Articles by Kayla Matthews

6 Quirky Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

We’re still more than a few months away from Christmas and the other stereotypically gift-giving holidays, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start shopping early. Plus, there’s nothing stopping you from picking up a few ‘just because’ gifts — except perhaps, the challenge of not knowing what to get for someone. With that in mind, here are a handful of quirky gifts for the person who has everything — they’ll never see these coming!

7 Wireless Chargers for Workspace Functionality

You can change your mindset and your workflow in numerous ways to improve productivity. Sometimes, though, having the right gear makes the biggest difference. A wireless charger is an excellent example; they’re also called “Qi chargers” because Qi is the current wireless standard.

6 Technologies for Wine Lovers

Every wine aficionado waits patiently to drink that glass of Cabernet they’ve been saving for years, or takes longer perusing the wine menu than the food menu at dinner. Drinking a delightful glass of wine is a whole experience that involves multiple senses.

10 Holiday Gifts for Techie Travelers in 2018

The holiday season is nearly upon us, and it’s time to start thinking about what gifts we want to give our friends and family. For the travelers in our groups, there are plenty of tech-friendly tools and toys that would make the perfect gift or stocking stuffer.

6 Cool Smart Gadgets for Your Car

Cars are getting smarter. They now regularly come with various internet-connected features, and the average car of today has the computing power of about 20 personal computers. Companies are also testing self-driving vehicles. But what if you drive an older model, and your car isn’t up to date with all the latest tech trends? Don’t worry — you can still make your car smart by adding after-market gadgets like the ones listed below. 1. Heads-Up Display Some modern vehicles come with a built-in heads-up display (HUD), which projects driving directions and other information in your field of vision. You can…

Onelink’s Safe and Sound: The Smoke Alarm of the Future?

In the modern world, smart appliances fill homes to the brim. Artificial intelligence is a part of nearly every device now, making the average suburb almost sound futuristic. With everything else getting the science fiction treatment, from your refrigerator turning into a TV to your car self-parking into the driveway, safety devices can become smarter, too.

Teach Kids About Money with GoSave Smart Piggy Banks

There is a seemingly endless list of things to teach your kids as they go through life, such as how to show kindness to others, why it’s necessary to have discipline while tackling boring tasks and of course, how to be responsible with money. People have had piggy banks for generations to help with the last necessity.

SureFlap’s Microchip Pet Door Keeps Fido Safe

Pet doors have long been a staple of pet ownership. They make it much easier to automate the process of letting your dog or cat outside and back in again. If you have a fenced in yard, for instance, it doesn’t make sense to stop what you’re doing and let your dog in or out every hour on the hour.

This Time-Lapse Camera Lets You Capture Your Garden As It Grows

Nature has a funny way of sneaking up on people. A flower that seemed it wouldn’t flourish for weeks suddenly blooms in all its glory only a couple of days later. Nature enthusiasts know this phenomenon well, and many of them wish it were possible to record plant and flower growth as it happens, thereby never missing out on natural beauty at its peak.

The Nokia 1: What You Need to Know

Not everyone is in the market for an ultra-high-end smartphone like the iPhone X. Some people prefer — and only have the budgets for — more affordable options. For those consumers, the Nokia 1 is shaping up to be a smart pick.

This Smart Sensor Protects Your Home from Water Damage

Your home is probably one of the biggest investments you ever make. But even if you take precautions in making it a safe place to live — such as installing reliable door locks and carrying out routine maintenance — there’s a hazard that’s typically harder to anticipate: water damage.

Alexa Is Coming to the Office

Have you been thinking about hiring an office assistant? Amazon has someone they think would be perfect for the job — their virtual voice assistant, Alexa.