Apple iPad

Pic Stitch For iPhone

Despite owning a digital SLR, my iPhone is always one of my favorite photography tools. Many believe that the best camera to use is always the one with you. While this is certainly true and makes an easy case for iPhone photography, the phone itself is actually a good camera. Simply taking photos is usually not enough for me, I love to edit and change them using applications on my phone. It really is pretty amazing that I can take some photos, edit them and share them from virtually anywhere without a computer. Pic Stitch allows users to combine multiple…

Want Better Sound From Your iPad? Foco-ize It! Kickstarter Project

I love my new iPad but I’m not a huge fan of the sound coming from it. Honestly, it is a bit too anemic for my taste. Sure, it gets the job done, but it could be so much better. And, in fact, it can be. Need proof? Just play something on your iPad and then cup your hand behind the speaker with the open part of your hand pointing toward you. The difference is… Amazing. By simply redirecting the sound that would otherwise go FROM you toward to the sound increases in both volume and quality. That’s the idea…

New iPad Giving You ‘Could Not Activate Cellular Network’ Error? You’re Not Alone!

I’ve had the new iPad since launch day, and until last Monday it was the poster child for perfection – no cosmetic defects, no performance issues or problems with setup or flaky behavior. Just a great screen, excellent battery life, tremendous performance, and solid 3G connectivity (most of my home and work life puts me outside of 4G/LTE connectivity). Well … until yesterday. Since I use WiFi at home I never end up using cellular data at home unless I am out and about shuffling the kids from activity to activity. But I only use the cellular network at work,…

Puss in Boots-HD Interactive Story for iPad Review: More Than Just a Story!

Children’s books have sure come a long way since I was a tyke, and popular fairy tales are no exception. (Non-electric dead tree version ca. 1951) Not too long ago I gave Puss in BootsHD by Intech-Global a spin, reading it to my 4 year old son on my iPad 2. It was my son’s first foray into the realm of electronic book media. Summary from Intech-Global: Fairy tales are the best instrument for spiritual and moral development of a child. Fairy wisdom is simple, but at the same time rich and diverse. It gets into the child’s life and…

Hell Has Frozen Over; Elana Is Getting an iPhone

Hell has frozen over and here’s a little video to go along with it. 🙂 This video has a great deal of meaning today because, in the last 72 hours, my wife Elana went from having neither an iPad nor an iPhone to having both. Yes, “another one bites the dust” as Elana is pulled further into Apple’s reality distortion field of awesomeness. To be fair, this didn’t come out of nowhere, and a bit of history is important. When I first met Elana she was a student at the School of Visual Arts. It will come as no surprise…

Motivational Poster for iPhone

You have all seen them, the posters with a black border and a motivational saying matching a pretty picture. I have no clue when or why these types of posters began, but they have been popular for some years now. These posters can be found to suit virtually any subject and are available with thousands of images. Using these posters for comedic reasons has also become popular if my Facebook newsfeed is any indication. Recently one of my buddies was laughing at one of these ridiculous posters and said, “I wonder how people make their own versions of these.” I…

Would You Sell an Extra Organ for the Latest Tech?

I have no idea if the story I just read in the Telegraph is true or not, but supposedly there is a 17 year old in China who is suffering from a renal deficiency after selling his kidney to be used in an illegal transplant operation. He got 22,000 yuan (about £2200 or $3500) in the trade, which only sounds slightly better than a handful of magic beans; he used the money to buy a freaking iPad and iPhone. Supposedly his mom only found out about the crappy trade when she asked him how he got his shiny new gear….

Teething Troubles for Tablet Adoption in the Workplace

It’s always tempting to impute Unlikely virtues to the cute. – Ogden Nash The tech world is abuzz with them, many of us own our own and several of us use them at work. They have transformed the personal computing landscape and become a standard in their own right, sized  from the neighborhood of 10″ down to 7″. I am speaking, of course, of tablets. Whether the Apple iPad, the varying Android builds, HP Touchpad or even the BlackBerry PlayBook, tablets have become very popular mobile devices and increasingly showing up in the business world. Before you start gallivanting off…

Does iOS Need a User Interface Overhaul?

I posed a question to my fellow staff at Gear Diary, asking all iPhone users why Apple hasn’t really changed their UI since 2007. As a non iPhone user, my questions stemmed from a post that Carly had put up about her finding her original iPhone, when she posted a side by side of the home screens. Original iPhone (left) iPhone 4S (right) As an Android user, I enjoy changing up my home screen or theme on a weekly basis. That might seem a little excessive to some,  but with so many cool launcher options, icons, and tweaks, I feel like…

MOG For iPad Review

There was a time when I was totally against the idea of streaming music services. I was stuck in the old ways of thinking I must own all of my media and had a large collection. Due to a hard drive issue, I decided to give MOG a try and never looked back. Having a much larger library of music at my disposal than I could ever collect which is available on all of my devices anytime has been awesome. While there can be a separate discussion/debate on which service is the best, this post will simply focus on the…

500 iPads Purchased for Most Unlikely Use, Entertaining Cows

A mid-western dairy is reportedly purchasing 500 iPads for use in a most unusual way. They have found that having an iPad at eye-level, playing music and showing slides of other cows, while milking takes place yields up to 50% more milk and the milk that results is sweeter than normal. “I just stumbled upon this by accident after my wife Jane purchased me an iPad for Valentines Day.” said the owner of the farm. (He requested that he not be identified.) Now here is the funny thing- it seems that different cows like different types of music and imagery…

Reflection for Mac Puts Your iOS Device on the Big Screen

It is rare for an application to make me go “Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!” but the Mac app Reflections just had me do exactly that. Seriously, this small utility is one of the best things to come along in quite some time. Be aware that it is only useful if you use a Mac and an iOS device but if that IS your current gear set-up… Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! You see, I’ve always wanted a way to have my iPhone or iPad running on my Mac AND still have the ability to use the Mac. Think about how…

Angry Birds Space for iPhone/Touch

I cannot tell a lie. I have spent countless hours flinging various birds at devious green pigs on my iPhone and iPad. Until recently, Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons and Angry Birds Rio had kept me free from boredom and often avoiding tasks around the house to complete three stars in just one more level. For several months, though, the games had become stale for me. Even with new updates and levels, I just was not interested in playing much. I guess the three games were different, but it was just the same old gameplay with newer levels. I cautiously…

MapiCases iPad 2 Cases Can Enrobe Stylishly

The other day I received a medium-sized padded mailer at work. I receive these from time to time given my work requirements, but when I opened this particular package there was something special about it. Enclosed within the mailer was a gray felt bag with an embroidered MapiCases logo emblazoned on it. Wafting out of the suede bag was the distinct smell of fine leather. The two MapiCases for my review had arrived!

Bodyguardz Garrison for New Apple iPad First Look

Let me be clear, I can’t very well call this a review. After all, the review sample of the Bodyguardz Garrison for the New iPad just arrived a short while ago. I mean, the case isn’t even on the market yet and this is only one of a handful that are already in use. No, this cannot be called a review. But I can unequivocally say that… I have a new go-to case for my iPad. Yeah, it is that good! (so far) Let’s take a (first) look. From Bodyguardz: The Garrison is the latest offering from BodyGuardz in the…

A Week with the iPad 3

The iPad 3 came out a week ago. A quick rundown of iPad users on the site shows that all four editors have the new iPad, and Chris Gavula does too. We have no doubt there will be a few more grabbing one in the weeks to come. Why? Because even though the improvements to the iPad are perhaps technically incremental, we’ve found that they add up to a device which has no equal. Not yet, anyway. Here’s why … Dan: I was worried that the iPad 3 would be too heavy and thick, but I’m not finding that to be the…

Brookstone’s iConvert Scanner for iPad Review

I was at Brookstone the other day and saw a couple of cool ideas that work with Apple’s iDevices. The first is the iConvert Scanner for iPad Tablet. The iConvert scanner is “The easy, accurate way to save documents as JPEG files on your favorite tablet. Works with the all-new iPad!” Let’s take a look. Here’s what Brookstone has to say about it: Admit it. You have too many piles of receipts, bills and other paper documents. Tame the paperwork jungle in your life by getting a scanner for your iPad® tablet. Our iConvert® Scanner captures sharp, detailed JPEG images and…

I’m the 3,500,001st Person to Watch this iPad Video

So maybe I’m the last person to see this video, but it’s still funny. Not so funny, is when your mother in law has to tell you about something having to do with the iPad. Regardless, if you have not seen this video you can be the 3,500,002nd person to watch it. It’s worth the 30 seconds.

News Flash – You Can Use Up Your Data Plan Faster on Your iPad With 4G Speeds!

We already know that Dan is a heavy data user – AT&T has him nationally ranked, after all! Today Dan mentioned that in the first week with the new iPad he has already exceeded 2GB of usage. My usage has been much lower, but I am surrounded by WiFi much of the time – but the 4G service has been indispensable, as has the WiFi hotspot! But Dan isn’t alone – there have been several articles about people suddenly finding themselves going over their 2GB data limit and having to pay an extra $10 per GB of data. In the…

Zombie Highway for iPhone/Touch and iPad

As I watched the season finale of The Walking Dead Sunday night, one of my kids hollered from the other room, “Why does everything have to do with zombies?” We do not let them watch the show of course, but he knew I was watching what he calls, “that zombie show.” Even though he had a point, I did not have a good answer. I simply replied, “because killing zombies is so fun.” He definitely agreed and told me there are some fun games where you have to kill zombies. It just so happens that I also found a game…

i-FunBox App Gives Direct File Access to iOS Devices

i-FunBox was a serendipitous discovery for me. An avid Windows PC, Pocket PC and Android user, I’ve been accustomed to connecting a device and using simple File Explorer drag-and-drop to send files to and from the target peripheral and vice versa. Not so with Apple iTunes. iTunes was a different beast altogether, one that took some getting used to for this intrepid newbie into the realm of Appledom with his iPad. I don’t particularly like how Apple handles (or does not as the case may be) direct access to the device. I want to add a particular (read: single) photo…