag hanging on my right shoulder. I carry tons of tech in that bag whether I need it on a daily basis or not. The backbone of that backpack has been my 13″ MacBook Pro. The laptop was my dream computer, and it was basically an extension of myself. Making movies, editing photos, and writing posts; all flowed from my laptop like a master magician wowing a captivated crowd. In fact, that MacBook even made trips with me to the farm and hunting. That magic came to a…
You know what they say about free advice… you get what you pay for. And, if you read the site regularly, you know hoe much both Judie and I love and rely upon our iPads. And you likely also know that Mike considers the iPad his “80% computer” while Carly goes as high as it being her 90% computer. That being the case you might be surprised that I find Cult of Macs post entitles Why You Should Buy An iPad Instead Of A MacBook For College [Back To School] to be lousy advice and simply wrong. The author’s points…
If you read the site you know how much I like, use and rely upon voice recognition. I use Siri on my iPhone more for voice recognition than for the actual “power” of Siri. I use global voice recognition on my iPad ALL THE TIME. And on my Mac I use Dragon Dictation and Dragon Express all the time. With Mountain Lion Apple is bringing global voice recognition to the Mac. Sure, it has some of the same limitation as iOS voice recognition in that is requires a data connection and there is a limitation on how long you can…
When it comes to protecting our various devices, there are a few companies upon which we tend to rely. Of course there is the old standby Zagg, there is our newsletter underwriter Bodyguardz and there is Wrapsol. We reviewed various offerings from each company and have, for the most part, been impressed by all of them. Which you choose to use has a great deal to do with price, the application process, and the specific offerings for each device. We have upcoming reviews of two skins from Bodyguardz, but in this review we will look at Wrapsol’s Protection Bundle for…
While together this past weekend the editors took some time out to talk tech. We’ll share the conversation/s over the next few days. Each of us brought a tablet, a notebook and at least one smartphone along with us. Two used the tablet almost exclusively while the others traded off between them fairly evenly. In this first one we talk about when and how we choose to use one or the other. Has your tablet become a primary productivity tool for you? Let us know in the comments.
As Judie and I posted last week, the MacBook Pro Retina may be pricey but it is also an amazing computer. Honestly, after using it for almost two weeks I can, without hesitation, call it the best computer I have ever owned. It is fast, quiet, runs cool and it has a screen that must be seen to be appreciated. Yes, it is the best computer I have ever used. It is also the heaviest notebook I have owned in the last 5+ years and, since it came to Dearborn Michigan with me last week for the GoFurther with Ford…
When Apple first announced the new MacBook Pro with retina display they stressed that it was the best notebook they have ever built AND it had the best speakers they have ever put into a Mac notebook. After almost two weeks I can confidently say that this is absolutely the best computer I have ever used. At the same time, if these are the best speakers they have ever put into a Mac it says a lot for just how bad things were previously but says little about the audio coming from the MBPr. To be fair, it isn’t just…
Dan: In last week’s newsletter, Judie and I began to address our first impressions of the new MacBook Pro with Retina display. I sat down to flesh out a more in-depth post but soon realized that what might be more compelling was why we both felt this computer was worth the price of admission in the first place. I certainly won’t speak for Judie, but I thought I would lay out my reasons for buying the MBPr and why, after using it for a week and a half, I realize they were spot on. In order to fully explain why this…