Articles by Travis Ehrlich

Review: BlueAnt T1 Rugged Bluetooth Headset

As our world grows more mobile, the importance of being able to go hands free and pay attention to what we are doing also grows. Not only is texting or emailing and driving dangerous, but we are discovering that driving and using a handset for any use can be disastrous. With this said, the market if flooded with hands free devices from headphones to bluetooth solutions. I have attempted to use some of the bottom tiered products with limited success. When someone calls, I still tend to pick up my phone to see who is calling and I also have…

CarTunes for iPhone/Touch Review

We all hear the dangers of texting while driving and how our devices create dangers during travel. These dangers are real and hopefully everyone is taking steps to keep their eyes on the road and hands on the wheel and leave their devices alone. Using my Mogo Talk and voice recognition applications has helped me pay attention to the road, but one area always poses a problem. Using an iPhone or iPod Touch to listen to audio while driving can also take your attention. Changing tracks or play lists can be just as dangerous as sending a text message. With…

iPhone Lens Review: 12x Zoom, Macro, Fish Eye Lenses From USB Fever

I am a firm believer in the idea that the best camera is the one you have in hand. With that said, I love my DSLR but often find myself taking more images with my iPhone 4. I have always been intrigued, with companies who offer add-on lenses for the phone. USB Fever recently gave me an opportunity to check out one of their lens kits. With all of the editing applications available, being able to use detachable lenses along with those solutions opens iPhone photography wide open. Let’s take a look at the lenses followed by some sample images….

Review: Audio Transmitter Cable for iPhone/iPad/iPod

Both of our vehicles are a bit older and don’t come with the newest audio gadgets. When I travel, I usually plug into the aux jack of either my wife’s or my stereo to listen to my geek podcasts. Of course, while we drive, I use the opportunity to charge my iPhone. So, basically, I have a car charger plugged into the iPhone port in the bottom of the phone and an audio cord plugged into the headphone jack. The audio is great and the phone stays charged but there is a few problems with this set up. First, to…

iPhone App Review: Localscope GPS App

Ever since the iPhone has had a built in GPS, location based applications have been useful and popular. I have personally looked at many of these apps and love to see the innovations developers are able to come up with. Of course, it was just a matter of time before these apps started integrating with social networking as well as other GPS apps. Localscope proves to do both by allowing users to search around their location using a variety of social engines and will allow directions to be sent to the Tom Tom navigation app. Tons of features and choices…

Tiny Wings for iPhone/Touch

Rarely does a game come along that leaves me totally addicted on my iPhone. While anxiously waiting for new levels on Angry Birds, another bird game caught my eye and now is ruling all of my spare time. Word of warning, if you are not interested in being completely addicted and enthralled with a game, do not purchase Tiny Wings. If you are interested in a super fun and crazy way to pass the time, read on and purchase immediately. You have always dreamed of flying – but your wings are tiny. Luckily the world is full of beautiful hills….

iPad Accessory Review: Sena Keyboard Folio

There are times when you need to write something on the iPad that is just too long for the software keyboard. Sure you can carry a Bluetooth keyboard, but that may become cumbersome and heavy. That’s where having a mini Bluetooth keyboard built into a case for the iPad comes in. Sure, it is a relatively new concept, but by combining the keyboard with the familiar and popular folio style iPad case, many of the limitations people find with the iPad can be resolved. Finding the perfect solution, however, is difficult at best. Several companies have provided options. One of them,…

Ringtones Maker for iPhone Review

Just the other day I was approached by a friend who just replaced all of their family’s flip phones with iPhones. The first question she asked was, “how do my daughters make their songs into ringtones?” This is a common request from people switching to the iPhone so I decided to find a way to do this. I came across Ringtones Maker which happened to be marked down from $19.99 to free. I figured it was worth a look at that price. Ringtones Maker takes .mp3 or .m4a from your iPhone library and turns them into custom ringtones. Please remember…

Super Ball Escape for iPhone/Touch Review

I have a running joke with one of my students about the iPhone being so much better than her Android phone. We joke about battery life and applications and games. The other day she was so proud to show me a new game where you tilt the phone like a board to guide a ball around a maze to. I laughed and told her IOS has plenty of games like that and some of them were much more involved than just moving the ball around the maze. She asked to see one so I searched for something cool. I stumbled…

iPad App Review: Weird Worlds Return to Infinite Space

I have always been a fan of space being a Star Wars fanatic (not a Star Trek guy though). How fun could it be to take a sweet spaceship and buzz around the universe visiting strange and uncharted worlds. With that said, most any space game has always been entertaining to me. Whether it means blasting ships and aliens or making friends with them for business reasons, space is always a fun place to game. I jumped at the chance to review Weird Worlds: Return To Infinite Space for these very reason.  Let’s take a look. Choose between three ships…

Gun Bros for iPhone/Touch Review

It has been one of those weeks. While searching for this week’s Blue Plate Special, I had one requirement. The application had to be mindless fun. I needed some entertainment and fun with explosions and guns make it that much better. As luck would have it, a game called Gun Bros turned out to be mindless fun with cool guns and space fighting. Since the game is free, I figured we had a winner. Let’s take a look. Gun Bros is the story of two brothers, Francis and Percy who are the sole members of F.R.A.G.G.E.D., which stands for, Freakishly…

TrueHDR for iPhone Review

I have been a fan of HDR photography for a few years. One of my first projects when I purchased a DSLR was to learn the basics of taking these kinds of photos. High dynamic range photos are a combination of a range of different exposures to make the entire photo look as if it is lit properly. With my camera, I take three photos. One that is under exposed, one is over exposed or blown out and a third that is the normal photo the camera would take. The photos are then sent to a computer application that combines…

iPad App Review: Lightning Was Here: My Puzzle Book

My three and six year old sons are definitely a chip off the old block. They are both gamers (even though we limit them) and love technology and all of my gadgets. They both are heavy iPhone users with the oldest even being able to search for free apps on the app store. I do not let them use my iPad unless we are using it together since replacing it is not in my budget, but when they get a chance, they love to get their hands on it. I also love being able to review kid friendly items and…

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt: Using Gear for the Bad

Imagine this situation. The phone rings with the caller id displaying your significant other. You gladly answer the phone but the voice on the other line sounds strange. The caller id never lies, so you believe it is who the phone says it is. A horrible, sinking feeling comes over you as the caller confesses to cheating with your best friend, complete with gory details. Your life is instantly falling apart with feeling of rage, sadness and confusion overwhelming you as the caller laughs and hangs up. Later, the complete conversation is found for all to see on Facebook with…

muBlip for iPhone Review

This week was time for something new for the Blue Plate. I wanted something entertaining, yet entirely different. My search brought me to muBlip. It caught my eye since it was a memory game that used musical principles. As a musician, I enjoy games with a music theme but as a guitarist I have never been into guitar hero type games. muBlip uses beeps and soothing music combined with shapes to deliver an entertaining and addictive game. Let’s take a look. muBlip is a memory game that combines musical beats and shapes. Music from para9 and Duchess Says set the…

Speck Introduces CandyShell Wrap for iPad

Any of you who own an iPad know there are two main issues. Protection and how to hold it. Of course we want to carry the gorgeous device with us, but all of that screen real estate leaves plenty of room for mishaps and broken glass. There are probably thousands of options for both protection as well as stands, but few combines both. The problem with all of these options is finding good quality and well thought design. As you have seen with many of our reviews, the Gear Diary Team and editors love the design and quality of Speck…

iPad App Review: Interruption

I usually only get to use my iPad at home when I have a WiFi connection. My first order of business is to check all of my news feeds, from Mac and tech blogs to actual world news. My number one problem with most readers is they are just too messy for me. There are several popular apps that have corrected that problem, but I just cannot get into using them. I have a lot of feeds I check and it just seems overwhelming most days. The developer of The Chalkpad contacted me about Interruption and it looked promising. Let’s…

Arctic Releases Land Rider 300 RC Racing Car Series

Arctic has developed into a company who primarily made cooling solutions for computers to a company who releases high quality products of everything from speakers and keyboards to now hobby items. I have reviewed many items from Arctic and have yet to find something that was not high quality while staying affordable. Their newest line of RC toys.  As you can see in a post here, the first offerings were all service related vehicles.  They are now announcing a new line of Land Riders for those with faster tastes.  Take a look at the full release and product line.  These…

Over the Rainbow for iPhone/Touch Review

When I play games on iOS devices, I usually prefer puzzle style games. I noticed Over The Rainbow was on sale for free so I figured it could not hurt to download and give it a try. Despite the cute, childish theme and design, it was quite fun for an old football coach. As you will see, the game is super easy to play, but becomes challenging and addictive as you work through the levels. Let’s take a look! Over The Rainbow puts the player as a cute water droplet that is dropped from a rain cloud. The goal is…

PocketLabworks To Release iRiffPort Taking Mobile Guitar To The Next Level

I have several iPhone/iPad to guitar interface hardware products.  All of them work well and allow players to use their IOS device to plug in a guitar and add effects.  The products are awesome for practice, but the sound quality probably is not good enough for recording or true performances.  PocketLabworks is planning on releasing some hardware designed to improve the audio quality while using an IOS device for the guitar. About iRiffPortTM 24 bit Digital Audio Guitar Interface for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad PocketAmp and PocketGK work with several adaptors listed on our website. However, iRiffPort offers the…

iGrill Wins 6th Annual Bluetooth SIG Best of CES 2011 Awards – Best New Product

I know most of you are stuck inside looking out at the snow.  If you like to BBQ, your pit is probably frozen in a drift of snow right now.  One thing great about living in Texas is the fact that I can BBQ almost anytime of the year.  In fact, last night I grilled steaks and Brats.  Maybe that is why Texas has the best BBQ!  As a dedicated griller, the idea of joining two of my favorite hobbies, the barbecue pit and my IOS devices sounds like an amazing idea.  The iGrill does just that, allowing all of…