
Xfinity’s Ultra-Low Lag Internet: Faster Than a Blink, Ready for Gaming, FaceTime, and More!

I recently tried to explain how dial-up internet worked to my preteen child. He was fascinated and horrified by the idea that YouTube didn’t exist because the internet took 10 minutes to download a picture. Xfinity remembers those days, and they also know that the bar for internet performance is much higher now. That’s why they’re rolling out new ultra-low lag internet connectivity for real-time applications like gaming, video conferencing, and mixed reality.

Xfinity’s Wicked Black Friday Deals Are Downright Magical!

Are you excited for Wicked Part One? At a minimum, it’s generated plenty of off-screen drama and at least one collector’s item box, but it’s also inspiring cross-marketing sales. Xfinity is jumping on the Wicked/Black Friday wave with big sales on Xfinity mobile devices!

Best iPhone 16 Deals: How to Get Huge Savings from US Carrier Discounts!

On the off chance you missed it, Apple announced new iPhones this week! The iPhone 16, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, and 16 Pro Max are going to be up for pre-order Friday with shipping next Friday, along with new Airpods, the Series 10 Apple Watch, and the Apple Watch Ultra 2. It’s a big lineup, and you’ll want to hunt down the best deals, so here’s our roundup of where you can stretch that tech budget to get the latest and greatest.

Comcast Xfinity Aims to Push Your Internet Speeds to New Heights with DOCSIS 4.0

At any given time, in my household, we’re streaming on the television, I’m working remotely, and my son is either doing homework online or playing Roblox. I’m guessing most households are similarly adept at using and needing more and more internet bandwidth! If you’re a Comcast Xfinity customer in Colorado Springs, you’re about to get access to a new level of speed that’ll make everyone else very, very jealous.

Xfinity Expands Their Home Security Offerings with the Xfinity Video Doorbell

There are a lot of home security options out there. But for every person who is fine with buying their own devices and setting it up, there are people like my parents who vastly prefer to stick with the consistency of one company handling everything for them. They already use Comcast for their internet, cable, and home security, and they’ll be very excited to hear that Comcast is expanding its offerings early next year with the Xfinity Video Doorbell!

Comcast Xfinity Launches Self Protection Cameras for DIY Security

Home security is no longer only the realm of expensive monthly subscriptions but something you can install and monitor yourself if you wish. Comcast Xfinity has your back with a new program called Self Protection that lets you monitor your front door/back door/dog in the kitchen, all with continuous recording for only $10/month.

Leviton and Xfinity Team up to Make Your Lights and Home Smarter

Xfinity does a lot more than just provide internet and cable. They’re very integrated into the smart home, as proven by my parent’s Xfinity alarm system that led to some cloak and dagger email deletion. However, your Xfinity-powered home is about to get a lot smarter than just letting you know when someone has opened the front door, thanks to integration with Leviton’s Decora Zigbee smart light switches, dimmers, and modules.

Xfinity Home Knows How to Find Reruns and Your Keys!

Tile is one of the greatest inventions of modern times. Slap one on your keys, wallet, backpack, or any other easily misplaced item, and you can call upon the power of several devices to track your wayward possessions. Comcast wants in on that sweet tracking action, and now you can use your Xfinity remote to find your keys!

Comcast Xfinity Beefs up Speed and Security in 2020

Internet went from being something you dialed into when your parents didn’t need the phone line to a utility on par with electricity and water. It feels like everything in the home requires an internet connection! Xfinity is rolling out advanced WiFi gateways as well as more security for all those connected devices.