Apple iPad

PC Sales Plummet, But are Windows 8 or iPad to Blame?

There is one reality bolstered by two bits of speculation getting loads of attention today. The reality is that sales of personal computers are abysmal, in fact they just hit the lowest point since the IDC started tracking numbers nearly 20 years ago. As happens whenever numbers are released for anything, analysts swoop in to rationalize and spin, which has led to two major speculations about the origins of the decline. All we know is that PC sales plummet, but are Windows 8 or iPad to blame? Let’s look at those two, and a few more dynamics at play: Windows…

Packing Light for Telenav’s Waypoint

I’m heading to Telenav’s annual Waypoint conference next week. Since this is a fairly short trip, I’m looking to keep my baggage fairly light. I’d like to minimize my time lugging items around the airport, and with some careful planning, I think I can cut way back on my tendency to turn every trip into “my backpack is a mobile Radio Shack.” What’s on my packing list? Read on…

Clash of Clans for iOS Review

My latest and greatest addiction came from a source I never thought would put me on an iOS game; the bow hunting forum that I actively participate in had a post about joining the Texas Bow Hunters clan on Clash of Clans. Several of the members expressed their enjoyment of the game, so I thought maybe it was time to try it out. In a few short days, the game has become a huge addiction, and it turns out to be a lot of fun. Let’s take a quick look. Clash of Clans is a combat strategy game that requires…

Simple Bracket for iPhone Review

iPhone and iPad apps for anyone on a budget. Nothing over $.99! It’s March, and you know what that means! I am not referring to the impending spring season or melting of the snow in the north. Yes, the birds are chirping and the time change means the sun stays high a little later for us all, but there are more important things that happen in March. Sunday, the bracket was announced for the March Madness tournament; 64 NCAA Div. 1 basketball teams will enter the tournament with an equal shot to be crowned this year’s national champion. There are favorites, but every…

TrackingPoint Releases Precision Guided Firearm iOS Simulator App

We first broke news of TrackingPoint and their Precision Guided Firearm system during this year’s CES. The system is a custom-built rifle and scope combination that makes long-range shooting much more accurate. Using the XactSystem, shooters tag, track and hit their target with pinpoint accuracy. TrackingPoint has just released Precision Hunter Lite which allows iOS users to experience their revolutionary technology. The free application is basically a first person shooter that replicates the Precision Guided Firearm experience. Using the head’s up display, users practice utilizing the XactSystem to successfully make ethical shots at extreme distances. Users choose their quarry then…

Apple Lightning Connector Broken Inside iPad Mini Port – Eeek!

Have you wondered how well the new Apple Lightning connector might hold up over time? I’ll admit not giving too much thought to it, because I chose to focus on the fact that I could plug the Apple Lightning Connector in from either side — a welcome new convenience from the old 30-pin. So far, I haven’t had any issues with my iPad mini or my iPhone 5, but when I came home from Mobile World Congress, I got a shock. Kev’s youngest daughter had plugged the Lightning connector into her iPad mini, and the tip of the charger had…

Winston for iPhone Review

  Ever since Siri hit iOS, the idea of using voice features on my phone has become quite interesting. While Siri does not do exactly what I would like yet, I am always looking for other apps that add voice functionality. Sometimes I do not need to dictate to my phone, but would not mind my phone speaking information to me. With this in mind I found a nifty app called Winston. With a polite disposition and English accent, Winston presents stories from social media and news feeds as a personalized briefing. All you have to do is sign into…

iPad mini Size vs Price – Which Drove Its Success?

The rumor mill is flying with word that a so-called ‘iPhone mini’ is on the way. Most suggestions have the new offering from Apple being mini in price but not necessarily mini in size. That’s too bad, since a smaller, lighter iPhone would actually make sense for someone like me who never leaves home without his iPad mini. All the arguments for the iPhone mini seem to hinge on Apple shifting from offering older models of iPhones at steep discounts to the company actually releasing a phone with less costly components — this might include anything from a return to…

Targus iNotebook Productivity Tablet Review

We saw the Targus iNotebook at CES last month. It is an intriguing device, and Targus was kind enough to send an iNotebook for review. Before we get into the review though, let me step back and give a bit of history. As I have previously noted here on the site, my best experience with Windows came in the form of using a Windows Tablet PC. It was a terrific productivity tool that allowed me to use one computer for both typing and capturing hand written notes. I also did some voice recognition on it, but that tended to have…

AKG K551 Over-the-Ear Headphone Review

Last summer I had the opportunity to review a pair of over-the-ear Bluetooth headphones from Harman Kardon. (Read the review.) I came away incredibly impressed by the sound, the build quality and the comfort. Judie read my review and was also impressed. She asked if she could try them out; I sent them to Texas, and they haven’t been seen since. 🙂 We were both impressed by just about every aspect of Harman Kardon’s Bluetooth (BT) over-ear stereo headphones. It turns out that Harmon Kardon is just one of the brands under which Harman offers headphones and other audio accessories….

Apple Introduces 128GB iPad 4, Pricing as You Would Expect

For the past couple of years everyone has wondered when Apple would come out with a 128GB iPhone or iPad, and last fall I think that many were genuinely surprised that the iPad 4 didn’t up the capacity. Well, now we have our answer … and it comes in the form of the 128GB iPad 4. The announcement came today, and the new version of the iPad 4 is going to be available starting Tuesday, February 5. According to a press release from Apple, the main focus is a sort of ‘Pro’ version of the iPad for the Enterprise –…

Apple Releases iOS 6.1 with iTunes Match Song Downloads and More

Have you ever just wanted to download ONE song from an album on iTunes Match so you can listen on the go? It simply didn’t happen … until now! Today Apple released iOS 6.1 with a number of improvements (and likely even more unannounced improvements). These include support for 36 additional LTE carriers for iPhone (23 for iPad), individual song downloads, Siri interaction with Fandango, and more. One unstated improvement in iOS 6.1 is found in Passbook. Previously, when you started the app for the first time an introduction was displayed. You were then sent to the iTunes App Store…

How to Listen to Text on Your iOS Device

Remember the commercial that went something like “Reading is fundamental”? It is but there are some times when it is far better to listen to an email or a document than read it. I had done this via an iOS app but then I learned that iPhones, iPads and iPod touches have the capability built right into the operating system as part of Apple’s commitment to accessibility for those who are impaired for any reason. In this case the functionality is perfect for those whose sight is poor but it work just fine, for example, when I want to listen…

CTA Digital Pedestal Stand for iPad Keeps You Connected in the Bathroom

Admit it. Many of you have surreptitiously or otherwise carted your iPad into the bathroom because…well because you just love your iPad and are using it productively, right? Sure you do. The biggest problem in using the iPad in such situations is that human anatomy is at odds with multitasking when responding to the call of nature, and most people I know of only possess a maximum of two hands. What to do to solve the crisis? Why, never fear CTA Digital’s Pedestal Stand for iPad 2/3/4 with Roll Holder is here to solve this dilemma! Standing at about 32″…

Create Shortcuts in iOS, Your Gear 101

One terrific (but often unused) tool baked right into iOS is the ability to create keyboard shortcuts. With them, you can type in just a few brief letters and have a much longer piece of text appear in the body of whichever document you are working on. They are particularly useful when you have a block of text that is used on a frequent basis. For example, our Kickstart This! posts all use the same basic structure. Having the ability to type kkick and have the entire template replace those five letters is exceptionally useful. Best of all, it is…

ZooGue New iPad Leather Case Genius Pro Review

Since I have moved to using an iPad 3 for my full-time mobile computing option, I’ve discovered how important my case choice is. The iPad literally goes everywhere with me, including my deer blind. It is important to not only protect the tablet, but for it to also be functional in many situations. My iPad is used on a work desk, in my lap, lying in bed, in the car, on the deck, and while I’m hunting. The situations where I use my iPad are literally endless. All of this means my case must work in each environment without having…

Why I love my Samsung ATIV 500T enough to dump the iPad…

When the iPad first came out, I was as stunned and impressed as anyone, and anxious to have one of my own. My wife is largely supportive of my gadget addictions, but regarding the iPad, didn’t understand where it would “fit in” as a necessity when I already had an iPhone, laptop and desktop computer. She didn’t get it, even when I tried explaining it to her. (I believe that may be because when I talk about electronics that excite me, most of what she actually hears is “wah, wah, wah….wah…wah, wah…” ) So, I thought that Steve Jobs may…

The Outcome of My iPad Mini Apple Support Saga

Just before Christmas, I ranted about the support I was getting from Apple on my iPad Mini WiFi issue when using the phone and their online support systems. I contrasted it with Dan’s experience,  he was seeing a similar issue and had it resolved when he went to his local Apple Store. My experience at that point was stretched across more than 2.5 weeks and was getting more frustrating by the day; it is too long to repeat here (click link above for the full story), but Dan’s experience is easy to sum up: Dan’s Apple Store Experience Walked in. Explained…

Pelican ProGear S100 Sport Elite Backpack Video Review

If you are looking for serious protection for your laptop, and you want to carry a tablet, and you need a backpack that can hold all your gear, you will want to take a look at the Pelican ProGear S100 Elite Backpack. The ProGear S100 is a beast and that’s a good thing. In fact, it almost came with me as a mainstay of my CES 2013 gear after I was sent one for review*. Let’s take a closer look at this backpack that packs ultimate laptop protection. The Pelican ProGear S100 Sport Elite Laptop Backpack stands out because of…

Best Gear Surprises of 2012

As 2012 comes to an end I thought I might take a quick look at a couple of specific gadgets that surprised and delighted me over the past year. So here a quick list of my personal “Best Gear Surprises of 2012”. MacBook Pro with Retina Display The biggest change in my gear this past year came in the form of the MacBook Pro with Retina Display. I loved using and carrying my MacBook Air but the pull of a retina display-equipped laptop was too much. I bit. So did Judie. In fact, there was a bit of back and…

Camera FX for iPhone Review

These days it seems as if pretty much every mobile device has a camera; phones, tablets, laptops — almost anyone on the go can now take a picture when and where they want. While these small cameras are pretty good, a little software help can make them great. There are many offerings for iOS users at many price points; you do not necessarily have to spend a lot to get good results. Camera FX falls into the ‘cheaper with results’ category. Lets take a quick look. Camera FX is designed to present a DSLR like user experience. You can see…