
More Kindle for Android Details!

The lucky guys at Android Central got their hands on a demo of Kindle for Android, and it looks amazing. If you watch the video, there’s a brief force close (oops!), and a demo of some of the settings. Highlights for me were the ability to change the background colors and a brightness slider; when you’re dealing with a bright, high-resolution screen, being able to adjust how you view an ebook is a must. After watching the video, this makes me want Kindle for Android now! Summer can’t come soon enough…note to Amazon: I’ll be traveling in June and July,…

Please Join Us In Wishing…

Please join us in wishing Judie and Kevin congratulations on their wedding this evening. We wish them many many years of happiness together!!!!!!

On the 30th Anniversary of ‘The Empire Strikes Back’, Relive the Original Trilogy …

… In 2 minutes … and in LEGOS! While for many May 4th is ‘Star Wars Day’ (because of the ‘May the fourth’ pun), for me it is a celebration that lands on the release dates of the original films. It might be hard for younger folks to get their mind around, but in 1977 seeing a film on the opening weekend wasn’t such a big deal as it is now. Sure you wanted to see cool movies soon after release for the usual social reasons, but my dozen or so viewings of the original Star Wars release were spread…

Skyfire Introduces Skyfire Rocket

Skyfire already turned smartphones on their sides when they created a browser that played flash video. Even on a tiny screen, being able to watch full episodes of tv shows and other flash based video is a big convenience when you are on the go. But if you don’t want to use Skyfire’s browser, or your device doesn’t support Skyfire, you’re stuck. Not for long, though, if Skyfire has anything to say about it. They are working on a product that will let manufacturers use the best parts of Skyfire, like the video capabilities, but overlayed on a device’s native…

J. Scott Campbell’s Disney Princesses Rated “R” Style

That being said, if Disney had used artist’s J. Scott Campbell’s drawings for the basis of their characters, then they probably could have tapped into a whole new market and made me happier too.  At the very least, all those adults waiting in line around Disney’s parks, watching the movies etc. would be just a little more excited about having to do so.  Of course then they wouldn’t have been appropriate for kids, but work with me here … this is just a fantasy. With three young girls, I’ve been subjected to countless viewings of the Disney Princess movies, been…

Dear Gear Diary: Windows Marketplace Issues

I received this email from a Gear Diary reader, and unfortunately, I don’t currently have a Windows Mobile phone. If anyone can help him out, please offer suggestions in the comments! Hi Carly, I always check out your posts on Gear Diary and find your perspective refreshing and honest. Since you are so involved with researching different techie toys and have a lot more background information than I, I was wondering if with your post on Mobile 6.0-6.1 Marketplace, if you found or encountered stories of this not loading and allowing one to buy apps. I have a T-Mobile Wing…

Fashion Blogging for All Ages!

The internet is truly a place where anyone can have a voice…even if that voice is 14! Admittedly, I don’t follow the fashion world, but if you do, you may have heard of Tavi Gevinson, a 14-year-old fashion blogger. She’s so successful she was seated in a more prestigious seat than Anna Wintour (the inspiration for “The Devil Wears Prada”) at a fashion show! What’s extra crazy is that she started blogging about fashion at 11. And now she’s showered with free clothes and speaks at conferences, and the fashion industry cares deeply what she thinks. From the Economist profile…

I Knew Automation Was A Problem In Many Fields But In Mine???

from USAToday There is no question that automation has had an impact on numerous industries and has been responsible for some significant job-loss or, at least, job-shifting. For example factories now need less people on the line but can output more product at an ever-increasing pace. Yes, the impact is everywhere but this is one place where I never expected to see an issue… CrunchGear has a post up about a wedding officiated by… a robot. That’s right, the couple didn’t need a priest, or a justice of the peace to tie the knot. Instead the wedding was witnessed by…

Here Is The Best Argument Yet For Jailbreaking Your iPad… FullForce

Sure you can use the “PixelDoubling” of an iPhone app to blow it up and use it on the iPad if a dedicated iPad or universal version of your favorite app is not yet out. It gives you the FUNCTIONALITY you want but it doesn’t look all the good. Okay, let’s be serious. It looks lousy. PixelDoubling is better than nothing but it isn’t GOOD. But while we wait for apps like Documents To Go to release a new or updated version it is the best we can do. At least it was until now. If you are jailbroken you… Reviews MLB At Bat 2010

Are you a baseball fan?  Been looking at MLB At Bat 2010, but find that you’re just a little hesitant to pull the trigger on a $15 app that’s only good for one year?  Well, you’re in luck.  Our friend Clinton Fitch over at has posted a thorough review of MLB At Bat 2010 for the iPhone.  Clinton’s review covers the incredible amount of information to which the software allows the user access, including an abundance of statistics, live action scores, video highlights, and schedules.  He also touches on the optional service, which offers streaming video for almost…

SureFit Debuts “Auto Friends” Line of Products

I have a very large dog who loves car rides. He also enjoys rolling around in mud, swimming and refusing to sit still to be dried off, and of course, shedding the equivalent of 4 dogs worth of fur in an afternoon. So my backseat is constantly in a state of slight messiness. Then, of course, there was the time he ate a bag of mint Hershey’s kisses and decided they didn’t agree with his stomach as we were en route to the emergency vet. Trust me, the conversation you never, ever want to have with your partner is “Does…

Bill Maher’s “Modest Proposal”- Let Steve Jobs Take A Crack At Fixing America

Bill Maher ended Real Time with a great bit on how we can’t seem to fix anything in America. He pointed out that a penny now costs two cents and a nickel costs nine cents, but a proposal to use some cheaper material could not even get the vending machine. Then he offered a solution… Apple. Yes, his suggestion was that we let Apple step in and reinvent America. Hey… it worked for the music player, the phone and now… the computer. Enjoy

MacCase Ready To Jump Into The iPad Accessory Market

MacCase makes some gorgeous bags and cases for carrying your MacBook or other Apple products. They offers a line of sleeves that start at $39.95 and a Premium leather line that includes the  Premium Leather Flight Jacket for all sizes of Apple Laptops with prices starting at $189.95. As you add the $20 backpack straps and a $30 shoulder pad the price increases to over $200. That’s a bit of an investment but then again, the case looks awesome and will likely outlive your next five notebooks. A while back the company recently began asking for input from potential customers…

If You Need a Breathalyzer on Your Keyring, It Probably Means You Shouldn’t Be Driving (DUH!)

Judie: I have personally always thought that unless you were buying something like this as a joke, buying a breathalyzer — especially an $11.50 one for your keyring — means you are already going to be drinking too damn much, and someone else needs to drive. 😛 Carly: Agreed…plus Wired did an awesome article on these a month or two ago. Essentially the cheap ones vary so much they are useless. Now that would be a fun chat with a cop. “Honestly, Ocifer, my breathalyzer said I was ooooooookay….!” Judie: Right! I mean, I could see some sleaze at the…

Need Help Finding The Right Father’s Day Gift For Your Music-loving Dad? How About These…

Does dad love music? Do you love dad? Well Father’s Day is coming up, and if dad likes to get his groove on here are a few items you might want to consider getting him (or yourself for that matter…) Dad’s not wicked (we hope), but these noise isolating ear-buds from Wicked Audio are…   Wicked Audio’s Wicked Little Buds are Design-forward, noise isolating earbuds that provide an edgy look and great sound. They are available at:,, Fry’s Electronics, Airport Wireless, and other select international retailers MSRP: $29.99 If you music-loving dad has discovered the Internet, let him…

American Foundation for the Blind Looks at Smartphone Accessibility

Smartphones have become nearly indispensable productivity tools. Businesses issue them to employees, and people use them constantly to keep up with their personal lives. But what do you if you are blind or visually impaired? Tiny keyboards and 3-4 inch screens aren’t always great if your eyesight is wonderful, let alone if you have vision issues. Luckily, the American Foundation for the Blind puts out an online magazine called AccessWorld, and several articles this month covered smartphones and visual impairment. For the corporate-types, they looked at an app called Oratio for Blackberries. This is what’s called a “screen reader”, or…

Google and Verizon to Bring out the Ultimate Android Tablet?

(Image courtesy Laptop Mag) Looks like Verizon’s love affair with Android isn’t ending so fast. Boy Genius Report says that Google is teaming up with Verizon to bring out an Android tablet. Personally, I think this is awesome news, and Google needs this tablet out ASAP. There are a few reasons why this has the potential to be a huge win for Google. For starters, it helps slow the dilution of the Android tablet market. If you think the phones are fractured, just look at the tablets. There’s a veritable army of current and rumored tablets, from Archos to MSI…

WB Offers DVD for Blu-Ray Movie Trades for as Low as $4.95 Per Movie!

Have you made the switch to Blu-Ray movies at home? If so you probably still have a load of DVDs lying around. Sure they still look great upscaled on your Blu-Ray player … but not as good as a true HD Blu-Ray movie. Well, if you were thinking about upgrading your library but the high cost was holding you back, WB has a new option for you to consider: DVD2Blu! This program currently features >90 movies from the WB catalog, and has you send in the disc only and then get back a brand new Blu-Ray copy of the same…

Rumor: Apple to Make Mobile Me Free?

As is true for many Mac users, I remember not-so-fondly back in 2002 when the nifty and free iTools became the very similar but not-even-close-to-free .Mac … and then later got renamed to Mobile Me. While many users find the tools useful and therefore subscribe, there is nearly constant discussion about the pricing model and comparisons about the services offered compared to free or inexpensive alternatives. Many folks hope that Apple will price the service more competitively, or perhaps even make it free. According to MacDailyNews, that day might be approaching: We have received a tip that we cannot confirm,…

Aligata iPad Cases- Nice Leather, No Logo

Last night I posted a piece entitled A Tale of Three iPad Cases. It addressed my great experience with Owl Studios and Sena Cases and my less than great interactions with a third company. This morning I received an email from Tom at Aligata iPad cases. Tom told me about his all leather cases that are made from “… genuine bovine leather, natural grain. Very classy and durable as hell.” They look good and are currently on sale for $59.90 at Tom went on to explain his pre-order policy. Turns out he too charges in full for his cases…

Betty White- “Facebook is a huge waste of time” (But It Did Get Her On SNL!!)

No doubt this is all over the net but… it is Betty White, it is Sunday morning and.. laughing is good. If you have been living under a rock here’s what happened. A Facebook campaign to get Betty White to host Saturday Night Live built up enough steam that SNL actually invited her to host. At 88 1/2 White is still wicked funny and and comedic timing that is unparalleled. She used the monologue to thank Facebook for making it possible for her to host… and then promptly cut Facebook down to size for being a huge waste of time. Best…