Misc Gear

WESN Samla on Kickstarter: A Friction Folding Knife That’s Both Beautiful and Useful!

Small knives are arguably the most useful pocket item you can have. They can do everything from slicing up an apple to whittling little figurines or cutting you loose if you get stuck in some vines. Admittedly, of these, slicing the apple is probably (hopefully) most likely what you’d need a small knife for, but we don’t judge here at Gear Diary. Go ahead and whittle to your heart’s content. In any case, if you need or want a new knife for everyday carry, check out the WESN Samla; it’s now live on Kickstarter!

The DJI Air 2S Looks Like a Serious Upgrade for Hobbyists

If you’re ready to upgrade to a drone with serious features for a reasonable price, the DJI Air 2S looks like a worthy contender. It’s portable, smart, has a flight time of 31 minutes (with no wind), and a max flight distance of ~11.5 miles with a video transmission range of ~7.5 miles.

Gear Diary’s 2021 Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is May 9th, and it is coming up sooner than you think! If you’ve been racking your brain for some great gifts that think outside of the jewelry, flowers, and candy box, we’ve got you covered. Whether you need to stick to a budget or the sky’s the limit, there is something for everyone in our 2021 Mother’s Day Gift Guide. Be sure to check out the awesome giveaway at the end!

Space Safe Protects Your Valuables and Keeps You Aware from Anywhere

If you’re looking for the most technologically advanced safe space to lock away your valuables, you’ll want to check out Space Safe. With features like Internal and external 1080p HD live stream cameras with two-way talk, a huge 10-inch LCD touch screen display, and a large fingerprint sensor with 360-degree technology, the Space Safe will offer a versatile and revolutionary option for storage of your valuables.

Vertiball Precision Massager Review: A Compact Way to Effectively Massage Sore Muscles

Recovery is a key part of getting in shape. It’s when your body is resting that your muscles rebuild stronger than before. That’s why massaging and foam rolling are so important, but ever try to lug a foam roller on a trip? They’re a little bulky for travel. The Vertiball Precision Massager is a portable way to massage sore muscles without taking up space in your suitcase that you needed for clean shirts! Do you need one? Read on to learn more!

MedRock HotRock Foam Roller Review: Combines Muscle Release and Comforting Heat in One

Ask any personal trainer, and they’ll tell you the best item you can have in your home for recovery is a foam roller. There might be (there will be) moments where you’re cursing the demons who forged such a torturous item, but foam rolling is a big part of keeping your body healthy and happy after a hard workout. They can be as simple as a cylinder of foam, or they can be studded with textures to dig into each knot. The new MedRock HotRock Foam Roller brings the heat to the foam rolling experience!

Fishda Double Heads Massage Gun Review: Brings Affordable and Portable Muscle Relief!

Anyone who exercises regularly knows that recovery is a key part of improving. You can’t push forever; sometimes, your body needs to heal. Massages are great, but between covid and the cost, most people aren’t opting for weekly in-person massages, and massage chairs are a luxury suited for the Brookstone in your local mall, not necessarily your living room. Enter the Fishda Double Heads Massage Gun, which offers a way to pummel your muscles into submission without also destroying your wallet or disrupting your home decor!

Whole Foods Starts Carrying Neuro Mints and Gum!

We love Neuro products here at Gear Diary. Their mint and cinnamon flavored gums, as well as their mint and cinnamon flavored mints, are delicious, and we could never have survived CES 2020 without several packs of Neuro Gum! Anytime I’ve sung their praises, I’ve had to steer potential buyers towards Amazon, CVS, or the Neuro website, but Neuro sent us some amazing news today — you’ll be able to get Neuro Mints and Gum at Whole Foods!

Want to Win a One-of-a-Kind $10,000 set of 18K Loop Bling Earplugs? Check This Out!

Today is World Hearing Day, and Loop Earplugs has an amazing giveaway to celebrate the event and raise awareness for hearing loss. They desire to open a conversation about the conception that earplugs are boring and ugly. To that end, they’ve created Loop Bling, a one-of-a-kind set of earplugs made of 18K gold, set with 120 diamonds, and valued at $10,000. The best part? You can win them!

Gear Diary’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

If you’re still trying to figure out what to get your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day, and you’ve been stumped on what to do to make a great impression, we have the solution. Our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide has products that go way beyond the usual chocolates, flowers, and dinner out. Time’s running out, but many of these will still make it in time if you order soon. Be sure to check out our giveaway at the end of the gift guide, too!

DynaVap M Review: Brings Battery-Free Bliss to Vaping

We’ve covered dry herb vapes here before, but they’re usually fairly advanced with fancy battery life, apps to control temperature, and other neat tricks. We recently tested a much simpler vape, the DynaVap M, and it blows the battery based vapes away!

Omura Series X Dry Herb Vaporizer Review: An Easy, New Way to Vape

As legislation to legalize medicinal and recreational cannabis moves forward in numerous states, and as CBD use continues to explode, new technologies for consumption are coming to market. The Omura Series X is a sleek device that heats, rather than burns, whole flower herbs with impressive results. It reenvisions the entire vaping process and looks like something Apple would release.

Victor DCX610 Height Adjustable Standing Desk Review: It’s Great for My Back and Knees!

One of the downsides to working from home is that there are fewer reasons to get up and move around. At work, I would get up from my desk and walk to visit coworkers, get coffee, or visit the printer; at home, that just doesn’t happen. I was starting to feel pain from this loss of routine movement in my back and hips, which is why I was excited to give the Victor DCX610 Standing Desk a whirl!