Articles by Michael Anderson

Feel the Beat with iRig Pads Controller by IK Multimedia

IK Multimedia has had a great 2014, starting with the iRig Keys Pro, then the iRig Voice, iRing, iRig Pro and more. Now they are closing out the year by jumping into the pad controller ring with iRig Pads, a fully MIDI compliant controller for iOS and the Mac with multiple connectivity options and controller configurations.

Soldak Entertainment Announces Zombasite Coming in 2015!

Soldak Entertainment is an indie developer making great games, mostly in the RPG genre. From the incredible Depths of Peril, the never-old Din’s Curse, light-but-fun Kivi’s Underworld to the sprawling space adventure Drox Operative. Now for their next game they are dipping into the undead with Zombasite, a post-apocalyptic fantasy action RPG coming in 2015 to Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Jason Parker Quartet ‘Homegrown’: A New Delight

Back in 2010, I reviewed Jason Parker’s ‘No More, No Less’ declaring it “a recording that is filled with great tunes, wonderful improvisation, and insightful interplay from start to finish.”. His Nick Drake tribute was one of my top 2011 albums, and now the Jason Parker Quartet is back with an album of compositions by local Seattle composers.

Heroes of Might & Magic III – HD Edition Coming January 2015!

I discovered the Heroes of Might & Magic (HOMM) strategy-RPG game series with the excellent HOMM IV, but quickly discovered HOMM III was the pinnacle of the series. Ubisoft has announced that they are releasing a HD restoration of the game called Heroes of Might & Magic III HD – Restoration of Erathia, coming to PC, iOS and Android tablets.

10 Quick Thoughts on the HP Stream 7 Windows 8.1 $99 Tablet

Released just a month ago as the least expensive Windows tablet at $99, HP’s new Stream 7 Windows 8.1 tablet was featured on a Black Friday sale at Office Depot. With an Intel processor, 32GB storage, and a 1280 x 800 resolution screen, the Stream 7 promises much for a low price. Here are some first impressions a week later.

Greg Ward Seeks to Fund New ‘Fitted Shards’ Release with Kickstarter

Greg Ward is one of my favorite young artists, and has been featured here in my ‘Best of 2011’ with his ‘Phonic Juggernaut’ release and in my ‘Best of 2012’ with ‘Living By Lanterns’. His group ‘Fitted Shards’ released the acclaimed ‘South Side Story’ in 2010, and now has a Kickstarter campaign to help fund a new album. So why do I think you should check out and help fund this campaign? Some background … Here is what I said about Greg Ward’s Phonic Juggernaut: I found out about Greg Ward because I loved his stuff on Sam Tracpchak’s album,then…

The Shadow Sun Released on Android, Price Cut on iOS!

It has been nearly a year since I reviewed The Shadow Sun by Ossian Studios for iOS, calling it “the first original RPG on the App Store that isn’t a port or a pale imitation, and it is actually worth playing”. Now the game is available on Android and the price is $4.99 on both platforms!

Apollo-M Delivers Unlimited Music Lessons to Musicians for $4.95 Per Month

When I was a kid, learning guitar meant finding a local teacher and getting weekly lessons – which is still the most popular method. More recently you can buy DVDs and watch YouTube instructions to help you along. And now Apollo-M introduces subscription music instruction which they describe as ‘Netflix for music learning’, giving you a la carte lesson access!

Runtastic Launches ‘Sleep Better’ App

The past couple of years has seen an explosion in fitness trackers, many with sleep tracking capabilities. But for all of the data, there is a lack of information or actions coming from all of these trackers. Now Runtastic introduces the ‘Sleep Better’ app to help you track your sleep and wake up more rested.

With ‘Eeps’, Marco Minnemann Shows the Many Ways He Can Rock!

It didn’t really occur to me when I reviewed Levin-Minnemann-Rudess, but Marco Minnemann was the brilliant drummer behind Trey Gunn’s Modulator – both of which are important for this review. Now he is back with ‘Eeps’, a solo effort in the truest sense of the term – playing all of the instruments and writing the songs, he delivers a breathtaking experience.

10 Worst Things from the October Apple iPad Launch

This week Apple held its second product announcement meeting in as many months, this time focusing on the iPad and Mac and Mac OS X. While the September meeting featured the major announcements of large-screen iPhones and the Apple Watch, the October announcements were more subdued – but let’s focus on the disappointing Apple iPad announcements.

HP Opens Up Its Houston Testing Labs for a Journalist Tour!

Recently Hewlett-Packard invited a group of bloggers into their Houston testing labs. Why do that? That was my question going on the tour – but it was quickly apparent that HP has a lot to be proud of in an area that adds tremendous value to their computers. Let’s take a look with HP at the Science of PC!

Consumer Reports Takes On ‘BendGate’ with Science … Finds NO #BendGate

By now anyone who follows technology – and many who don’t – has heard about #BendGate, the term coined after a video showed how easy it was to bend and distort the iPhone 6/6+. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised – they are incredibly thin and light with an elongated aspect ratio. But is #bendgate REAL? Consumer Reports took a scientific look!

KNeoWORLD Arcade – Stimulating Workouts to Exercise Your Brain

Brain Training games gained popularity with the Nintendo DS and ‘Brain Age’, and have remained popular for two simple reasons – they work, and they’re fun! But after playing games that feel a little too close to taking a test, it is nice to step back and immerse yourself in something more game-like. That is where KNeoWORLD comes in!

Defense Grid 2 Now Available for PS4, XBOX One, PC, Mac, and Linux!

Back in 2008, Hidden Path Entertainment released Defense Grid: The Awakening, which catapulted the popularity of the resurgent ‘tower defense’ genre into the mainstream. In 2012 they launched a Kickstarter project to help fund the sequel, and this week it arrived! Defense Grid 2 is available on PlayStation®4 and Xbox® One and Steam (PC, Mac, Linux).