
FHA Deals Housing Market a Blow

Photo courtesy of  A Different Kind of Blog There is nothing about shiny new gadgets and gear in this post; sorry about that.  But your friendly Gear Diary folks think that you, our readers, should be warned about stuff every once in a while.  Why?  Well, if you’re well-off enough to buy some of the gadgets, gizmos, and gear that we talk about here, you’re probably going to be (or already are) a homeowner.  And if you’re a homeowner, well, you need to know about the upcoming rule changes that will make your life much more difficult. See, back in…

MTV Celebrates 29 Years Since Lift-Off … Older Fans Wonder When Music Videos Were Sent to Space

On August 1st 1981 MTV launched, creating a major new outlet for music as a visual art form as well as a new place for artists to get their material promoted. In commemoration of this milestone one YouTube user has pieced together then entire first 24 hours of the station. While we did have cable at that time, but I was too busy between school, job, friends, music, whatever else to care about the launch of the station. Of course, over the next several years leaving MTV on in the fraternity house was as common as leaving on the radio,…

A Tale Of Two Customer Service Experiences Done Right

In a world that often seems filled with poor customer service, companies that just don’t seem to care and story upon story of people being mistreated during shopping I wanted to share two positive experiences I had. Last week one of the premier iPhone accessory manufacturers, Incase, announced the immediately availability of their first two cases for the iPhone 4. Incase is regarded as one of the best when it comes to iPhone cases and I was definitely looking forward to the release. I jumped on over to the Incase website and begun the process of placing an order for…

Photographer Uses Soda Can Camera to Capture 6 Month Long Exposure

Just check out that image, called ‘Solargraph’. It is from the UK, taken of Bristol’s Clifton Suspension Bridge. The lines are the travel of the sun over time, showing the motion of the earth relative to the sun, as well as periods where no sun at all was visible. According to Wired, photographer Justin Quinnell made the images: from the simplest of cameras: a soda-can with a 2.5mm hole punched into the metal and a sheet of photographic paper hidden inside. Because photo-paper is so much less sensitive to light (in the darkroom you’d typically expose for 10-seconds or more),…

Caddyshack Celebrates 30 Years as the Best Golf Movie Ever

… and also the most hated by golfers! I remember when it came out my Uncle who was an avid golfer saw it right away, as did my cousin who was visiting with family from Georgia. Two very different opinions, one from a middle-aged golfer who thought it was stupid and one from a guy a couple years older than my brother and I who thought it was hilarious. Pretty soon we saw it (remember back in those days you didn’t need to rush to the theater on opening weekend!) … and it has remained one of my all-time favorite…

The End of Free Soda Refills?

Last Friday night my family went to a nice downtown Corning pub, and noticed printed signs all around stating that a new policy would permit only one free soda refill, after which guests would have to pay for another full-priced drink. I really didn’t think anything of it until I saw this post on Consumerist: According to the article: This dire message at a Tucson Italian beef joint claims the restaurant’s dissolution of its free refill policy has to do with outside forces conspiring to make soda syrup too pricey. Have you seen anything like this in your town, or…

EFO’s Solar Toys are Fun and Educational

Solar power has been a promise since I was my son’s age.  In the future. we were all supposed to have roofs covered in solar cells and not having to use ugly power lines to power our lives.  We were barely able to get to the point of powering calculators.  Fast forward 20 years and while there have been advances, we still don’t drive solar cars and we still have to have power lines run to our homes.  Thankfully, there are more things run by solar cells than back when I was 11 and some of them are fun too….

Vanilla Ice’s ‘Ice Ice Baby’ Celebrates 20-Years of Poser ‘Gangsta’ Pretense

While it might seem incredible to some that it has been 20 years since the release of the hit hip-hop single Ice Ice Baby by rapper Rob Van Winkle (Vanilla Ice), look at that outfit … I … I really just don’t even know what to say. To celebrate the anniversary, here is the version I have always preferred: Jim Carrey before he hit it big doing a parody for the Wayan’s Brothers variety show In Living Color: It is interesting looking back and realizing that late the prior year when Vanilla Ice was unsigned, he had released it as…

Use Your Cell Cam, Go to Jail

Photo courtesy of ABC News© We don’t talk much about politics here at Gear Diary.  It’s not our thing.  We’re geeks and nerds here, not PoliSci majors.  We like to talk about the positive side of tech. But every once in a while, tech news and politics do bleed into each other.  One of the classics is Net Neutrality, of course.  Gizmodo being raided by the police for purchasing an allegedly stolen device.  Early in my career, encryption software being treated as equivalent to a munition was a hot topic.  You get the idea. Since 9/11, a lot of the…

Fear and Loathing in eBooks

Amazon announced this morning that they’ve struck an exclusive deal with literary agent Andrew Wylie. He’s acting as a publisher for several authors he represents and has agreed to give Amazon an exclusive on 20 titles. You can check out the full press release here, but the highlights are: Books available in the Kindle Store through Odyssey Editions include modern classics such as Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children,” Oliver Sacks’ “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat,” Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita,” John Cheever’s “The Stories of John Cheever” and four novels…

Random Cool Video: Blue Man Group Uses Giant iPhone-Like Devices On Regis & Kelly

If you have ever seen the Blue Man Group live, you know how amazing their performances are. If not, you are missing out on some wonderful live entertainment and should make every effort to check them out. They are always interesting and always changing things up. Recently Playbill noted that the Blue Man Group would be bringing out a new performance piece called ‘Screenhopping’ July 21st on the Regis & Kelly show. In a very timely fashion the so-called ‘video pillars’ look very much like over-sized iPhones, with app buttons and all. Once it gets started it is all classic…

World’s Largest Gummy Bear … What is the Serving Size?

Sometimes you never know what a friend from a forum is going to send you. A site named Vat19 has launched what they are calling the ‘Worlds Biggest Gummy Bear’ (WLGB) and are actually selling it online! They also have a cool tagline – These are real. They are awesome. You can buy them. Here is what they say: The World’s Largest Gummy Bear is the lion of the candy world. There is no candy more magnificent or more powerful. This five-pound beast is the equivalent of 1,400 regular sized gummy bears and packs a whopping 12,600 calories. Its monstrous…

Does Your GPS Have a Tone, or Is It All in Your Head?

I have road rage issues. I tend to get very frustrated by traffic and being lost; unfortunately, I live in New Jersey and have what amounts to a completely inverted sense of direction. So it’s not uncommon to find myself stuck in traffic in a strange place while trying to calm my frustrations…and then the GPS pipes up with a “RECALCULATING” and suddenly I am plotting the highest point from which I can drop the evil beast of a device. Luckily, I am not alone. According to CNN, it’s fairly common to have a negative reaction to GPS-voice. Basically, while…

Random Cool Video – ‘Balloon Accelerator’ Made From Dyson Bladeless Fans

If you have ever used any of the products by British inventor James Dyson (who also does his own commercials), you know they are pretty cool. At Gear Diary we are all about technology that is cool, so this video immediately grabbed our attention. The image at the top shows how the fan technology works in terms of the mechanics, and the image below shows the flow-front produced. The fan draws in random air from behind and pushes it out with 15x the force in a nicely focused beam. Using the focused draw and push of the fan design, folks…

What Classic Author Do You Write Like?

Most people who do any sort of creative writing aspire to be like one of their favorite authors, from Emily Dickinson to James Joyce to … well, whomever you like! And chances are, if you have read and reread authors over the years some of their style has bled into your everyday prose. By way of a tweet from a friend I learned that there is now a site called I Write Like that will analyze your writing and match your style with one of the authors in its database. So as a test I took some of my Thanks…

Thanks Amazon for Linking Me Up With Old Friends … um … I Think …

Before I start this story, here is a Public Service Announcement – if you use’s Wish List feature, be aware that unless you explicitly link each list to an address, it will direct shipments to whatever your default address was … WHEN THE LIST WAS CREATED! Please do yourself a favor and make sure your list isn’t sending stuff to that place you lived in 2002 when you created your first list for fun. OK, now back to our story … When I jumped at the possibility at writing for Gear Diary last year, one reason was that I…

Princess Leia Seized on NYC Subway!

You really have to hand it to the folks at Improv Everywhere – they sure know how to put on a show! Here is their description of their latest project: For our latest mission, we staged a reenactment of the first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car. The white walls and sliding doors on the train reminded us of the rebel ship from the movie, and we thought it would be fun to see how people would react to a surprise appearance by the iconic characters. We spread out the…

Men, Women and Cars- New Survey Reveals What’s Similar and What’s Not

 photo credit: PDXdj New national survey data gives an interesting, and at times frightening, picture of the driving habits of the genders. On the good side of things, 89% of women and 83% of men report having a clean driving record for the past two years. On a more neutral front while 25% of women report not trusting their sense of direction only 9% of men do. Interestingly less women use GPS to find their way (58% of men vs 48% of women). Then there is the truly frightening statistic. While both sexes agree that texting while driving should be…

State of the ‘Obese-itude’: CalorieLab Releases the 2009 State-by-State Obesity Map

While the numbers displayed are staggering, that map only tells part of the story: – It is only about adults. – It displays obesity, not % overweight. CalorieLab has been tracking obesity in states for several years, and has been tweaking their methods over time, now depending on a three-year rolling average to smooth out spikes and look at long-term issues. Somewhat disturbing is that they have had to change their scales (pun intended) because the obesity trends just keep getting worse: because of the overall increase in obesity, CalorieLab this year again shifted the color coding used in its…

Would You Eat a Canned Sandwich? How About Investing Your Retirement in Them?

How would you feel if you and a group of other investors had contributed a total of $145 million into what you thought were real estate investments, only to later find out that instead a huge portion of that money had been put into the development of “Candwiches” and other equally odd and questionable products? That’s exactly what happened to a group of investors in Utah after Travis L. Wright offered them returns of up to 24% on real estate investments. Obviously promised returns that high should have been their first clue that something was fishy, but evidently Utah investors are known to be näive…

Suffering ‘Product Recall Overload’? There’s An App For That!

The other day we were watching the news and there were three product recalls in a row and my wife mentioned hearing on the radio a report about ‘recall overload’, how so much stuff is being recalled so frequently that we become numb to it all. In fact, this week there are reports on various news sources about the issue. Well, apparently the government agencies issuing these recalls are aware of this, and have launched a mobile app called ‘’. It brings together data from the relevant agencies – Consumer Product Safety Commission, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Food and…