Car Gear

Autowit MiniCyclone Sucks up All the Mystery Crumbs in Your Car or Home!

If you have children, you know that they can magically bend the laws of physics. More specifically, they can take a small amount of something, say, 2 crackers, and turn it into a pile of crumbs that cover the interior of an average sedan. There’s always the car wash vacuum and using up all your laundry quarters, or there’s Autowit MiniCyclone.

The Anker Roav Bolt Will Add Google Assistant to Your Vehicle

Anker has just introduced the Roav Bolt, yet another of their cleverly crafted mobile accessories. The Roav Bolt is essentially a multipurpose car charger that is designed to bring Google’s Voice Assistant directly to your car, so you’ll no longer have to say “Hey Google” to your smartphone while driving.

HeartKey Can Be a Wellness Watchdog and a Car Key!

You know how spy movies try to show how technologically advanced they are by using retina scanners? Well, apparently they’re behind the curve because B-Secur is pushing their EKG technology, HeartKey, as the ultimate algorithm to identify you as well as make sure that lifetime addiction to Dunkin’ Donuts hasn’t caught up with you yet.

6 Cool Smart Gadgets for Your Car

Cars are getting smarter. They now regularly come with various internet-connected features, and the average car of today has the computing power of about 20 personal computers. Companies are also testing self-driving vehicles. But what if you drive an older model, and your car isn’t up to date with all the latest tech trends? Don’t worry — you can still make your car smart by adding after-market gadgets like the ones listed below. 1. Heads-Up Display Some modern vehicles come with a built-in heads-up display (HUD), which projects driving directions and other information in your field of vision. You can…

Kenu Airframe and Airbase Wireless Chargers Are Two for the Road

Qi Wireless charging is changing the technology landscape, cleaning up the clutter of cables and plugs. Makers of smartphones have been including this – dare I say – revolutionary technology for several years, and even automakers have gotten in on the act. For those who don’t have wireless charging capability in their vehicle, there is the Kenu Airframe Wireless and Airbase Wireless.

SureCall N-Range Uses ERT to Boost Your Cellular Signal on the Road

Have you ever held your phone up above your head (just a little higher!), hoping that the added height would improve your cell signal? No judgment; I think we’ve all tried it at least once… and then realized it doesn’t work. Something that actually will help you improve your in-car signal, though, is the SureCall N-Range cellphone signal booster.

Cybex Sirona M with SensorSafe 2.0: The Car Seat That Saves Lives

How many more stories are we going to read about parents forgetting about their sleeping child in the back seat? How many more senseless deaths are going to occur due to a 100% preventable situation? We all know that car seats save lives, but the Cybex Sirona M with SensorSafe 2.0 has developed the technology to take that pledge even further.

CISNO Portable Espresso Machine for Espresso Anywhere, Anytime

Do you love espresso or know someone who does and you wish you could have it anywhere, anytime? Look no further than the CISNO Portable Espresso Machine. This new gadget allows you to make espresso anywhere, whether it is in the office, stuck in traffic in your car, or at a remote campsite…voila, espresso!

iOttie’s New Car Mounts Makes Navigating a Bit Easier

If you own a vehicle and tend to use navigation apps in order to get where you’re going, chances are you need a car mount. But don’t go and buy one of those cheap ones from the gas station, get yourself one that is durable and serves multiple functions like these from iOttie.

Meet RapidX and Their Wide Range of “Products for Modern Life”

One of the coolest things about CES is getting to know new companies such as RapidX. They have two key products they are showing off this year, one for the home and the other for use in the car, and we thought it would be fun to take a quick look at both, as well as one additional RapidX product.

Belkin Is Showing off Some Great New Wireless Charging Products

Belkin, one of our favorite accessory companies, is showing off a host of new products at CES 2018. Among them are new wireless charging offerings, a new power bank and a power delivery wall charging collection. They all arrive this spring and summer. Here’s a quick rundown of some of what they will have on hand.