Misc Gear

New Datacolor SpyderX Kits Include Specialized Tools for Photography and Graphic Design

When I was a kid, I considered a career as a photographer. I imagined being Ansel Adams, with a giant Hasselblad camera, or the next Dorothea Lange. Or a sports photographer, catching the thrill of victory or agony of defeat. I even took a year and a half of photography classes in middle school, and still toy with the fantasy by playing with such gizmos like the SpyderX Kits for photography and graphic design.

FireBoard 2 Review: The Smarter Way to Cook Meat Right, Every Time

Even though I smoke meats year-round, summer is especially busy in my pits. I have used the FireBoard for a good while and was just given the opportunity to try out the FireBoard 2. Since temps are the key to great smoked meat, the FireBoard 2 brings a smart way to impress your friends at your next BBQ.

Robomart: The Mobile Mini-Store That Comes to You

I’ve tried a few shopping apps, and I’ve had a friend that worked a grocery order-and-delivery service back around 2000. Now, there’s Robomart, a company with an app working to provide you a hail-to-purchase-to-delivery experience through an app and delivery service in record time.

BlendJet 2 Portable Blender Review: Be Anywhere, Blend (Almost) Anything

The initial thought of a portable blender was, why? Then all of the possibilities came flooding in. Mix up a shake for the gym, breakfast on the go, or even some nice margaritas at the pool or the beach. The BlendJet 2 Portable Blender is a powerful, rechargeable option that will bring the freedom to blend shakes and drinks anytime and anywhere.

Scosche FrescheAir Portable HEPA Air Purifier and Deodorizer Review

For those that suffer from allergies, whether dust, pollen, pet hair, or just want to eliminate pet, food, or smoke odors, the Scosche FrescheAir purifier has come to the rescue. The filter collects 99.5% of small particles with a two-speed fan and touchless operation. The filter is designed to fit in your vehicle’s cup holder or set up easily on a desk.

3 Areas Where Technology and Health Actually Mesh

Unless you live off the grid, it’s hard to escape technology. It’s become a way to do just about everything, and health and fitness are no exceptions. But, unfortunately, certain tech aspects, like screen time and blue light exposure, are not considered good for you. So when some people think of technology, they might picture something that promotes sitting still or lying on the couch. But the truth is technology can do more than entertain with video games and binge-able content. Apps, devices, virtual reality, and advances in healthcare delivery can identify problems, help you make changes, and keep you…

Opolis Optics Largo Sunglasses Review: Perfect Shades for the Summer

Finding the perfect pair of glasses for your face isn’t hard, depending on your face shape. But with Opolis Optics’ latest Bio-Collection, there’s something for everyone, whether you have an oval, round, rectangular, square, or diamond shape to your face. I was sent the Opolis Optics Largo Sunglasses for review; let’s check them out.

Dreametech Dreame T30 Cordless Vacuum Review: Makes Cleaning Easy and Almost Fun!

I have never once uttered the words “I love this vacuum” until the Dreame T30. Using a vacuum is usually an ordeal — my full-size vac is bulky, I have to haul it out of a closet, and it never seems to suction as well as it should. Apparently, I’ve just been using the wrong vacuums all this time because the Dreametech Dreame T30 Cordless Vacuum lives up to its name; it is an absolute dream to use!

Oura Alta Towel Review: Proves You Really Do Get What You Paid For!

If you asked me two weeks ago if I had a preferred towel at home, I would have probably stared at you blankly. Or pointed out that “preferred towel” was a really fancy way to say “whatever towel is clean and available.” That was before the Oura Alta Towel arrived; now I understand why Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy strenuously suggested you never forget your towel … because a good towel is a game-changer.

Land of Dough Review: An All-Natural Play Dough That Your Kids Will Love

There were few things more exciting when I was a kid than a fresh jar of play dough. Land of Dough has brought that feeling to the next level with their beautifully designed, all-natural dough cups that are themed and include every kid’s favorite, glitter. These layered dough cups start at $12, and we think they’re worth every penny.

Higher Standards x Revelry Stowaway Bag Review: Well-Made Bag That Blocks Odors of Anything Contained

There are very few times in life where things aren’t improved with a solid bag. Admittedly, “I need a really solid, smell-proof bag” isn’t necessarily the first thing on everyone’s shopping list, but you never know when you might need to transport some onions. Or, more realistically, when you realize you want to travel with the kind of plant matter that’s legal in more and more states. You need a bag that doesn’t make people look up and say, “weird, why does it smell like college in here all of the sudden?” That’s where the Higher Standards x Revelry Stowaway…

Multo Wants to Be Your Ultimate Sous Chef

The Multo by CookingPal may look like an ordinary food processor, but it is actually an “intelligent, autonomous cooking system that makes delicious meals materialize with minimal effort.”

The Invoxia Cellular GPS Tracker Makes Tracking Valuables Easy

The Invoxia Cellular GPS Tracker is a standalone GPS tracker for anything from cars and motorcycles to bags, valuables, and even people. Invoxia’s tracker is “one of the first trackers to be compatible with the LTE-M update of 4G cellular networks” and is usable anywhere across the United States through 4G networks that support LTE-M.