Misc Gear

Digital Innovations dvdDR Premier Cleaner Review

Digital Innovations sent me some accessories which may help keep those holiday gifts working like they did the day they were received.  I was sent an array of products; first, I will cover the dvdDr items. First up are the dvdDR Premier Disc Repair and Cleaning products.  Anyone who has had CDs, DVDs, Video Game Discs or BluRay Discs can attest that they will not read properly if they are gummed up with fingerprints or other foreign material like the goo from your son’s PB&J.  While the time tested – and probably not safe – breathing on the disc and…

Kuru Footwear Review

I am a avid walker and hiker.  Sometimes I will choose to walk when I would normally drive, even if I have to take a empty backpack along to carry my purchases.  Because I walk a lot, I always buy good shoes, which is why I jumped at a chance to check out these interesting shoes. Kuru Footwear gets its name from Kuru, Finland, which is an outdoor destination in Finland known for eco-tourism, environmental conservation, and many other outdoor pursuits.  The company was started by a group of young and passionate lovers of the outdoors who wanted to make…

USBFever Foldable Multi Notebook Stand Review

Have you ever wanted to use your laptop but couldn’t stand how hot it is when sitting on your lap?  How about using a notebook in bed?  The USBFever Foldable Multi Notebook Stand may be just the thing you need for those two situations and more. I was sent the black version of the Multi Notebook Stand. The Multi Notebook Stand is very adjustable and will work for almost any notebook, except maybe desktop replacement notebooks.  You can also adjust it to lie flat, so you can use it to support a projector or act as a dinner tray. 

StarTech USBVGA Dock Review

I’ve been a portable computer advocate for YEARS.  In fact, until my most recent job, every computer that I’ve used for work AND personal use over the last 12 years has been a laptop.  Personally, aside from a cost perspective and justification, I don’t know why corporations continue to buy desktop computers.  Laptop/portable computers tend to make a workforce more productive, and more efficient. When I got my MacBook Pro in 2006, the one big problem that I thought I saw with it was the lack of a docking station for it.  While its nice that its pretty much a…

Hauppauge HD PVR Model 1212 Review

Would you like to record video from HDTV without having any DRM(Digital Rights Management)?  If so, the Hauppauge HD PVR may be for you. Similar in size to the Mac Mini, the HD PVR is a small and light box.  In the front, you have a SVideo, Composite Video, Left and Right Audio for connectors.

Reviewed: Tom Bihn Organizer Pouches

It never fails that when I pack my gear, there are always small items which will sift to the bottom of my bag’s cavernous pockets. This doesn’t even take into account all of the times when I have needed a particular something, and no matter how neatly I thought I had it packed, I couldn’t find it when it was time. Well, no more. Tom Bihn makes a variety of Organizer Pouches, and I think that it would be safe to assume that there is something for everyone. Let’s take a look… Cordura Organizer Pouches

Mommy Toolbox’s Carabean Review

Every mom carries around a basic toolbox, whether it be stowed in her diaper bag or purse. The child’s age will dictate what gear must be carried, whether it’s bottles, binkies and rattles, or tissues, snack money and aspirin. The cleverly named company, Mommy Toolbox, has created a line of products meant to make mom’s (and dad’s) lives easier; their first product is the Carabean, a lead-free rubbery paint coated aluminum clip that can function as a much needed third or fourth hand. Packaged in pairs, I was sent a set in black licorice; they are also available in buttercup…

MOO Business Cards: MOO MiniCards Grow Up

Remember when MOO MiniCards hit the scene in late 2006? Everyone on the internet thought they were the cutest thing since…I don’t know what, and many of us ordered sets to keep, trade, or even use as business cards. The deal was that you could access your Flickr account and use up to 100 different photos to decorate the back of each custom card, although another option was that you could also go with just a single favorite photo or multiples of different photos. The front could hold traditional business card information, although you certainly didn’t have to be so…

The Tom Bihn Guardian Dual Function Light Review

There are so many good reasons why you might be interested in getting a clip-on safety light; perhaps because you ride a bike at night, or you walk in darker areas, or simply because you need a way to look inside a big gear bag in a darkened room. The story goes that Tom Bihn spent three months searching for a light that would meet his expectations, and the result of that search was the Guardian Dual Function Light. Make no mistake about it, this is no cheap flasher that will break after a few uses; the Guardian Dual Function…

The Tom Bihn Yarn Stuff Sack Review

Don’t let the name of Tom Bihn’s Yarn Stuff Sack throw you off. While it’s true that this Japanese-made Dyneema rip-stop fabric bag was created to work perfectly with their Swift knitting bag, this approximately 9.5″ wide x 8.25″ tall drawstring bag can also manage all sorts of loose gadget peripherals. Let’s take a look…

The Ultimate Receipt Organizer? A Review of The Neat Receipts Scanner

I travel. A lot. While I’m sure that some of you reading this travel more than I, by then end of 2008 I fully expect to have covered well over 75,000 airline miles this year. The fact that I’m writing this review from the comfort of my townhome is, well, rare? Most of the reviews that I write both for Gear Diary and Clinton Fitch (Dot) Com! are written from hotel rooms… but I digress. You get the point. As you can imagine, with as much travel as I do, receipts – and more specifically receipt management – can be…

Review: Myvu Crystal 701 Personal Media Viewer

Even though the screen is small, I enjoy watching video on my iPhone and iPod Touch. No, it will never match the experience of watching a movie on a 50 inch hi-definition LCD, but it is more than merely functional- it is a pleasant experience. I’ve had my eye on Myvu’s various offerings for some time, watching carefully as each new one was released. I have wondered if they really worked.  And, assuming they did work, wondered whether the experience of watching video through Myvu would be that much better than viewing on my iPhone. So, when the opportunity to…

Review: Wicked Lasers Executive Series

Sure we’ve all seen laser pointers; they are a favorite for playing tricks on people, playing with your pets at home and even for pointing out details during a presentation.  However, not all laser pointers are created as equals, and I am here to say that Wicked Lasers have NO parallel in the laser pointer arena.  Wicked Lasers are huge step above any laser pointer I have ever seen; in fact, what they create are not just laser pointers, but a tool that can be used in various situations. I was sent the 95mW version of the Executive Series direct…

Review: Stereo Bluetooth Headset from USB Fever

USB Fever also sent me a Bluetooth headset.  Is it as good as my Insignia headset?  How does it stand up to the Jaybird?  We’ll find out! The USB Fever Stereo headset is a simple affair; it wraps around the back of your head like a lot of Bluetooth headsets do.  Initially, I had to struggle to get these on.  It’s a bit weird, as the cable which connects the two buds is springy: it kept springing out of my hand all of the time when I tried to put them on.  The upside is once they are on, this…

Review: Ted Baker Charging Kit from Proporta

I actually received Proporta’s Ted Baker Charging Kit by mistake when asking Proporta for the Gadget Bag.  I offered to review it for them, and they accepted! 😀  So, what makes this charging kit special?  Let’s take a look. According to Wikipedia, Ted Baker is a clothing store in the UK; they are known for applying twists to their products.  I have never been to the UK, but on the Ted Baker website I learned that they are a designer clothing company, and the wikipedia entry reveals that they have been coming to this side of the pond as well. …

DIY Mini Desktop Air Conditioner with Ice, a Burger Box and Small Fan

Yesterday here in Connecticut it was hazy, hot and humid. Then thundershowers passed through. Afterwards it was still – hazy, hot and humid. If you’re stuck in an enclosed space trying to fight the heat – check out this do it yourself mini-desktop air conditioner. It runs entirely on batteries and is fueled by ice. If you have a spare hamburg box, some ice and a small battery powered fan – you’re in business. More photos follow. Here’s your parts list: — Burger styrofoam box — A small exhaust pc brushless DC fan the thicker the width the better!!thin fans…

USBFever 2-in-One Car/Home 2 port USB Charger

The folks over at USB Fever are now offering a 2-in-one car/home charger for USB devices. The nice thing about this one is that it offers swappable adapters for the U.S./Japan, U.K., Australia/China, and Europe, as well as a standard 12v/24v car lighter connection able to charge 2 USB devices at once.

The La Fresh Tech Pack Review

When at home or in the office it’s generally not a problem to reach for the industrial size container of whatever cleaner you might need as situations occur. But when on the go, it is hardly ever practical to carry along samples of the various cleaning products you might wish for throughout the day. To the rescue comes La Fresh, with their Tech Pack. Let’s peek inside and see if this is something you might be willing to throw in your bag…